SmallMatrixMixed.h File Reference

Detailed Description

This file defines globals which use a mix of Vec, Row, and Mat types and hence need to wait until everything is defined.

Go to the source code of this file.


namespace  SimTK


template<int M, class E1, int S1, class E2, int S2>
CNT< typename CNT< E1 >::THerm
>::template Result< E2
SimTK::dot (const Vec< M, E1, S1 > &r, const Vec< M, E2, S2 > &v)
template<int N, class E1, int S1, class E2, int S2>
CNT< E1 >::template Result<
E2 >::Mul 
SimTK::operator * (const Row< N, E1, S1 > &r, const Vec< N, E2, S2 > &v)
template<int N, class E1, int S1, class E2, int S2>
CNT< E1 >::template Result<
E2 >::Mul 
SimTK::dot (const Row< N, E1, S1 > &r, const Vec< N, E2, S2 > &v)
template<int M, class E1, int S1, class E2, int S2>
CNT< E1 >::template Result<
E2 >::Mul 
SimTK::dot (const Vec< M, E1, S1 > &v, const Row< M, E2, S2 > &r)
template<int N, class E1, int S1, class E2, int S2>
CNT< E1 >::template Result<
E2 >::Mul 
SimTK::dot (const Row< N, E1, S1 > &r, const Row< N, E2, S2 > &s)
template<int M, class E1, int S1, class E2, int S2>
Mat< M, M, typename CNT< E1
>::template Result< typename
CNT< E2 >::THerm >::Mul > 
SimTK::outer (const Vec< M, E1, S1 > &v, const Vec< M, E2, S2 > &w)
template<int M, class E1, int S1, class E2, int S2>
Vec< M, E1, S1 >::template
Result< Row< M, E2, S2
> >::Mul 
SimTK::operator * (const Vec< M, E1, S1 > &v, const Row< M, E2, S2 > &r)
template<int M, class E1, int S1, class E2, int S2>
Mat< M, M, typename CNT< E1
>::template Result< E2
>::Mul > 
SimTK::outer (const Vec< M, E1, S1 > &v, const Row< M, E2, S2 > &r)
template<int M, class E1, int S1, class E2, int S2>
Mat< M, M, typename CNT< E1
>::template Result< E2
>::Mul > 
SimTK::outer (const Row< M, E1, S1 > &r, const Vec< M, E2, S2 > &v)
template<int M, class E1, int S1, class E2, int S2>
Mat< M, M, typename CNT< E1
>::template Result< E2
>::Mul > 
SimTK::outer (const Row< M, E1, S1 > &r, const Row< M, E2, S2 > &s)
template<int M, int N, class ME, int CS, int RS, class E, int S>
Mat< M, N, ME, CS, RS >::template
Result< Vec< N, E, S
> >::Mul 
SimTK::operator * (const Mat< M, N, ME, CS, RS > &m, const Vec< N, E, S > &v)
template<int M, class E, int S, int N, class ME, int CS, int RS>
Row< M, E, S >::template Result<
Mat< M, N, ME, CS, RS
> >::Mul 
SimTK::operator * (const Row< M, E, S > &r, const Mat< M, N, ME, CS, RS > &m)
template<int M, class E1, int S1, int N, class E2, int S2>
Vec< M, E1, S1 >::template
Result< Row< N, E2, S2
> >::MulNon 
SimTK::operator * (const Vec< M, E1, S1 > &v, const Row< N, E2, S2 > &r)
template<int M, class E1, int S1, int MM, int NN, class E2, int CS2, int RS2>
Vec< M, E1, S1 >::template
Result< Mat< MM, NN, E2, CS2,
RS2 > >::MulNon 
SimTK::operator * (const Vec< M, E1, S1 > &v, const Mat< MM, NN, E2, CS2, RS2 > &m)
template<int M, class E1, int S1, int MM, class E2, int RS2>
Vec< M, E1, S1 >::template
Result< SymMat< MM, E2, RS2
> >::MulNon 
SimTK::operator * (const Vec< M, E1, S1 > &v, const SymMat< MM, E2, RS2 > &m)
template<int M, class E1, int S1, int MM, class E2, int S2>
Vec< M, E1, S1 >::template
Result< Vec< MM, E2, S2
> >::MulNon 
SimTK::operator * (const Vec< M, E1, S1 > &v1, const Vec< MM, E2, S2 > &v2)
template<int M, class E, int S, int MM, int NN, class ME, int CS, int RS>
Row< M, E, S >::template Result<
Mat< MM, NN, ME, CS, RS
> >::MulNon 
SimTK::operator * (const Row< M, E, S > &r, const Mat< MM, NN, ME, CS, RS > &m)
template<int N, class E1, int S1, int M, class E2, int S2>
Row< N, E1, S1 >::template
Result< Vec< M, E2, S2
> >::MulNon 
SimTK::operator * (const Row< N, E1, S1 > &r, const Vec< M, E2, S2 > &v)
template<int N1, class E1, int S1, int N2, class E2, int S2>
Row< N1, E1, S1 >::template
Result< Row< N2, E2, S2
> >::MulNon 
SimTK::operator * (const Row< N1, E1, S1 > &r1, const Row< N2, E2, S2 > &r2)
template<int M, int N, class ME, int CS, int RS, int MM, class E, int S>
Mat< M, N, ME, CS, RS >::template
Result< Vec< MM, E, S
> >::MulNon 
SimTK::operator * (const Mat< M, N, ME, CS, RS > &m, const Vec< MM, E, S > &v)
template<int M, int N, class ME, int CS, int RS, int NN, class E, int S>
Mat< M, N, ME, CS, RS >::template
Result< Row< NN, E, S
> >::MulNon 
SimTK::operator * (const Mat< M, N, ME, CS, RS > &m, const Row< NN, E, S > &r)
template<int M, int N, class ME, int CS, int RS, int Dim, class E, int S>
Mat< M, N, ME, CS, RS >::template
Result< SymMat< Dim, E, S
> >::MulNon 
SimTK::operator * (const Mat< M, N, ME, CS, RS > &m, const SymMat< Dim, E, S > &sy)
template<class E1, int S1, class E2, int S2>
Vec< 3, typename CNT< E1
>::template Result< E2
>::Mul > 
SimTK::cross (const Vec< 3, E1, S1 > &a, const Vec< 3, E2, S2 > &b)
template<class E1, int S1, class E2, int S2>
Vec< 3, typename CNT< E1
>::template Result< E2
>::Mul > 
SimTK::operator% (const Vec< 3, E1, S1 > &a, const Vec< 3, E2, S2 > &b)
template<class E1, int S1, class E2, int S2>
Row< 3, typename CNT< E1
>::template Result< E2
>::Mul > 
SimTK::cross (const Vec< 3, E1, S1 > &a, const Row< 3, E2, S2 > &b)
template<class E1, int S1, class E2, int S2>
Row< 3, typename CNT< E1
>::template Result< E2
>::Mul > 
SimTK::operator% (const Vec< 3, E1, S1 > &a, const Row< 3, E2, S2 > &b)
template<class E1, int S1, class E2, int S2>
Row< 3, typename CNT< E1
>::template Result< E2
>::Mul > 
SimTK::cross (const Row< 3, E1, S1 > &a, const Vec< 3, E2, S2 > &b)
template<class E1, int S1, class E2, int S2>
Row< 3, typename CNT< E1
>::template Result< E2
>::Mul > 
SimTK::operator% (const Row< 3, E1, S1 > &a, const Vec< 3, E2, S2 > &b)
template<class E1, int S1, class E2, int S2>
Row< 3, typename CNT< E1
>::template Result< E2
>::Mul > 
SimTK::cross (const Row< 3, E1, S1 > &a, const Row< 3, E2, S2 > &b)
template<class E1, int S1, class E2, int S2>
Row< 3, typename CNT< E1
>::template Result< E2
>::Mul > 
SimTK::operator% (const Row< 3, E1, S1 > &a, const Row< 3, E2, S2 > &b)
template<class E1, int S1, class E2, int S2>
CNT< E1 >::template Result<
E2 >::Mul 
SimTK::cross (const Vec< 2, E1, S1 > &a, const Vec< 2, E2, S2 > &b)
template<class E1, int S1, class E2, int S2>
CNT< E1 >::template Result<
E2 >::Mul 
SimTK::operator% (const Vec< 2, E1, S1 > &a, const Vec< 2, E2, S2 > &b)
template<class E1, int S1, class E2, int S2>
CNT< E1 >::template Result<
E2 >::Mul 
SimTK::cross (const Row< 2, E1, S1 > &a, const Vec< 2, E2, S2 > &b)
template<class E1, int S1, class E2, int S2>
CNT< E1 >::template Result<
E2 >::Mul 
SimTK::operator% (const Row< 2, E1, S1 > &a, const Vec< 2, E2, S2 > &b)
template<class E1, int S1, class E2, int S2>
CNT< E1 >::template Result<
E2 >::Mul 
SimTK::cross (const Vec< 2, E1, S1 > &a, const Row< 2, E2, S2 > &b)
template<class E1, int S1, class E2, int S2>
CNT< E1 >::template Result<
E2 >::Mul 
SimTK::operator% (const Vec< 2, E1, S1 > &a, const Row< 2, E2, S2 > &b)
template<class E1, int S1, class E2, int S2>
CNT< E1 >::template Result<
E2 >::Mul 
SimTK::cross (const Row< 2, E1, S1 > &a, const Row< 2, E2, S2 > &b)
template<class E1, int S1, class E2, int S2>
CNT< E1 >::template Result<
E2 >::Mul 
SimTK::operator% (const Row< 2, E1, S1 > &a, const Row< 2, E2, S2 > &b)
template<class E, int S>
Mat< 3, 3, E > SimTK::crossMat (const Vec< 3, E, S > &v)
template<class E, int S>
Mat< 3, 3, E > SimTK::crossMat (const Row< 3, E, S > &r)
template<class E, int S>
Row< 2, E > SimTK::crossMat (const Vec< 2, E, S > &v)
template<class E, int S>
Row< 2, E > SimTK::crossMat (const Row< 2, E, S > &r)

Generated on Thu Feb 28 01:34:34 2008 for SimTKcommon by  doxygen 1.4.7