
This site serves for dissemination of aeva and its use cases. aeva is a free and open source software for annotation and exchange of virtual anatomy. The use cases drive design and testing of aeva features and demonstrate various workflows that rely on virtual anatomy.

Representation of anatomy in a virtual form is at the heart of clinical decision making, biomedical research, and medical training. Virtual anatomy is not limited to description of geometry but also requires appropriate and efficient labeling of regions - to define spatial relationships and interactions between anatomical objects; effective strategies for pointwise operations - to define local properties, biological or otherwise; and support for diverse data formats and standards - to facilitate exchange between clinicians, scientists, engineers, and the general public. Development of aeva, a free and open source software package (library, user interfaces, extensions) capable of automated and interactive operations for virtual anatomy annotation and exchange, is in response to these currently unmet requirements. This site serves for aeva outreach, including dissemination the software and use cases. The use cases drive design and testing of aeva features and demonstrate various workflows that rely on virtual anatomy.

aeva downloads:
Downloads (https://simtk.org/frs/?group_id=1767)
Kitware data repository (https://data.kitware.com/#folder/5e7a4690af2e2eed356a17f2)

aeva documentation:
Guides and tutorials (https://aeva.readthedocs.io)

aeva videos:
Short instructions (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCubfUe40LXvBs86UyKci0Fw)

aeva source code:
Kitware source code repository (https://gitlab.kitware.com/aeva)

aeva forum:
Forums (https://simtk.org/plugins/phpBB/indexPhpbb.php?group_id=1767 )
