
This project aims to provide muscle classes that incorporate afferent feedback from muscle spindles and Golgi tendon organs. This feedback is calculated during the simulation, so it can potentially be used to provide afferent information to a controller.

License: Afferents

This project aims to provide muscle classes that incorporate afferent feedback from muscle spindles and Golgi tendon organs. This feedback is calculated during the simulation, so it can potentially be used to provide afferent information to a controller.

The current implementation is based on a Millard2012EquilibriumMuscle. This class is extended by the addition of objects implementing a model of the muscle spindle, and a model of the GTO. In addition to the C++ code for the muscle, spindle, and GTO classes, there are two custom Controller classes, an Analysis class, and a version of the TugOfWar model from the tutorials, which can be used for testing.

The spindle afferent model comes from: Mileusnic et al 2006 "Mathematical models of proprioceptors. I. Control and transduction in the muscle spindle" J Neurophysiol 96:1772-1788.
The GTO model is the one used in: Lin, Crago 2002 "Neural and mechanical contributions to the stretch reflex: A model synthesis" Ann Biomed Eng 30:54-67.
