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2011-07-27 09:10
Submitted by:
Joana Baptista (joanabaptista)
Assigned to:
Nobody (None)
Elastic Foudation contact model - Assign mesh

Detailed description

I've posted my question on the forum and Ayman advice me to make a bug report so I could get some help with my problem.
In attach I send my code, Cmakelist, and all the .vtp files and respective .obj files that I'm using.

For now, what we visualize in the GUI is just a leg and two parts of an orthosis, that are not in the right position or with the right features (inertia, mass, etc). I was just trying to visualize them and assign the respective meshes and then I will add them to my model.
So the code is simply a test and in this code, for now, I was just trying to assign the leg mesh (leg.obj).

My problem with all the three meshes is that everytime I try to create a 'contactmesh' with one of this three I receive an error saying 'Unknown exception' and I cannot create my .osim model.

Can anyone help me on this?

Best regards,

Joana Baptista

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Message  ↓
Date: 2012-03-28 20:22
Sender: Jennifer Hicks

We are working on cleaning up and organizing our bug list. Has this issue been

Best wishes,
Jen Hicks
OpenSim Project Manager

Size Name Date By Download
1.82 MiBOrtholeg.rar2011-07-27 09:10joanabaptistaOrtholeg.rar
Field Old Value Date By
File Added391: Ortholeg.rar2011-07-27 09:10joanabaptista