
Provide an easy and fast way to convert VICON motion capture data into OpenSim inputs

License: Lee-Son's toolbox (beta)

This toolbox converts VICON motion capture data into OpenSim inputs. Using this, you can easily and quickly obtain *.trc (marker trajectories) and *.mot (force plate data) files which can be used directly in OpenSim.
This toolbox automatically adapt to the number of markers, the name of markers, and the number of force plates that you used. Also, you can choose your VICON global coordinates.
This toolbox is free without warranty but we do ask for acknowledgement if used in publications. If you have any questions, please contact us by e-mail or public forums.


1) Lee-Son's toolbox: a toolbox that converts VICON motion capture data into OpenSim inputs
2) Some example data
3) A user manual

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