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2010-04-16 18:45
Submitted by:
Ayman Habib (aymanh)
Assigned to:
Nobody (None)
Tool enhancements ideas (on behalf of B.J. Fregly)

Detailed description
I have a few more thoughts about OpenSim functionality that would be really helpful to have, but I am not sure whether or not it exists. I am going to cc Scott and Sherm on this message so that they are aware of these functionality items:

1) Running “mixed” dynamics simulations through the GUI. The only options under the Tools menu are Inverse Dynamics and Forward Dynamics. Can I prescribe the motion for part of the model and numerically integrate the generalized coordinates for another part? If so, how can that be done?

2) Taking joint forces/moments from inverse dynamics and immediately inputting them to drive a forward dynamics simulation. It is not clear to me if/how this can be done in OpenSim from the GUI.

3) Taking muscle forces from static optimization and immediately inputting them to drive a forward dynamics simulation. It is not clear to me if/how this can be done in OpenSim from the GUI.

4) Allowing OpenSim models to have some joints driven by muscles and other joints driven by net joint forces/moments during a forward dynamics simulation. Maybe this is possible already, but it’s not clear to me how that would work.

5) Finding the static configuration of a model given known applied loads to the model. It would be nice to add a Static Analysis option to the Tools menu, especially now that contact models are available in OpenSim.

My guess is that these capabilities would be highly desirable by many people in the musculoskeletal modeling research community. Just thought I would pass along those comments while they are fresh in my mind.

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