
This project has two main aims:
1) To develop and validate a transtibial amputee model with representative mass, inertial, and muscular properties
2) To use this model to analyze collected gait data from transtibial amputees walking on a Biarticular Prosthesis prototype

License: Model & Geometry Files, Tutorial Data

Full details on both the amputee model and biarticular prosthesis can be found in Andrea Willson's Master's thesis (citation below). Components of this work have been submitted to the ASME Journal of Medical Devices, and additional manuscripts are in preparation (As of 10/31/2018).

Willson, A., & Aubin, Patrick M. (2017). A quasi-passive biarticular prosthesis and novel musculoskeletal model for transtibial amputees. Seattle: University of Washington.

