package muscle; import; import; import; import com.jgoodies.common.base.Objects; import; import repast.simphony.context.Context; import; import; import; import; import; import repast.simphony.dataLoader.ContextBuilder; import repast.simphony.engine.environment.RunEnvironment; import; import; import; import; import; import; public class muscleBuilder implements ContextBuilder { // Context builder builds a context. Context is a named set of agents. Building one = naming it and adding agents. // Projections take the agents in a Context and impose some sort of structure on them, such as continuousSpace and Grid. // This context will hold the fibroblasts, muscle cells, ecm, and satellite cells public static final int gridx = 150; // x dimension of abm grid public static final int gridy = 190; // y dimension of abm grid @Override public Context build(Context context) { context.setId("muscle"); // Create grid and continuous space for muscle context // Note: Grid size should be larger than the imported geometry GridFactory gridFactory = GridFactoryFinder.createGridFactory(null); Grid grid = gridFactory.createGrid("grid", context, new GridBuilderParameters(new StrictBorders(), new SimpleGridAdder(), true, gridx, gridy)); ContinuousSpaceFactory spaceFactory = ContinuousSpaceFactoryFinder.createContinuousSpaceFactory(null); ContinuousSpace space = spaceFactory.createContinuousSpace("space", context, new RandomCartesianAdder(), new, gridx, gridy); // Create a network NetworkBuilder netBuilder = new NetworkBuilder("fiber network", context, true); netBuilder.buildNetwork(); // use network builder to create the network, call buildnetwork to actually build the network // Read in a CSV file for the fiber and ecm agents: CSV File: xCoor, yCoor, Material Type (1 = border, 2 = ecm, 3 = fiber) try { readLineByLine(context, grid); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } // Add a single "InflamCell" to the context for solving for (int i = 0; i < 1; i++) { context.add(new InflamCell(grid, space)); } // Add a single "GrowthFactor" cell to the context for solving and printing data for (int i = 0; i < 1; i++) { context.add(new GrowthFactors(grid, space)); } // Set duration of simulation: RunEnvironment.getInstance().endAt(672); //RunEnvironment.getInstance().endAt(2160); return context; // return the muscle context } public static void readLineByLine(Context context, Grid grid) throws IOException { // Read in CSV file and convert it to the initial geometry read by the ABM // if disease state == 0 --> healthy String csvFilename = "healthy_histo.csv"; // If disease state- rename if (Fiber.diseaseState == 1){ csvFilename = "youngMDX_histo.csv"; } else if (Fiber.diseaseState == 2){ csvFilename = "adultMDX_histo.csv"; } else if (Fiber.diseaseState == 3){ csvFilename = "oldMDX_histo.csv"; } CSVReader csvReader = new CSVReader(new FileReader(csvFilename)); String[] row = null; while ((row = csvReader.readNext()) != null) { if (Objects.equals(row[2], "3")) { // type 3 = muscle; if muscle add a fiber Fiber fiber = new Fiber(grid, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0) ; context.add(fiber) ; grid.moveTo(fiber, Integer.parseInt(row[0]), Integer.parseInt(row[1])); } //if (Objects.equals(row[2], "1")) { // CTO paper if (Objects.equals(row[2], "2")) { // type 2 = ecm; if muscle add a fiber ECM ecm = new ECM(grid, 1.0, 0, 0) ; context.add(ecm) ; grid.moveTo(ecm, Integer.parseInt(row[0]), Integer.parseInt(row[1])); } } csvReader.close(); } }