
Provides a image analysis application with GUI to generate finite element models from medical images.

License: MITK-GEM

An attempt to provide a software pipeline to interactively create finite element models from medical images. Primarily intended to model bone fracture risk.

An application with graphical user interface and image processing plugins is provided. The application is build using the MITK Workbench software framework. The following plugins are available: fast image segmentation using graph cut, volume meshing using tetgen and density to modulus conversion for bone material property assignment.

Documentation and tutorials are available on our tutorial website.

Along with pre-compiled executables available here, the source code is available on our github page.

The graph cut segmentation plugin and the material mapping plugin were developed as part of research studies.

If you use the software or source code in your research, please cite the corresponding journal publications.


Executables for Windows, MacOSX and Linux are available.

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