SimTK Namespace Reference

Detailed Description

This template defines a standard interface for objects that calculate a function based on a System and State.


class  MatrixBase
 Variable-size 2d matrix of Composite Numerical Type (ELT) elements. More...
class  VectorBase
 This is a dataless rehash of the MatrixBase class to specialize it for Vectors. More...
class  RowVectorBase
 This is a dataless rehash of the MatrixBase class to specialize it for RowVectors. More...
class  TmpMatrixView_
 XXX not ready for prime time. More...
class  MatrixView_
 This class is identical to a Matrix_; it is used only to manage the C++ rules for when copy constructors are called by introducing a separate type to prevent certain allowed optimizations from occuring when we don't want them. More...
class  Matrix_
 This is the class intended to appear in user code. More...
class  VectorView_
class  TmpVectorViewT
 XXX not ready for prime time. More...
class  Vector_
class  RowVectorView_
class  TmpRowVectorView_
 XXX not ready for prime time. More...
class  RowVector_
class  MatrixShape
class  MatrixSize
class  MatrixStructure
class  MatrixSparsity
class  MatrixStorage
class  MatrixCondition
class  VectorIterator
 This is an iterator for iterating over the elements of a matrix. More...
class  MatrixStructures
 Class of enums used to communicate various attributes of matrices that affect which alogrithms are used for factoring, solving etc. More...
class  MatrixShapes
class  MatrixSparseFormats
class  MatrixStorageFormats
class  MatrixConditions
class  MatrixHelper
class  AnalyticGeometry
 This abstract class represents a piece of high-quality geometry that can be used for valid physical simulation. More...
class  AnalyticCurve
class  AnalyticSurface
class  AnalyticVolume
class  AnalyticLine
 An analytic line has only a length. More...
class  AnalyticCircle
 An analytic circle has only a radius. More...
class  AnalyticSphere
class  AnalyticCylinder
 The coordinate frame of the central cross section is the same as for a circle; that is, x and z are radial and y points along the cylinder's axis. More...
class  AnalyticBrick
 This is a rectangular solid. More...
class  DecorativeGeometry
 This is an abstract handle class using the PIMPL design pattern to hide the private implementation. More...
class  DecorativeLine
 A line between two points. More...
class  DecorativeCircle
 This defines a circle in the x-y plane, centered at the origin. More...
class  DecorativeSphere
 This defines a sphere centered at the origin. More...
class  DecorativeEllipsoid
 This defines an ellipsoidal solid centered at the origin and aligned with the local frame axes. More...
class  DecorativeBrick
 This defines a rectangular solid centered at the origin and aligned with the local frame axes. More...
class  DecorativeCylinder
 This defines a cylinder centered on the origin and aligned in the y direction. More...
class  DecorativeFrame
 This defines geometry to represent a coordinate frame. More...
class  DecorativeText
 This defines a text label with its base at the origin. More...
class  DecorativeGeometryImplementation
 Use this abstract class to connect your implementation of decorative geometry to the implementation-independent classes above. More...
class  ArrayBase
class  ArrayView
 This class is a duplicate of Array and can be cast to an Array with no harm. More...
class  Array
 Container class like std::vector<T> but with hidden implementation. More...
class  Concretize
 Wrap a pointer to an abstract base class in a way that makes it behave like a concrete class (sometimes called a "ClonePtr"). More...
class  Enumeration
 This class defines an enumerated type. More...
class  EnumerationSet
 This class provides an efficient implementation of a set for storing values of an enumerated type defined with Enumeration. More...
class  ListBase
class  ListBase< T * >
class  ListView
 ListView is a 'dummy' class which is completely interchangeable with List. More...
class  List
 Container class with hidden implementation. More...
class  PIMPLHandle
 This class provides some infrastructure useful in making SimTK Private Implementation (PIMPL) classes. More...
class  PIMPLDerivedHandle
 This class is the parent of derived handle classes. More...
class  PIMPLImplementation
 This class provides some infrastructure useful in creating PIMPL Implementation classes (the ones referred to by Handles). More...
class  StableArray
 StableArray<T> is like std::vector<T> but more stable in two ways:
  • the addresses of the inserted items never change, even if the array has to be resized, and
  • the index of an inserted item never changes either.
class  String
 SimTK::String is just an std::string with some additional methods defined. More...
class  UserFunction
class  AbstractValue
 Abstract base class representing an arbitrary value of self-describing type. More...
class  ValueHelper
 Templatized version of the abstract class, providing generic type-specific functionality that does not require specialization. More...
class  Value
 A particular kind of AbstractValue, with automatic converstion to the underlying type. More...
class  Lapack
class  CoordinateAxis
class  Inertia
 The physical meaning of an inertia is the distribution of a rigid body's mass about a *particular* point. More...
class  MassProperties
 This class contains the mass, center of mass, and inertia of a rigid body B. More...
class  Quaternion
 A Quaternion is a Vec4 with the following behavior:
  • its length is always 1 (or else it is all NaN)
  • it is equivalent to an angle/axis rotation for angle a, axis unit vector v, as: q = [ cos(a/2) sin(a/2)*v ] A quaternion is in "canonical form" when its first element is nonnegative.
class  Rotation
 The Rotation class is a Mat33 that guarantees that the matrix is a legitimate 3x3 array associated with the relative orientation of two right-handed, orthogonal, unit vector bases. More...
class  InverseRotation
 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- This InverseRotation class is the inverse of a Rotation See the Rotation class for information. More...
class  PhiMatrix
class  PhiMatrixTranspose
class  Transform
 This class represents the rotate-and-shift transform which gives the location and orientation of a new frame F in a base (reference) frame B. More...
class  InverseTransform
 Transform from frame B to frame F, but with the internal representation inverted. More...
class  UnitVec
 This class is a Vec3 plus an ironclad guarantee either that:
  • the length is one (to within a very small tolerance), or
  • all components are NaN.
class  UnitRow
 This type is used for the transpose of UnitVec, and as the returned row type of a Rotation. More...
class  PolynomialRootFinder
 This class provides static methods for finding the roots of polynomials. More...
class  Random
 This class defines the interface for pseudo-random number generators. More...
class  CNT
 Specialized information about Composite Numerical Types which allows us to define appropriate templatized classes using them. More...
struct  Wider
struct  Wider< float, float >
struct  Wider< float, double >
struct  Wider< double, float >
struct  Wider< double, double >
struct  Wider< float, long double >
struct  Wider< double, long double >
struct  Wider< long double, float >
struct  Wider< long double, double >
struct  Wider< long double, long double >
class  conjugate
 SimTK::conjugate<R> should be instantiated only for float, double, long double. More...
class  conjugate< float >
class  conjugate< double >
class  conjugate< long double >
class  negator
 negator<N>, where N is a number type (real, complex, conjugate), is represented in memory identically to N, but behaves as though multiplied by -1, though at zero cost. More...
struct  Widest
struct  Widest< float, float >
struct  Widest< float, double >
struct  Widest< float, long double >
struct  Widest< double, float >
struct  Widest< double, double >
struct  Widest< double, long double >
struct  Widest< long double, float >
struct  Widest< long double, double >
struct  Widest< long double, long double >
struct  Widest< complex< R1 >, complex< R2 > >
struct  Widest< complex< R1 >, R2 >
struct  Widest< R1, complex< R2 > >
class  NTraits
class  NTraits< complex< R > >
 Partial specialization for complex numbers -- underlying real R is still a template parameter. More...
class  NTraits< conjugate< R > >
class  CNT< complex< R > >
 Specializations of CNT for numeric types. More...
class  CNT< conjugate< R > >
class  CNT< float >
class  CNT< double >
class  CNT< long double >
class  EventHandler
 An EventHandler is an object that defines an event that can occur within a system. More...
class  ScheduledEventHandler
 ScheduledEventHandler is a subclass of EventHandler for events that occur at a particular time that is known in advance. More...
class  TriggeredEventHandler
 TriggeredEventHandler is a subclass of EventHandler for events that occur when some condition is satisfied within the system. More...
class  PeriodicEventHandler
 PeriodicEventHandler is a subclass of ScheduledEventHandler which generates a series of uniformly spaced events at regular intervals. More...
class  EventReporter
 An EventReporter is an object that defines an event that can occur within a system. More...
class  ScheduledEventReporter
 ScheduledEventReporter is a subclass of EventReporter for events that occur at a particular time that is known in advance. More...
class  TriggeredEventReporter
 TriggeredEventReporter is a subclass of EventReporter for events that occur when some condition is satisfied within the system. More...
class  PeriodicEventReporter
 PeriodicEventReporter is a subclass of ScheduledEventReporter which generates a series of uniformly spaced events at regular intervals. More...
class  Stage
 This class is basically a glorified enumerated type, type-safe and range checked but permitting convenient (if limited) arithmetic. More...
class  CacheEntry
class  EventStatus
class  State
 This is the handle class for the hidden State implementation. More...
class  Study
 The handle class which serves as the abstract parent of all Studies. More...
class  Subsystem
 The abstract parent of all Subsystems. More...
class  DefaultSystemSubsystem
 This is a concrete Subsystem that is part of every System. More...
class  Mat
 CS is total spacing between columns in memory (default M) RS is total spacing between rows in memory (default 1). More...
class  Row
 Generic Row. More...
class  SymMat
 RS is total spacing between rows in memory (default 1). More...
class  Vec
 Generic Vec. More...


namespace  Exception
namespace  System
template<class E>
Vector_< E > operator * (const Transform &T, const VectorBase< E > &v)
 Multiplying a matrix or vector by a Transform applies it to each element individually.
template<class E>
Vector_< E > operator * (const VectorBase< E > &v, const Transform &T)
 Multiplying a matrix or vector by a Transform applies it to each element individually.
template<class E>
RowVector_< E > operator * (const Transform &T, const RowVectorBase< E > &v)
 Multiplying a matrix or vector by a Transform applies it to each element individually.
template<class E>
RowVector_< E > operator * (const RowVectorBase< E > &v, const Transform &T)
 Multiplying a matrix or vector by a Transform applies it to each element individually.
template<class E>
Matrix_< E > operator * (const Transform &T, const MatrixBase< E > &v)
 Multiplying a matrix or vector by a Transform applies it to each element individually.
template<class E>
Matrix_< E > operator * (const MatrixBase< E > &v, const Transform &T)
 Multiplying a matrix or vector by a Transform applies it to each element individually.
template<int N, class E>
Vec< N, E > operator * (const Transform &T, const Vec< N, E > &v)
 Multiplying a matrix or vector by a Transform applies it to each element individually.
template<int N, class E>
Vec< N, E > operator * (const Vec< N, E > &v, const Transform &T)
 Multiplying a matrix or vector by a Transform applies it to each element individually.
template<int N, class E>
Row< N, E > operator * (const Transform &T, const Row< N, E > &v)
 Multiplying a matrix or vector by a Transform applies it to each element individually.
template<int N, class E>
Row< N, E > operator * (const Row< N, E > &v, const Transform &T)
 Multiplying a matrix or vector by a Transform applies it to each element individually.
template<int M, int N, class E>
Mat< M, N, E > operator * (const Transform &T, const Mat< M, N, E > &v)
 Multiplying a matrix or vector by a Transform applies it to each element individually.
template<int M, int N, class E>
Mat< M, N, E > operator * (const Mat< M, N, E > &v, const Transform &T)
 Multiplying a matrix or vector by a Transform applies it to each element individually.


typedef Vector_< Real > Vector
typedef Vector_< Complex > ComplexVector
typedef VectorView_< Real > VectorView
typedef VectorView_< Complex > ComplexVectorView
typedef RowVector_< Real > RowVector
typedef RowVector_< Complex > ComplexRowVector
typedef RowVectorView_< Real > RowVectorView
typedef RowVectorView_< Complex > ComplexRowVectorView
typedef Matrix_< Real > Matrix
typedef Matrix_< Complex > ComplexMatrix
typedef MatrixView_< Real > MatrixView
typedef MatrixView_< Complex > ComplexMatrixView
typedef Mat< 2, 2, Mat33SpatialMat
typedef Vec< 2, Vec3SpatialVec
typedef Row< 2, Row3SpatialRow
typedef Mat< 2, 2, Mat33SpatialMat
typedef Vec< 2, Vec3SpatialVec
typedef Row< 2, Row3SpatialRow
typedef Mat< 2, 2, Mat33SpatialMat
typedef UnitVec< 1 > UnitVec3
typedef conjugate< Real > Conjugate
typedef Vec< 1 > Vec1
typedef Vec< 2 > Vec2
typedef Vec< 3 > Vec3
typedef Vec< 4 > Vec4
typedef Vec< 5 > Vec5
typedef Vec< 6 > Vec6
typedef Vec< 7 > Vec7
typedef Vec< 8 > Vec8
typedef Vec< 9 > Vec9
typedef Row< 1 > Row1
typedef Row< 2 > Row2
typedef Row< 3 > Row3
typedef Row< 4 > Row4
typedef Row< 5 > Row5
typedef Row< 6 > Row6
typedef Row< 7 > Row7
typedef Row< 8 > Row8
typedef Row< 9 > Row9
typedef SymMat< 1 > SymMat11
typedef SymMat< 2 > SymMat22
typedef SymMat< 3 > SymMat33
typedef SymMat< 4 > SymMat44
typedef SymMat< 5 > SymMat55
typedef SymMat< 6 > SymMat66
typedef SymMat< 7 > SymMat77
typedef SymMat< 8 > SymMat88
typedef SymMat< 9 > SymMat99
typedef Mat< 1, 1 > Mat11
typedef Mat< 1, 2 > Mat12
typedef Mat< 1, 3 > Mat13
typedef Mat< 1, 4 > Mat14
typedef Mat< 1, 5 > Mat15
typedef Mat< 1, 6 > Mat16
typedef Mat< 1, 7 > Mat17
typedef Mat< 1, 8 > Mat18
typedef Mat< 1, 9 > Mat19
typedef Mat< 2, 1 > Mat21
typedef Mat< 2, 2 > Mat22
typedef Mat< 2, 3 > Mat23
typedef Mat< 2, 4 > Mat24
typedef Mat< 2, 5 > Mat25
typedef Mat< 2, 6 > Mat26
typedef Mat< 2, 7 > Mat27
typedef Mat< 2, 8 > Mat28
typedef Mat< 2, 9 > Mat29
typedef Mat< 3, 1 > Mat31
typedef Mat< 3, 2 > Mat32
typedef Mat< 3, 3 > Mat33
typedef Mat< 3, 4 > Mat34
typedef Mat< 3, 5 > Mat35
typedef Mat< 3, 6 > Mat36
typedef Mat< 3, 7 > Mat37
typedef Mat< 3, 8 > Mat38
typedef Mat< 3, 9 > Mat39
typedef Mat< 4, 1 > Mat41
typedef Mat< 4, 2 > Mat42
typedef Mat< 4, 3 > Mat43
typedef Mat< 4, 4 > Mat44
typedef Mat< 4, 5 > Mat45
typedef Mat< 4, 6 > Mat46
typedef Mat< 4, 7 > Mat47
typedef Mat< 4, 8 > Mat48
typedef Mat< 4, 9 > Mat49
typedef Mat< 5, 1 > Mat51
typedef Mat< 5, 2 > Mat52
typedef Mat< 5, 3 > Mat53
typedef Mat< 5, 4 > Mat54
typedef Mat< 5, 5 > Mat55
typedef Mat< 5, 6 > Mat56
typedef Mat< 5, 7 > Mat57
typedef Mat< 5, 8 > Mat58
typedef Mat< 5, 9 > Mat59
typedef Mat< 6, 1 > Mat61
typedef Mat< 6, 2 > Mat62
typedef Mat< 6, 3 > Mat63
typedef Mat< 6, 4 > Mat64
typedef Mat< 6, 5 > Mat65
typedef Mat< 6, 6 > Mat66
typedef Mat< 6, 7 > Mat67
typedef Mat< 6, 8 > Mat68
typedef Mat< 6, 9 > Mat69
typedef Mat< 7, 1 > Mat71
typedef Mat< 7, 2 > Mat72
typedef Mat< 7, 3 > Mat73
typedef Mat< 7, 4 > Mat74
typedef Mat< 7, 5 > Mat75
typedef Mat< 7, 6 > Mat76
typedef Mat< 7, 7 > Mat77
typedef Mat< 7, 8 > Mat78
typedef Mat< 7, 9 > Mat79
typedef Mat< 8, 1 > Mat81
typedef Mat< 8, 2 > Mat82
typedef Mat< 8, 3 > Mat83
typedef Mat< 8, 4 > Mat84
typedef Mat< 8, 5 > Mat85
typedef Mat< 8, 6 > Mat86
typedef Mat< 8, 7 > Mat87
typedef Mat< 8, 8 > Mat88
typedef Mat< 8, 9 > Mat89
typedef Mat< 9, 1 > Mat91
typedef Mat< 9, 2 > Mat92
typedef Mat< 9, 3 > Mat93
typedef Mat< 9, 4 > Mat94
typedef Mat< 9, 5 > Mat95
typedef Mat< 9, 6 > Mat96
typedef Mat< 9, 7 > Mat97
typedef Mat< 9, 8 > Mat98
typedef Mat< 9, 9 > Mat99


enum  BodyOrSpaceType { BodyRotationSequence = 0, SpaceRotationSequence = 1 }
enum  {


template<class E1, class E2>
Matrix_< typename CNT< E1
>::template Result< E2
>::Add > 
operator+ (const MatrixBase< E1 > &l, const MatrixBase< E2 > &r)
template<class E>
Matrix_< E > operator+ (const MatrixBase< E > &l, const typename CNT< E >::T &r)
template<class E>
Matrix_< E > operator+ (const typename CNT< E >::T &l, const MatrixBase< E > &r)
template<class E1, class E2>
Matrix_< typename CNT< E1
>::template Result< E2
>::Sub > 
operator- (const MatrixBase< E1 > &l, const MatrixBase< E2 > &r)
template<class E>
Matrix_< E > operator- (const MatrixBase< E > &l, const typename CNT< E >::T &r)
template<class E>
Matrix_< E > operator- (const typename CNT< E >::T &l, const MatrixBase< E > &r)
template<class E>
Matrix_< E > operator * (const MatrixBase< E > &l, const typename CNT< E >::StdNumber &r)
template<class E>
Matrix_< E > operator * (const typename CNT< E >::StdNumber &l, const MatrixBase< E > &r)
template<class E>
Matrix_< E > operator/ (const MatrixBase< E > &l, const typename CNT< E >::StdNumber &r)
template<class E1, class E2>
Vector_< typename CNT< E1
>::template Result< E2
>::Add > 
operator+ (const VectorBase< E1 > &l, const VectorBase< E2 > &r)
template<class E>
Vector_< E > operator+ (const VectorBase< E > &l, const typename CNT< E >::T &r)
template<class E>
Vector_< E > operator+ (const typename CNT< E >::T &l, const VectorBase< E > &r)
template<class E1, class E2>
Vector_< typename CNT< E1
>::template Result< E2
>::Sub > 
operator- (const VectorBase< E1 > &l, const VectorBase< E2 > &r)
template<class E>
Vector_< E > operator- (const VectorBase< E > &l, const typename CNT< E >::T &r)
template<class E>
Vector_< E > operator- (const typename CNT< E >::T &l, const VectorBase< E > &r)
template<class E>
Vector_< E > operator * (const VectorBase< E > &l, const typename CNT< E >::StdNumber &r)
template<class E>
Vector_< E > operator * (const typename CNT< E >::StdNumber &l, const VectorBase< E > &r)
template<class E>
Vector_< E > operator/ (const VectorBase< E > &l, const typename CNT< E >::StdNumber &r)
template<class E1, class E2>
RowVector_< typename CNT<
E1 >::template Result< E2
>::Add > 
operator+ (const RowVectorBase< E1 > &l, const RowVectorBase< E2 > &r)
template<class E>
RowVector_< E > operator+ (const RowVectorBase< E > &l, const typename CNT< E >::T &r)
template<class E>
RowVector_< E > operator+ (const typename CNT< E >::T &l, const RowVectorBase< E > &r)
template<class E1, class E2>
RowVector_< typename CNT<
E1 >::template Result< E2
>::Sub > 
operator- (const RowVectorBase< E1 > &l, const RowVectorBase< E2 > &r)
template<class E>
RowVector_< E > operator- (const RowVectorBase< E > &l, const typename CNT< E >::T &r)
template<class E>
RowVector_< E > operator- (const typename CNT< E >::T &l, const RowVectorBase< E > &r)
template<class E>
RowVector_< E > operator * (const RowVectorBase< E > &l, const typename CNT< E >::StdNumber &r)
template<class E>
RowVector_< E > operator * (const typename CNT< E >::StdNumber &l, const RowVectorBase< E > &r)
template<class E>
RowVector_< E > operator/ (const RowVectorBase< E > &l, const typename CNT< E >::StdNumber &r)
template<class E1, class E2>
CNT< E1 >::template Result<
E2 >::Mul 
operator * (const RowVectorBase< E1 > &r, const VectorBase< E2 > &v)
template<class E1, class E2>
Vector_< typename CNT< E1
>::template Result< E2
>::Mul > 
operator * (const MatrixBase< E1 > &m, const VectorBase< E2 > &v)
template<class E1, class E2>
Matrix_< typename CNT< E1
>::template Result< E2
>::Mul > 
operator * (const MatrixBase< E1 > &m1, const MatrixBase< E2 > &m2)
template<class T>
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &o, const VectorBase< T > &v)
template<class T>
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &o, const RowVectorBase< T > &v)
template<class T>
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &o, const MatrixBase< T > &m)
template<class T>
int findFirstOf (const Array< T > &a, const T &test)
 If the type T supports an "==" operator, you can instantiate this method to find the first element of an Array<T> which matches the supplied test element.
template<class T>
int findFirstOf (const ArrayView< T > &a, const T &test)
template<class T>
Array< int > findAllOf (const Array< T > &a, const T &test)
 If the type T supports an "==" operator, you can instantiate this method to find the indices of all elements of an Array<T> at which the elements match the supplied test element.
template<class T>
Array< int > findAllOf (const ArrayView< T > &a, const T &test)
template<class T>
bool contains (const Array< T > &a, const T &test)
 If the type T supports an "==" operator, you can instantiate this method to find out if an Array<T> contains a particular test element.
template<class T>
bool contains (const ArrayView< T > &a, const T &test)
template<class T>
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &s, const Array< T > &a)
template<class T>
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &s, const ArrayView< T > &a)
template<class T>
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &stream, const Enumeration< T > &value)
 SimTK_LIST_SPECIALIZE (signed char)
 SimTK_LIST_SPECIALIZE (unsigned char)
 SimTK_LIST_SPECIALIZE (std::complex< float >)
 SimTK_LIST_SPECIALIZE (std::complex< double >)
 SimTK_LIST_SPECIALIZE (std::complex< long double >)
template<class T>
int findFirstOf (const List< T > &l, const T &test)
 If the type T supports an "==" operator, you can instantiate this method to find the first element of an List<T> which matches the supplied test element.
template<class T>
int findFirstOf (const ListView< T > &lv, const T &test)
template<class T>
Array< int > findAllOf (const List< T > &l, const T &test)
 If the type T supports an "==" operator, you can instantiate this method to find the indices of all elements of an List<T> at which the elements match the supplied test element.
template<class T>
Array< int > findAllOf (const ListView< T > &lv, const T &test)
template<class T>
bool contains (const List< T > &l, const T &test)
 If the type T supports an "==" operator, you can instantiate this method to find out if an List<T> contains a particular test element.
template<class T>
bool contains (const ListView< T > &lv, const T &test)
template<class H, class IMPL, bool PTR>
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &o, const PIMPLHandle< H, IMPL, PTR > &h)
template<class HANDLE, class IMPL, bool PTR>
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &o, const PIMPLHandle< HANDLE, IMPL, PTR > &h)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &o, const AbstractValue &v)
template<class ELEM>
VectorBase< typename CNT<
ELEM >::TAbs > 
abs (const VectorBase< ELEM > v)
template<class ELEM>
RowVectorBase< typename CNT<
ELEM >::TAbs > 
abs (const RowVectorBase< ELEM > v)
template<class ELEM>
MatrixBase< typename CNT<
ELEM >::TAbs > 
abs (const MatrixBase< ELEM > v)
template<int N, class ELEM>
Vec< N, typename CNT< ELEM
>::TAbs > 
abs (const Vec< N, ELEM > v)
template<int N, class ELEM>
Row< N, typename CNT< ELEM
>::TAbs > 
abs (const Row< N, ELEM > v)
template<int M, int N, class ELEM>
Mat< M, N, typename CNT< ELEM
>::TAbs > 
abs (const Mat< M, N, ELEM > v)
template<int N, class ELEM>
SymMat< N, typename CNT< ELEM
>::TAbs > 
abs (const SymMat< N, ELEM > v)
template<class ELEM>
ELEM sum (const VectorBase< ELEM > v)
template<class ELEM>
ELEM sum (const RowVectorBase< ELEM > v)
template<class ELEM>
RowVectorBase< ELEM > sum (const MatrixBase< ELEM > v)
template<int N, class ELEM>
ELEM sum (const Vec< N, ELEM > v)
template<int N, class ELEM>
ELEM sum (const Row< N, ELEM > v)
template<int M, int N, class ELEM>
Row< N, ELEM > sum (const Mat< M, N, ELEM > v)
template<int N, class ELEM>
Row< N, ELEM > sum (const SymMat< N, ELEM > v)
template<class ELEM>
ELEM min (const VectorBase< ELEM > v)
template<class ELEM>
ELEM min (const RowVectorBase< ELEM > v)
template<class ELEM>
RowVectorBase< ELEM > min (const MatrixBase< ELEM > v)
template<int N, class ELEM>
ELEM min (const Vec< N, ELEM > v)
template<int N, class ELEM>
ELEM min (Row< N, ELEM > v)
template<int M, int N, class ELEM>
Row< N, ELEM > min (const Mat< M, N, ELEM > v)
template<int N, class ELEM>
Row< N, ELEM > min (SymMat< N, ELEM > v)
template<class ELEM>
ELEM max (const VectorBase< ELEM > v)
template<class ELEM>
ELEM max (const RowVectorBase< ELEM > v)
template<class ELEM>
RowVectorBase< ELEM > max (const MatrixBase< ELEM > v)
template<int N, class ELEM>
ELEM max (Vec< N, ELEM > v)
template<int N, class ELEM>
ELEM max (const Row< N, ELEM > v)
template<int M, int N, class ELEM>
Row< N, ELEM > max (const Mat< M, N, ELEM > v)
template<int N, class ELEM>
Row< N, ELEM > max (const SymMat< N, ELEM > v)
template<class ELEM>
ELEM mean (const VectorBase< ELEM > v)
template<class ELEM>
ELEM mean (const RowVectorBase< ELEM > v)
template<class ELEM>
RowVectorBase< ELEM > mean (const MatrixBase< ELEM > v)
template<int N, class ELEM>
ELEM mean (const Vec< N, ELEM > v)
template<int N, class ELEM>
ELEM mean (const Row< N, ELEM > v)
template<int M, int N, class ELEM>
Row< N, ELEM > mean (const Mat< M, N, ELEM > v)
template<int N, class ELEM>
Row< N, ELEM > mean (const SymMat< N, ELEM > v)
template<class ELEM>
VectorBase< ELEM > sort (const VectorBase< ELEM > v)
template<class ELEM>
RowVectorBase< ELEM > sort (const RowVectorBase< ELEM > v)
template<class ELEM>
MatrixBase< ELEM > sort (const MatrixBase< ELEM > v)
template<int N, class ELEM>
Vec< N, ELEM > sort (Vec< N, ELEM > v)
template<int N, class ELEM>
Row< N, ELEM > sort (Row< N, ELEM > v)
template<int M, int N, class ELEM>
Mat< M, N, ELEM > sort (Mat< M, N, ELEM > v)
template<int N, class ELEM>
Mat< N, N, ELEM > sort (const SymMat< N, ELEM > v)
template<class ELEM, class RandomAccessIterator>
ELEM median (RandomAccessIterator start, RandomAccessIterator end)
template<class ELEM>
ELEM median (const VectorBase< ELEM > v)
template<class ELEM>
ELEM median (const RowVectorBase< ELEM > v)
template<class ELEM>
RowVectorBase< ELEM > median (const MatrixBase< ELEM > v)
template<int N, class ELEM>
ELEM median (Vec< N, ELEM > v)
template<int N, class ELEM>
ELEM median (Row< N, ELEM > v)
template<int M, int N, class ELEM>
Row< N, ELEM > median (const Mat< M, N, ELEM > v)
template<int N, class ELEM>
Row< N, ELEM > median (const SymMat< N, ELEM > v)
void Lapack::gemm< std::complex< float > > (char transa, char transb, int m, int n, int k, const std::complex< float > &alpha, const std::complex< float > a[], int lda, const std::complex< float > b[], int ldb, const std::complex< float > &beta, std::complex< float > c[], int ldc)
void Lapack::gemm< std::complex< double > > (char transa, char transb, int m, int n, int k, const std::complex< double > &alpha, const std::complex< double > a[], int lda, const std::complex< double > b[], int ldb, const std::complex< double > &beta, std::complex< double > c[], int ldc)
Inertia operator+ (const Inertia &l, const Inertia &r)
Inertia operator- (const Inertia &l, const Inertia &r)
Inertia operator * (const Inertia &i, const Real &r)
Inertia operator * (const Real &r, const Inertia &i)
Vec3 operator * (const Inertia &i, const Vec3 &w)
Inertia operator/ (const Inertia &i, const Real &r)
bool operator== (const Inertia &i1, const Inertia &i2)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &o, const Inertia &)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &o, const MassProperties &)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &o, const Rotation &m)
template<int S>
UnitVec< 1 > operator * (const Rotation &R, const UnitVec< S > &v)
template<int S>
UnitRow< 1 > operator * (const UnitRow< S > &r, const Rotation &R)
template<int S>
UnitVec< 1 > operator * (const InverseRotation &R, const UnitVec< S > &v)
template<int S>
UnitRow< 1 > operator * (const UnitRow< S > &r, const InverseRotation &R)
Rotation operator * (const Rotation &R1, const Rotation &R2)
Rotation operator * (const Rotation &R1, const InverseRotation &R2)
Rotation operator * (const InverseRotation &R1, const Rotation &R2)
Rotation operator * (const InverseRotation &R1, const InverseRotation &R2)
Rotation operator/ (const Rotation &R1, const Rotation &R2)
Rotation operator/ (const Rotation &R1, const InverseRotation &R2)
Rotation operator/ (const InverseRotation &R1, const Rotation &R2)
Rotation operator/ (const InverseRotation &R1, const InverseRotation &R2)
PhiMatrixTranspose transpose (const PhiMatrix &phi)
PhiMatrixTranspose operator~ (const PhiMatrix &phi)
SpatialVec operator * (const PhiMatrix &phi, const SpatialVec &v)
SpatialMat operator * (const PhiMatrix &phi, const SpatialMat &m)
SpatialVec operator * (const PhiMatrixTranspose &phiT, const SpatialVec &v)
SpatialMat operator * (const SpatialMat::THerm &m, const PhiMatrixTranspose &phiT)
SpatialMat operator * (const SpatialMat &m, const PhiMatrixTranspose &phiT)
bool operator== (const PhiMatrix &p1, const PhiMatrix &p2)
bool operator== (const PhiMatrixTranspose &p1, const PhiMatrixTranspose &p2)
Vec3 operator * (const Transform &X_BF, const Vec3 &s_F)
 If we multiply a transform by a 3-vector, we treat it as though it had a 4th element "1" appended, that is, it is treated as a *station* rather than a *vector*.
Vec3 operator * (const InverseTransform &X_BF, const Vec3 &s_F)
Vec4 operator * (const Transform &X_BF, const Vec4 &a_F)
 If we multiply a transform by an augmented 4-vector, we use the 4th element to decide how to treat it.
Vec4 operator * (const InverseTransform &X_BF, const Vec4 &a_F)
Transform operator * (const Transform &X1, const Transform &X2)
Transform operator * (const Transform &X1, const InverseTransform &X2)
Transform operator * (const InverseTransform &X1, const Transform &X2)
Transform operator * (const InverseTransform &X1, const InverseTransform &X2)
bool operator== (const Transform &X1, const Transform &X2)
bool operator== (const InverseTransform &X1, const InverseTransform &X2)
bool operator== (const Transform &X1, const InverseTransform &X2)
bool operator== (const InverseTransform &X1, const Transform &X2)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &o, const Transform &)
complex< float > operator * (const complex< float > &c, int r)
complex< float > operator * (int r, const complex< float > &c)
complex< double > operator * (const complex< float > &c, const double &r)
complex< double > operator * (const double &r, const complex< float > &c)
complex< long double > operator * (const complex< float > &c, const long double &r)
complex< long double > operator * (const long double &r, const complex< float > &c)
complex< float > operator/ (const complex< float > &c, int r)
complex< float > operator/ (int r, const complex< float > &c)
complex< double > operator/ (const complex< float > &c, const double &r)
complex< double > operator/ (const double &r, const complex< float > &c)
complex< long double > operator/ (const complex< float > &c, const long double &r)
complex< long double > operator/ (const long double &r, const complex< float > &c)
complex< float > operator+ (const complex< float > &c, int r)
complex< float > operator+ (int r, const complex< float > &c)
complex< double > operator+ (const complex< float > &c, const double &r)
complex< double > operator+ (const double &r, const complex< float > &c)
complex< long double > operator+ (const complex< float > &c, const long double &r)
complex< long double > operator+ (const long double &r, const complex< float > &c)
complex< float > operator- (const complex< float > &c, int r)
complex< float > operator- (int r, const complex< float > &c)
complex< double > operator- (const complex< float > &c, const double &r)
complex< double > operator- (const double &r, const complex< float > &c)
complex< long double > operator- (const complex< float > &c, const long double &r)
complex< long double > operator- (const long double &r, const complex< float > &c)
complex< double > operator * (const complex< double > &c, int r)
complex< double > operator * (int r, const complex< double > &c)
complex< double > operator * (const complex< double > &c, const float &r)
complex< double > operator * (const float &r, const complex< double > &c)
complex< long double > operator * (const complex< double > &c, const long double &r)
complex< long double > operator * (const long double &r, const complex< double > &c)
complex< double > operator/ (const complex< double > &c, int r)
complex< double > operator/ (int r, const complex< double > &c)
complex< double > operator/ (const complex< double > &c, const float &r)
complex< double > operator/ (const float &r, const complex< double > &c)
complex< long double > operator/ (const complex< double > &c, const long double &r)
complex< long double > operator/ (const long double &r, const complex< double > &c)
complex< double > operator+ (const complex< double > &c, int r)
complex< double > operator+ (int r, const complex< double > &c)
complex< double > operator+ (const complex< double > &c, const float &r)
complex< double > operator+ (const float &r, const complex< double > &c)
complex< long double > operator+ (const complex< double > &c, const long double &r)
complex< long double > operator+ (const long double &r, const complex< double > &c)
complex< double > operator- (const complex< double > &c, int r)
complex< double > operator- (int r, const complex< double > &c)
complex< double > operator- (const complex< double > &c, const float &r)
complex< double > operator- (const float &r, const complex< double > &c)
complex< long double > operator- (const complex< double > &c, const long double &r)
complex< long double > operator- (const long double &r, const complex< double > &c)
complex< long double > operator * (const complex< long double > &c, int r)
complex< long double > operator * (int r, const complex< long double > &c)
complex< long double > operator * (const complex< long double > &c, const float &r)
complex< long double > operator * (const float &r, const complex< long double > &c)
complex< long double > operator * (const complex< long double > &c, const double &r)
complex< long double > operator * (const double &r, const complex< long double > &c)
complex< long double > operator/ (const complex< long double > &c, int r)
complex< long double > operator/ (int r, const complex< long double > &c)
complex< long double > operator/ (const complex< long double > &c, const float &r)
complex< long double > operator/ (const float &r, const complex< long double > &c)
complex< long double > operator/ (const complex< long double > &c, const double &r)
complex< long double > operator/ (const double &r, const complex< long double > &c)
complex< long double > operator+ (const complex< long double > &c, int r)
complex< long double > operator+ (int r, const complex< long double > &c)
complex< long double > operator+ (const complex< long double > &c, const float &r)
complex< long double > operator+ (const float &r, const complex< long double > &c)
complex< long double > operator+ (const complex< long double > &c, const double &r)
complex< long double > operator+ (const double &r, const complex< long double > &c)
complex< long double > operator- (const complex< long double > &c, int r)
complex< long double > operator- (int r, const complex< long double > &c)
complex< long double > operator- (const complex< long double > &c, const float &r)
complex< long double > operator- (const float &r, const complex< long double > &c)
complex< long double > operator- (const complex< long double > &c, const double &r)
complex< long double > operator- (const double &r, const complex< long double > &c)
const float & real (const conjugate< float > &c)
const negator< float > & imag (const conjugate< float > &c)
const complex< float > & conj (const conjugate< float > &c)
float abs (const conjugate< float > &c)
float norm (const conjugate< float > &c)
const double & real (const conjugate< double > &c)
const negator< double > & imag (const conjugate< double > &c)
const complex< double > & conj (const conjugate< double > &c)
double abs (const conjugate< double > &c)
double norm (const conjugate< double > &c)
const long double & real (const conjugate< long double > &c)
const negator< long double > & imag (const conjugate< long double > &c)
const complex< long double > & conj (const conjugate< long double > &c)
long double abs (const conjugate< long double > &c)
long double norm (const conjugate< long double > &c)
template<class R, class CHAR, class TRAITS>
std::basic_istream< CHAR,
operator>> (std::basic_istream< CHAR, TRAITS > &is, conjugate< R > &c)
template<class R, class CHAR, class TRAITS>
std::basic_ostream< CHAR,
operator<< (std::basic_ostream< CHAR, TRAITS > &os, const conjugate< R > &c)
template<class R>
conjugate< R > operator+ (const conjugate< R > &a, const float &b)
template<class R>
conjugate< long double > operator+ (const conjugate< R > &a, const long double &b)
template<class R>
Wider< R, double >::WConj operator+ (const conjugate< R > &a, const double &b)
template<class R>
conjugate< R > operator+ (const float &a, const conjugate< R > &b)
template<class R>
conjugate< long double > operator+ (const long double &a, const conjugate< R > &b)
template<class R>
Wider< R, double >::WConj operator+ (const double &a, const conjugate< R > &b)
template<class R>
conjugate< R > operator * (const conjugate< R > &a, const float &b)
template<class R>
conjugate< long double > operator * (const conjugate< R > &a, const long double &b)
template<class R>
Wider< R, double >::WConj operator * (const conjugate< R > &a, const double &b)
template<class R>
conjugate< R > operator * (const float &a, const conjugate< R > &b)
template<class R>
conjugate< long double > operator * (const long double &a, const conjugate< R > &b)
template<class R>
Wider< R, double >::WConj operator * (const double &a, const conjugate< R > &b)
template<class R>
bool operator== (const conjugate< R > &a, const float &b)
template<class R>
bool operator== (const conjugate< R > &a, const long double &b)
template<class R>
bool operator== (const conjugate< R > &a, const double &b)
template<class R>
bool operator== (const float &a, const conjugate< R > &b)
template<class R>
bool operator== (const long double &a, const conjugate< R > &b)
template<class R>
bool operator== (const double &a, const conjugate< R > &b)
template<class R>
bool operator!= (const conjugate< R > &a, const float &b)
template<class R>
bool operator!= (const conjugate< R > &a, const long double &b)
template<class R>
bool operator!= (const conjugate< R > &a, const double &b)
template<class R>
bool operator!= (const float &a, const conjugate< R > &b)
template<class R>
bool operator!= (const long double &a, const conjugate< R > &b)
template<class R>
bool operator!= (const double &a, const conjugate< R > &b)
template<class R>
conjugate< R > operator- (const conjugate< R > &a, const float &b)
template<class R>
conjugate< long double > operator- (const conjugate< R > &a, const long double &b)
template<class R>
Wider< R, double >::WConj operator- (const conjugate< R > &a, const double &b)
template<class R>
complex< R > operator- (const float &a, const conjugate< R > &b)
template<class R>
complex< long double > operator- (const long double &a, const conjugate< R > &b)
template<class R>
Wider< R, double >::WCplx operator- (const double &a, const conjugate< R > &b)
template<class R>
conjugate< R > operator/ (const conjugate< R > &a, const float &b)
template<class R>
conjugate< long double > operator/ (const conjugate< R > &a, const long double &b)
template<class R>
Wider< R, double >::WConj operator/ (const conjugate< R > &a, const double &b)
template<class R>
complex< R > operator/ (const float &a, const conjugate< R > &b)
template<class R>
complex< long double > operator/ (const long double &a, const conjugate< R > &b)
template<class R>
Wider< R, double >::WCplx operator/ (const double &a, const conjugate< R > &b)
template<class R, class S>
Wider< R, S >::WConj operator+ (const conjugate< R > &a, const conjugate< S > &r)
template<class R, class S>
Wider< R, S >::WCplx operator+ (const conjugate< R > &a, const complex< S > &r)
template<class R, class S>
Wider< R, S >::WCplx operator+ (const complex< R > &a, const conjugate< S > &r)
template<class R, class S>
Wider< R, S >::WCplx operator- (const conjugate< R > &a, const conjugate< S > &r)
template<class R, class S>
negator< typename Wider< R,
S >::WCplx > 
operator- (const conjugate< R > &a, const complex< S > &r)
template<class R, class S>
Wider< R, S >::WCplx operator- (const complex< R > &a, const conjugate< S > &r)
template<class R, class S>
negator< typename Wider< R,
S >::WCplx > 
operator * (const conjugate< R > &a, const conjugate< S > &r)
template<class R, class S>
Wider< R, S >::WCplx operator * (const conjugate< R > &a, const complex< S > &r)
template<class R, class S>
Wider< R, S >::WCplx operator * (const complex< R > &a, const conjugate< S > &r)
template<class R, class S>
Wider< R, S >::WCplx operator/ (const conjugate< R > &a, const conjugate< S > &r)
template<class R, class S>
Wider< R, S >::WCplx operator/ (const conjugate< R > &a, const complex< S > &r)
template<class R, class S>
Wider< R, S >::WCplx operator/ (const complex< R > &a, const conjugate< S > &r)
template<class R, class S>
bool operator== (const conjugate< R > &a, const conjugate< S > &r)
template<class R, class S>
bool operator== (const conjugate< R > &a, const complex< S > &r)
template<class R, class S>
bool operator== (const complex< R > &a, const conjugate< S > &r)
template<class R, class S>
bool operator!= (const conjugate< R > &a, const conjugate< S > &r)
template<class R, class S>
bool operator!= (const conjugate< R > &a, const complex< S > &r)
template<class R, class S>
bool operator!= (const complex< R > &a, const conjugate< S > &r)
template<class A, class B>
negator< A >::template Result<
B >::Add 
operator+ (const negator< A > &l, const B &r)
template<class A, class B>
CNT< A >::template Result<
negator< B > >::Add 
operator+ (const A &l, const negator< B > &r)
template<class A, class B>
negator< A >::template Result<
negator< B > >::Add 
operator+ (const negator< A > &l, const negator< B > &r)
template<class A, class B>
negator< A >::template Result<
B >::Sub 
operator- (const negator< A > &l, const B &r)
template<class A, class B>
CNT< A >::template Result<
negator< B > >::Sub 
operator- (const A &l, const negator< B > &r)
template<class A, class B>
negator< A >::template Result<
negator< B > >::Sub 
operator- (const negator< A > &l, const negator< B > &r)
template<class A, class B>
negator< A >::template Result<
B >::Mul 
operator * (const negator< A > &l, const B &r)
template<class A, class B>
CNT< A >::template Result<
negator< B > >::Mul 
operator * (const A &l, const negator< B > &r)
template<class A, class B>
negator< A >::template Result<
negator< B > >::Mul 
operator * (const negator< A > &l, const negator< B > &r)
template<class A, class B>
negator< A >::template Result<
B >::Dvd 
operator/ (const negator< A > &l, const B &r)
template<class A, class B>
CNT< A >::template Result<
negator< B > >::Dvd 
operator/ (const A &l, const negator< B > &r)
template<class A, class B>
negator< A >::template Result<
negator< B > >::Dvd 
operator/ (const negator< A > &l, const negator< B > &r)
template<class A, class B>
bool operator== (const negator< A > &l, const B &r)
template<class A, class B>
bool operator== (const A &l, const negator< B > &r)
template<class A, class B>
bool operator== (const negator< A > &l, const negator< B > &r)
template<class A, class B>
bool operator!= (const negator< A > &l, const B &r)
template<class A, class B>
bool operator!= (const A &l, const negator< B > &r)
template<class A, class B>
bool operator!= (const negator< A > &l, const negator< B > &r)
template<class NUM, class CHAR, class TRAITS>
std::basic_istream< CHAR,
operator>> (std::basic_istream< CHAR, TRAITS > &is, negator< NUM > &nn)
template<class NUM, class CHAR, class TRAITS>
std::basic_ostream< CHAR,
operator<< (std::basic_ostream< CHAR, TRAITS > &os, const negator< NUM > &nn)
 SimTK_BNTCMPLX_SPEC (float, float)
 SimTK_BNTCMPLX_SPEC (float, double)
 SimTK_BNTCMPLX_SPEC (float, long double)
 SimTK_BNTCMPLX_SPEC (double, float)
 SimTK_BNTCMPLX_SPEC (double, double)
 SimTK_BNTCMPLX_SPEC (double, long double)
 SimTK_BNTCMPLX_SPEC (long double, float)
 SimTK_BNTCMPLX_SPEC (long double, double)
 SimTK_BNTCMPLX_SPEC (long double, long double)
 SimTK_NTRAITS_CONJ_SPEC (float, float)
 SimTK_NTRAITS_CONJ_SPEC (float, double)
 SimTK_NTRAITS_CONJ_SPEC (float, long double)
 SimTK_NTRAITS_CONJ_SPEC (double, float)
 SimTK_NTRAITS_CONJ_SPEC (double, double)
 SimTK_NTRAITS_CONJ_SPEC (double, long double)
 SimTK_NTRAITS_CONJ_SPEC (long double, float)
 SimTK_NTRAITS_CONJ_SPEC (long double, double)
 SimTK_NTRAITS_CONJ_SPEC (long double, long double)
 SimTK_DEFINE_REAL_NTRAITS (long double)
bool canStoreInInt (char)
bool canStoreInInt (unsigned char)
bool canStoreInInt (signed char)
bool canStoreInInt (short)
bool canStoreInInt (int)
bool canStoreInInt (unsigned int u)
bool canStoreInInt (long i)
bool canStoreInInt (unsigned long u)
bool canStoreInNonnegativeInt (char c)
bool canStoreInNonnegativeInt (unsigned char c)
bool canStoreInNonnegativeInt (signed char c)
bool canStoreInNonnegativeInt (short s)
bool canStoreInNonnegativeInt (unsigned short s)
bool canStoreInNonnegativeInt (int i)
bool canStoreInNonnegativeInt (long l)
bool canStoreInNonnegativeInt (unsigned int u)
bool canStoreInNonnegativeInt (unsigned long u)
bool isNaN (const float &x)
 isNaN(x) provides a reliable way to determine if x is one of the "not a number" floating point forms.
bool isNaN (const double &x)
bool isNaN (const long double &x)
template<class P>
bool isNaN (const std::complex< P > &x)
template<class P>
bool isNaN (const conjugate< P > &x)
bool isNaN (const negator< float > &x)
bool isNaN (const negator< double > &x)
bool isNaN (const negator< long double > &x)
template<class P>
bool isNaN (const negator< std::complex< P > > &x)
template<class P>
bool isNaN (const negator< conjugate< P > > &x)
unsigned int sign (unsigned char u)
 s=sign(n) returns int -1,0,1 according to n<0, n==0, n>0 for any integer or real numeric type, unsigned 0 or 1 for any unsigned argument.
unsigned int sign (unsigned short u)
unsigned int sign (unsigned int u)
unsigned int sign (unsigned long u)
int sign (signed char i)
int sign (short i)
int sign (int i)
int sign (long i)
int sign (const float &x)
int sign (const double &x)
int sign (const long double &x)
int sign (const negator< float > &x)
int sign (const negator< double > &x)
int sign (const negator< long double > &x)
unsigned char square (unsigned char u)
 y=square(x) returns the square of the argument for any numeric type.
unsigned short square (unsigned short u)
unsigned int square (unsigned int u)
unsigned long square (unsigned long u)
char square (char c)
signed char square (signed char i)
short square (short i)
int square (int i)
long square (long i)
float square (const float &x)
double square (const double &x)
long double square (const long double &x)
float square (const negator< float > &x)
double square (const negator< double > &x)
long double square (const negator< long double > &x)
template<class P>
std::complex< P > square (const std::complex< P > &x)
template<class P>
std::complex< P > square (const conjugate< P > &x)
template<class P>
std::complex< P > square (const negator< std::complex< P > > &x)
template<class P>
std::complex< P > square (const negator< conjugate< P > > &x)
unsigned char cube (unsigned char u)
 y=cube(x) returns the cube of the argument for any numeric type, integral or floating point.
unsigned short cube (unsigned short u)
unsigned int cube (unsigned int u)
unsigned long cube (unsigned long u)
char cube (char c)
signed char cube (signed char i)
short cube (short i)
int cube (int i)
long cube (long i)
float cube (const float &x)
double cube (const double &x)
long double cube (const long double &x)
negator< float > cube (const negator< float > &x)
negator< double > cube (const negator< double > &x)
negator< long double > cube (const negator< long double > &x)
template<class P>
std::complex< P > cube (const std::complex< P > &x)
template<class P>
std::complex< P > cube (const negator< std::complex< P > > &x)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &o, Stage g)
 SimTK_DEFINE_UNIQUE_INDEX_TYPE (SubsystemIndex) class DiscreteVariable
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &o, const State &s)
 SimTK_DEFINE_UNIQUE_INDEX_TYPE (EventId) class System
 The handle class which serves as the abstract parent of all Systems.
template<int M, int N, class EL, int CSL, int RSL, class ER, int CSR, int RSR>
Mat< M, N, EL, CSL, RSL
>::template Result< Mat< M,
N, ER, CSR, RSR > >::Add 
operator+ (const Mat< M, N, EL, CSL, RSL > &l, const Mat< M, N, ER, CSR, RSR > &r)
template<int M, int N, class EL, int CSL, int RSL, class ER, int CSR, int RSR>
Mat< M, N, EL, CSL, RSL
>::template Result< Mat< M,
N, ER, CSR, RSR > >::Sub 
operator- (const Mat< M, N, EL, CSL, RSL > &l, const Mat< M, N, ER, CSR, RSR > &r)
template<int M, int N, class EL, int CSL, int RSL, int P, class ER, int CSR, int RSR>
Mat< M, N, EL, CSL, RSL
>::template Result< Mat< N,
P, ER, CSR, RSR > >::Mul 
operator * (const Mat< M, N, EL, CSL, RSL > &l, const Mat< N, P, ER, CSR, RSR > &r)
template<int M, int N, class EL, int CSL, int RSL, int MM, int NN, class ER, int CSR, int RSR>
Mat< M, N, EL, CSL, RSL
>::template Result< Mat< MM,
NN, ER, CSR, RSR > >::MulNon 
operator * (const Mat< M, N, EL, CSL, RSL > &l, const Mat< MM, NN, ER, CSR, RSR > &r)
template<int M, int N, class EL, int CSL, int RSL, class ER, int CSR, int RSR>
bool operator== (const Mat< M, N, EL, CSL, RSL > &l, const Mat< M, N, ER, CSR, RSR > &r)
template<int M, int N, class EL, int CSL, int RSL, class ER, int CSR, int RSR>
bool operator!= (const Mat< M, N, EL, CSL, RSL > &l, const Mat< M, N, ER, CSR, RSR > &r)
template<int M, int N, class E, int CS, int RS>
Mat< M, N, E, CS, RS >::template
Result< float >::Mul 
operator * (const Mat< M, N, E, CS, RS > &l, const float &r)
template<int M, int N, class E, int CS, int RS>
Mat< M, N, E, CS, RS >::template
Result< float >::Mul 
operator * (const float &l, const Mat< M, N, E, CS, RS > &r)
template<int M, int N, class E, int CS, int RS>
Mat< M, N, E, CS, RS >::template
Result< double >::Mul 
operator * (const Mat< M, N, E, CS, RS > &l, const double &r)
template<int M, int N, class E, int CS, int RS>
Mat< M, N, E, CS, RS >::template
Result< double >::Mul 
operator * (const double &l, const Mat< M, N, E, CS, RS > &r)
template<int M, int N, class E, int CS, int RS>
Mat< M, N, E, CS, RS >::template
Result< long double >::Mul 
operator * (const Mat< M, N, E, CS, RS > &l, const long double &r)
template<int M, int N, class E, int CS, int RS>
Mat< M, N, E, CS, RS >::template
Result< long double >::Mul 
operator * (const long double &l, const Mat< M, N, E, CS, RS > &r)
template<int M, int N, class E, int CS, int RS>
Mat< M, N, E, CS, RS >::template
Result< typename CNT< E
>::Precision >::Mul 
operator * (const Mat< M, N, E, CS, RS > &l, int r)
template<int M, int N, class E, int CS, int RS>
Mat< M, N, E, CS, RS >::template
Result< typename CNT< E
>::Precision >::Mul 
operator * (int l, const Mat< M, N, E, CS, RS > &r)
template<int M, int N, class E, int CS, int RS, class R>
Mat< M, N, E, CS, RS >::template
Result< std::complex< R
> >::Mul 
operator * (const Mat< M, N, E, CS, RS > &l, const std::complex< R > &r)
template<int M, int N, class E, int CS, int RS, class R>
Mat< M, N, E, CS, RS >::template
Result< std::complex< R
> >::Mul 
operator * (const std::complex< R > &l, const Mat< M, N, E, CS, RS > &r)
template<int M, int N, class E, int CS, int RS, class R>
Mat< M, N, E, CS, RS >::template
Result< std::complex< R
> >::Mul 
operator * (const Mat< M, N, E, CS, RS > &l, const conjugate< R > &r)
template<int M, int N, class E, int CS, int RS, class R>
Mat< M, N, E, CS, RS >::template
Result< std::complex< R
> >::Mul 
operator * (const conjugate< R > &l, const Mat< M, N, E, CS, RS > &r)
template<int M, int N, class E, int CS, int RS, class R>
Mat< M, N, E, CS, RS >::template
Result< typename negator<
R >::StdNumber >::Mul 
operator * (const Mat< M, N, E, CS, RS > &l, const negator< R > &r)
template<int M, int N, class E, int CS, int RS, class R>
Mat< M, N, E, CS, RS >::template
Result< typename negator<
R >::StdNumber >::Mul 
operator * (const negator< R > &l, const Mat< M, N, E, CS, RS > &r)
template<int M, int N, class E, int CS, int RS>
Mat< M, N, E, CS, RS >::template
Result< float >::Dvd 
operator/ (const Mat< M, N, E, CS, RS > &l, const float &r)
template<int M, int N, class E, int CS, int RS>
CNT< float >::template Result<
Mat< M, N, E, CS, RS
> >::Dvd 
operator/ (const float &l, const Mat< M, N, E, CS, RS > &r)
template<int M, int N, class E, int CS, int RS>
Mat< M, N, E, CS, RS >::template
Result< double >::Dvd 
operator/ (const Mat< M, N, E, CS, RS > &l, const double &r)
template<int M, int N, class E, int CS, int RS>
CNT< double >::template Result<
Mat< M, N, E, CS, RS
> >::Dvd 
operator/ (const double &l, const Mat< M, N, E, CS, RS > &r)
template<int M, int N, class E, int CS, int RS>
Mat< M, N, E, CS, RS >::template
Result< long double >::Dvd 
operator/ (const Mat< M, N, E, CS, RS > &l, const long double &r)
template<int M, int N, class E, int CS, int RS>
CNT< long double >::template
Result< Mat< M, N, E, CS,
RS > >::Dvd 
operator/ (const long double &l, const Mat< M, N, E, CS, RS > &r)
template<int M, int N, class E, int CS, int RS>
Mat< M, N, E, CS, RS >::template
Result< typename CNT< E
>::Precision >::Dvd 
operator/ (const Mat< M, N, E, CS, RS > &l, int r)
template<int M, int N, class E, int CS, int RS>
CNT< typename CNT< E >::Precision
>::template Result< Mat< M,
N, E, CS, RS > >::Dvd 
operator/ (int l, const Mat< M, N, E, CS, RS > &r)
template<int M, int N, class E, int CS, int RS, class R>
Mat< M, N, E, CS, RS >::template
Result< std::complex< R
> >::Dvd 
operator/ (const Mat< M, N, E, CS, RS > &l, const std::complex< R > &r)
template<int M, int N, class E, int CS, int RS, class R>
CNT< std::complex< R
> >::template Result< Mat<
M, N, E, CS, RS > >::Dvd 
operator/ (const std::complex< R > &l, const Mat< M, N, E, CS, RS > &r)
template<int M, int N, class E, int CS, int RS, class R>
Mat< M, N, E, CS, RS >::template
Result< std::complex< R
> >::Dvd 
operator/ (const Mat< M, N, E, CS, RS > &l, const conjugate< R > &r)
template<int M, int N, class E, int CS, int RS, class R>
CNT< std::complex< R
> >::template Result< Mat<
M, N, E, CS, RS > >::Dvd 
operator/ (const conjugate< R > &l, const Mat< M, N, E, CS, RS > &r)
template<int M, int N, class E, int CS, int RS, class R>
Mat< M, N, E, CS, RS >::template
Result< typename negator<
R >::StdNumber >::Dvd 
operator/ (const Mat< M, N, E, CS, RS > &l, const negator< R > &r)
template<int M, int N, class E, int CS, int RS, class R>
CNT< R >::template Result<
Mat< M, N, E, CS, RS
> >::Dvd 
operator/ (const negator< R > &l, const Mat< M, N, E, CS, RS > &r)
template<int M, int N, class E, int CS, int RS>
Mat< M, N, E, CS, RS >::template
Result< float >::Add 
operator+ (const Mat< M, N, E, CS, RS > &l, const float &r)
template<int M, int N, class E, int CS, int RS>
Mat< M, N, E, CS, RS >::template
Result< float >::Add 
operator+ (const float &l, const Mat< M, N, E, CS, RS > &r)
template<int M, int N, class E, int CS, int RS>
Mat< M, N, E, CS, RS >::template
Result< double >::Add 
operator+ (const Mat< M, N, E, CS, RS > &l, const double &r)
template<int M, int N, class E, int CS, int RS>
Mat< M, N, E, CS, RS >::template
Result< double >::Add 
operator+ (const double &l, const Mat< M, N, E, CS, RS > &r)
template<int M, int N, class E, int CS, int RS>
Mat< M, N, E, CS, RS >::template
Result< long double >::Add 
operator+ (const Mat< M, N, E, CS, RS > &l, const long double &r)
template<int M, int N, class E, int CS, int RS>
Mat< M, N, E, CS, RS >::template
Result< long double >::Add 
operator+ (const long double &l, const Mat< M, N, E, CS, RS > &r)
template<int M, int N, class E, int CS, int RS>
Mat< M, N, E, CS, RS >::template
Result< typename CNT< E
>::Precision >::Add 
operator+ (const Mat< M, N, E, CS, RS > &l, int r)
template<int M, int N, class E, int CS, int RS>
Mat< M, N, E, CS, RS >::template
Result< typename CNT< E
>::Precision >::Add 
operator+ (int l, const Mat< M, N, E, CS, RS > &r)
template<int M, int N, class E, int CS, int RS, class R>
Mat< M, N, E, CS, RS >::template
Result< std::complex< R
> >::Add 
operator+ (const Mat< M, N, E, CS, RS > &l, const std::complex< R > &r)
template<int M, int N, class E, int CS, int RS, class R>
Mat< M, N, E, CS, RS >::template
Result< std::complex< R
> >::Add 
operator+ (const std::complex< R > &l, const Mat< M, N, E, CS, RS > &r)
template<int M, int N, class E, int CS, int RS, class R>
Mat< M, N, E, CS, RS >::template
Result< std::complex< R
> >::Add 
operator+ (const Mat< M, N, E, CS, RS > &l, const conjugate< R > &r)
template<int M, int N, class E, int CS, int RS, class R>
Mat< M, N, E, CS, RS >::template
Result< std::complex< R
> >::Add 
operator+ (const conjugate< R > &l, const Mat< M, N, E, CS, RS > &r)
template<int M, int N, class E, int CS, int RS, class R>
Mat< M, N, E, CS, RS >::template
Result< typename negator<
R >::StdNumber >::Add 
operator+ (const Mat< M, N, E, CS, RS > &l, const negator< R > &r)
template<int M, int N, class E, int CS, int RS, class R>
Mat< M, N, E, CS, RS >::template
Result< typename negator<
R >::StdNumber >::Add 
operator+ (const negator< R > &l, const Mat< M, N, E, CS, RS > &r)
template<int M, int N, class E, int CS, int RS>
Mat< M, N, E, CS, RS >::template
Result< float >::Sub 
operator- (const Mat< M, N, E, CS, RS > &l, const float &r)
template<int M, int N, class E, int CS, int RS>
CNT< float >::template Result<
Mat< M, N, E, CS, RS
> >::Sub 
operator- (const float &l, const Mat< M, N, E, CS, RS > &r)
template<int M, int N, class E, int CS, int RS>
Mat< M, N, E, CS, RS >::template
Result< double >::Sub 
operator- (const Mat< M, N, E, CS, RS > &l, const double &r)
template<int M, int N, class E, int CS, int RS>
CNT< double >::template Result<
Mat< M, N, E, CS, RS
> >::Sub 
operator- (const double &l, const Mat< M, N, E, CS, RS > &r)
template<int M, int N, class E, int CS, int RS>
Mat< M, N, E, CS, RS >::template
Result< long double >::Sub 
operator- (const Mat< M, N, E, CS, RS > &l, const long double &r)
template<int M, int N, class E, int CS, int RS>
CNT< long double >::template
Result< Mat< M, N, E, CS,
RS > >::Sub 
operator- (const long double &l, const Mat< M, N, E, CS, RS > &r)
template<int M, int N, class E, int CS, int RS>
Mat< M, N, E, CS, RS >::template
Result< typename CNT< E
>::Precision >::Sub 
operator- (const Mat< M, N, E, CS, RS > &l, int r)
template<int M, int N, class E, int CS, int RS>
CNT< typename CNT< E >::Precision
>::template Result< Mat< M,
N, E, CS, RS > >::Sub 
operator- (int l, const Mat< M, N, E, CS, RS > &r)
template<int M, int N, class E, int CS, int RS, class R>
Mat< M, N, E, CS, RS >::template
Result< std::complex< R
> >::Sub 
operator- (const Mat< M, N, E, CS, RS > &l, const std::complex< R > &r)
template<int M, int N, class E, int CS, int RS, class R>
CNT< std::complex< R
> >::template Result< Mat<
M, N, E, CS, RS > >::Sub 
operator- (const std::complex< R > &l, const Mat< M, N, E, CS, RS > &r)
template<int M, int N, class E, int CS, int RS, class R>
Mat< M, N, E, CS, RS >::template
Result< std::complex< R
> >::Sub 
operator- (const Mat< M, N, E, CS, RS > &l, const conjugate< R > &r)
template<int M, int N, class E, int CS, int RS, class R>
CNT< std::complex< R
> >::template Result< Mat<
M, N, E, CS, RS > >::Sub 
operator- (const conjugate< R > &l, const Mat< M, N, E, CS, RS > &r)
template<int M, int N, class E, int CS, int RS, class R>
Mat< M, N, E, CS, RS >::template
Result< typename negator<
R >::StdNumber >::Sub 
operator- (const Mat< M, N, E, CS, RS > &l, const negator< R > &r)
template<int M, int N, class E, int CS, int RS, class R>
CNT< R >::template Result<
Mat< M, N, E, CS, RS
> >::Sub 
operator- (const negator< R > &l, const Mat< M, N, E, CS, RS > &r)
template<int M, int N, class E, int CS, int RS, class CHAR, class TRAITS>
std::basic_ostream< CHAR,
operator<< (std::basic_ostream< CHAR, TRAITS > &o, const Mat< M, N, E, CS, RS > &m)
template<int M, int N, class E, int CS, int RS, class CHAR, class TRAITS>
std::basic_istream< CHAR,
operator>> (std::basic_istream< CHAR, TRAITS > &is, Mat< M, N, E, CS, RS > &m)
template<int N, class E1, int S1, class E2, int S2>
Row< N, E1, S1 >::template
Result< Row< N, E2, S2
> >::Add 
operator+ (const Row< N, E1, S1 > &l, const Row< N, E2, S2 > &r)
template<int N, class E1, int S1, class E2, int S2>
Row< N, E1, S1 >::template
Result< Row< N, E2, S2
> >::Sub 
operator- (const Row< N, E1, S1 > &l, const Row< N, E2, S2 > &r)
template<int N, class E1, int S1, class E2, int S2>
bool operator== (const Row< N, E1, S1 > &l, const Row< N, E2, S2 > &r)
template<int N, class E1, int S1, class E2, int S2>
bool operator!= (const Row< N, E1, S1 > &l, const Row< N, E2, S2 > &r)
template<int N, class E, int S>
Row< N, E, S >::template Result<
float >::Mul 
operator * (const Row< N, E, S > &l, const float &r)
template<int N, class E, int S>
Row< N, E, S >::template Result<
float >::Mul 
operator * (const float &l, const Row< N, E, S > &r)
template<int N, class E, int S>
Row< N, E, S >::template Result<
double >::Mul 
operator * (const Row< N, E, S > &l, const double &r)
template<int N, class E, int S>
Row< N, E, S >::template Result<
double >::Mul 
operator * (const double &l, const Row< N, E, S > &r)
template<int N, class E, int S>
Row< N, E, S >::template Result<
long double >::Mul 
operator * (const Row< N, E, S > &l, const long double &r)
template<int N, class E, int S>
Row< N, E, S >::template Result<
long double >::Mul 
operator * (const long double &l, const Row< N, E, S > &r)
template<int N, class E, int S>
Row< N, E, S >::template Result<
typename CNT< E >::Precision
operator * (const Row< N, E, S > &l, int r)
template<int N, class E, int S>
Row< N, E, S >::template Result<
typename CNT< E >::Precision
operator * (int l, const Row< N, E, S > &r)
template<int N, class E, int S, class R>
Row< N, E, S >::template Result<
std::complex< R > >::Mul 
operator * (const Row< N, E, S > &l, const std::complex< R > &r)
template<int N, class E, int S, class R>
Row< N, E, S >::template Result<
std::complex< R > >::Mul 
operator * (const std::complex< R > &l, const Row< N, E, S > &r)
template<int N, class E, int S, class R>
Row< N, E, S >::template Result<
std::complex< R > >::Mul 
operator * (const Row< N, E, S > &l, const conjugate< R > &r)
template<int N, class E, int S, class R>
Row< N, E, S >::template Result<
std::complex< R > >::Mul 
operator * (const conjugate< R > &l, const Row< N, E, S > &r)
template<int N, class E, int S, class R>
Row< N, E, S >::template Result<
typename negator< R >::StdNumber
operator * (const Row< N, E, S > &l, const negator< R > &r)
template<int N, class E, int S, class R>
Row< N, E, S >::template Result<
typename negator< R >::StdNumber
operator * (const negator< R > &l, const Row< N, E, S > &r)
template<int N, class E, int S>
Row< N, E, S >::template Result<
float >::Dvd 
operator/ (const Row< N, E, S > &l, const float &r)
template<int N, class E, int S>
CNT< float >::template Result<
Row< N, E, S > >::Dvd 
operator/ (const float &l, const Row< N, E, S > &r)
template<int N, class E, int S>
Row< N, E, S >::template Result<
double >::Dvd 
operator/ (const Row< N, E, S > &l, const double &r)
template<int N, class E, int S>
CNT< double >::template Result<
Row< N, E, S > >::Dvd 
operator/ (const double &l, const Row< N, E, S > &r)
template<int N, class E, int S>
Row< N, E, S >::template Result<
long double >::Dvd 
operator/ (const Row< N, E, S > &l, const long double &r)
template<int N, class E, int S>
CNT< long double >::template
Result< Row< N, E, S
> >::Dvd 
operator/ (const long double &l, const Row< N, E, S > &r)
template<int N, class E, int S>
Row< N, E, S >::template Result<
typename CNT< E >::Precision
operator/ (const Row< N, E, S > &l, int r)
template<int N, class E, int S>
CNT< typename CNT< E >::Precision
>::template Result< Row< N,
E, S > >::Dvd 
operator/ (int l, const Row< N, E, S > &r)
template<int N, class E, int S, class R>
Row< N, E, S >::template Result<
std::complex< R > >::Dvd 
operator/ (const Row< N, E, S > &l, const std::complex< R > &r)
template<int N, class E, int S, class R>
CNT< std::complex< R
> >::template Result< Row<
N, E, S > >::Dvd 
operator/ (const std::complex< R > &l, const Row< N, E, S > &r)
template<int N, class E, int S, class R>
Row< N, E, S >::template Result<
std::complex< R > >::Dvd 
operator/ (const Row< N, E, S > &l, const conjugate< R > &r)
template<int N, class E, int S, class R>
CNT< std::complex< R
> >::template Result< Row<
N, E, S > >::Dvd 
operator/ (const conjugate< R > &l, const Row< N, E, S > &r)
template<int N, class E, int S, class R>
Row< N, E, S >::template Result<
typename negator< R >::StdNumber
operator/ (const Row< N, E, S > &l, const negator< R > &r)
template<int N, class E, int S, class R>
CNT< R >::template Result<
Row< N, E, S > >::Dvd 
operator/ (const negator< R > &l, const Row< N, E, S > &r)
template<int N, class E, int S>
Row< N, E, S >::template Result<
float >::Add 
operator+ (const Row< N, E, S > &l, const float &r)
template<int N, class E, int S>
Row< N, E, S >::template Result<
float >::Add 
operator+ (const float &l, const Row< N, E, S > &r)
template<int N, class E, int S>
Row< N, E, S >::template Result<
double >::Add 
operator+ (const Row< N, E, S > &l, const double &r)
template<int N, class E, int S>
Row< N, E, S >::template Result<
double >::Add 
operator+ (const double &l, const Row< N, E, S > &r)
template<int N, class E, int S>
Row< N, E, S >::template Result<
long double >::Add 
operator+ (const Row< N, E, S > &l, const long double &r)
template<int N, class E, int S>
Row< N, E, S >::template Result<
long double >::Add 
operator+ (const long double &l, const Row< N, E, S > &r)
template<int N, class E, int S>
Row< N, E, S >::template Result<
typename CNT< E >::Precision
operator+ (const Row< N, E, S > &l, int r)
template<int N, class E, int S>
Row< N, E, S >::template Result<
typename CNT< E >::Precision
operator+ (int l, const Row< N, E, S > &r)
template<int N, class E, int S, class R>
Row< N, E, S >::template Result<
std::complex< R > >::Add 
operator+ (const Row< N, E, S > &l, const std::complex< R > &r)
template<int N, class E, int S, class R>
Row< N, E, S >::template Result<
std::complex< R > >::Add 
operator+ (const std::complex< R > &l, const Row< N, E, S > &r)
template<int N, class E, int S, class R>
Row< N, E, S >::template Result<
std::complex< R > >::Add 
operator+ (const Row< N, E, S > &l, const conjugate< R > &r)
template<int N, class E, int S, class R>
Row< N, E, S >::template Result<
std::complex< R > >::Add 
operator+ (const conjugate< R > &l, const Row< N, E, S > &r)
template<int N, class E, int S, class R>
Row< N, E, S >::template Result<
typename negator< R >::StdNumber
operator+ (const Row< N, E, S > &l, const negator< R > &r)
template<int N, class E, int S, class R>
Row< N, E, S >::template Result<
typename negator< R >::StdNumber
operator+ (const negator< R > &l, const Row< N, E, S > &r)
template<int N, class E, int S>
Row< N, E, S >::template Result<
float >::Sub 
operator- (const Row< N, E, S > &l, const float &r)
template<int N, class E, int S>
CNT< float >::template Result<
Row< N, E, S > >::Sub 
operator- (const float &l, const Row< N, E, S > &r)
template<int N, class E, int S>
Row< N, E, S >::template Result<
double >::Sub 
operator- (const Row< N, E, S > &l, const double &r)
template<int N, class E, int S>
CNT< double >::template Result<
Row< N, E, S > >::Sub 
operator- (const double &l, const Row< N, E, S > &r)
template<int N, class E, int S>
Row< N, E, S >::template Result<
long double >::Sub 
operator- (const Row< N, E, S > &l, const long double &r)
template<int N, class E, int S>
CNT< long double >::template
Result< Row< N, E, S
> >::Sub 
operator- (const long double &l, const Row< N, E, S > &r)
template<int N, class E, int S>
Row< N, E, S >::template Result<
typename CNT< E >::Precision
operator- (const Row< N, E, S > &l, int r)
template<int N, class E, int S>
CNT< typename CNT< E >::Precision
>::template Result< Row< N,
E, S > >::Sub 
operator- (int l, const Row< N, E, S > &r)
template<int N, class E, int S, class R>
Row< N, E, S >::template Result<
std::complex< R > >::Sub 
operator- (const Row< N, E, S > &l, const std::complex< R > &r)
template<int N, class E, int S, class R>
CNT< std::complex< R
> >::template Result< Row<
N, E, S > >::Sub 
operator- (const std::complex< R > &l, const Row< N, E, S > &r)
template<int N, class E, int S, class R>
Row< N, E, S >::template Result<
std::complex< R > >::Sub 
operator- (const Row< N, E, S > &l, const conjugate< R > &r)
template<int N, class E, int S, class R>
CNT< std::complex< R
> >::template Result< Row<
N, E, S > >::Sub 
operator- (const conjugate< R > &l, const Row< N, E, S > &r)
template<int N, class E, int S, class R>
Row< N, E, S >::template Result<
typename negator< R >::StdNumber
operator- (const Row< N, E, S > &l, const negator< R > &r)
template<int N, class E, int S, class R>
CNT< R >::template Result<
Row< N, E, S > >::Sub 
operator- (const negator< R > &l, const Row< N, E, S > &r)
template<int N, class E, int S, class CHAR, class TRAITS>
std::basic_ostream< CHAR,
operator<< (std::basic_ostream< CHAR, TRAITS > &o, const Row< N, E, S > &v)
template<int N, class E, int S, class CHAR, class TRAITS>
std::basic_istream< CHAR,
operator>> (std::basic_istream< CHAR, TRAITS > &is, Row< N, E, S > &v)
template<int M, class E1, int S1, class E2, int S2>
CNT< typename CNT< E1 >::THerm
>::template Result< E2
dot (const Vec< M, E1, S1 > &r, const Vec< M, E2, S2 > &v)
template<int N, class E1, int S1, class E2, int S2>
CNT< E1 >::template Result<
E2 >::Mul 
operator * (const Row< N, E1, S1 > &r, const Vec< N, E2, S2 > &v)
template<int N, class E1, int S1, class E2, int S2>
CNT< E1 >::template Result<
E2 >::Mul 
dot (const Row< N, E1, S1 > &r, const Vec< N, E2, S2 > &v)
template<int M, class E1, int S1, class E2, int S2>
CNT< E1 >::template Result<
E2 >::Mul 
dot (const Vec< M, E1, S1 > &v, const Row< M, E2, S2 > &r)
template<int N, class E1, int S1, class E2, int S2>
CNT< E1 >::template Result<
E2 >::Mul 
dot (const Row< N, E1, S1 > &r, const Row< N, E2, S2 > &s)
template<int M, class E1, int S1, class E2, int S2>
Mat< M, M, typename CNT< E1
>::template Result< typename
CNT< E2 >::THerm >::Mul > 
outer (const Vec< M, E1, S1 > &v, const Vec< M, E2, S2 > &w)
template<int M, class E1, int S1, class E2, int S2>
Vec< M, E1, S1 >::template
Result< Row< M, E2, S2
> >::Mul 
operator * (const Vec< M, E1, S1 > &v, const Row< M, E2, S2 > &r)
template<int M, class E1, int S1, class E2, int S2>
Mat< M, M, typename CNT< E1
>::template Result< E2
>::Mul > 
outer (const Vec< M, E1, S1 > &v, const Row< M, E2, S2 > &r)
template<int M, class E1, int S1, class E2, int S2>
Mat< M, M, typename CNT< E1
>::template Result< E2
>::Mul > 
outer (const Row< M, E1, S1 > &r, const Vec< M, E2, S2 > &v)
template<int M, class E1, int S1, class E2, int S2>
Mat< M, M, typename CNT< E1
>::template Result< E2
>::Mul > 
outer (const Row< M, E1, S1 > &r, const Row< M, E2, S2 > &s)
template<int M, int N, class ME, int CS, int RS, class E, int S>
Mat< M, N, ME, CS, RS >::template
Result< Vec< N, E, S
> >::Mul 
operator * (const Mat< M, N, ME, CS, RS > &m, const Vec< N, E, S > &v)
template<int M, class E, int S, int N, class ME, int CS, int RS>
Row< M, E, S >::template Result<
Mat< M, N, ME, CS, RS
> >::Mul 
operator * (const Row< M, E, S > &r, const Mat< M, N, ME, CS, RS > &m)
template<int M, class E1, int S1, int N, class E2, int S2>
Vec< M, E1, S1 >::template
Result< Row< N, E2, S2
> >::MulNon 
operator * (const Vec< M, E1, S1 > &v, const Row< N, E2, S2 > &r)
template<int M, class E1, int S1, int MM, int NN, class E2, int CS2, int RS2>
Vec< M, E1, S1 >::template
Result< Mat< MM, NN, E2, CS2,
RS2 > >::MulNon 
operator * (const Vec< M, E1, S1 > &v, const Mat< MM, NN, E2, CS2, RS2 > &m)
template<int M, class E1, int S1, int MM, class E2, int RS2>
Vec< M, E1, S1 >::template
Result< SymMat< MM, E2, RS2
> >::MulNon 
operator * (const Vec< M, E1, S1 > &v, const SymMat< MM, E2, RS2 > &m)
template<int M, class E1, int S1, int MM, class E2, int S2>
Vec< M, E1, S1 >::template
Result< Vec< MM, E2, S2
> >::MulNon 
operator * (const Vec< M, E1, S1 > &v1, const Vec< MM, E2, S2 > &v2)
template<int M, class E, int S, int MM, int NN, class ME, int CS, int RS>
Row< M, E, S >::template Result<
Mat< MM, NN, ME, CS, RS
> >::MulNon 
operator * (const Row< M, E, S > &r, const Mat< MM, NN, ME, CS, RS > &m)
template<int N, class E1, int S1, int M, class E2, int S2>
Row< N, E1, S1 >::template
Result< Vec< M, E2, S2
> >::MulNon 
operator * (const Row< N, E1, S1 > &r, const Vec< M, E2, S2 > &v)
template<int N1, class E1, int S1, int N2, class E2, int S2>
Row< N1, E1, S1 >::template
Result< Row< N2, E2, S2
> >::MulNon 
operator * (const Row< N1, E1, S1 > &r1, const Row< N2, E2, S2 > &r2)
template<int M, int N, class ME, int CS, int RS, int MM, class E, int S>
Mat< M, N, ME, CS, RS >::template
Result< Vec< MM, E, S
> >::MulNon 
operator * (const Mat< M, N, ME, CS, RS > &m, const Vec< MM, E, S > &v)
template<int M, int N, class ME, int CS, int RS, int NN, class E, int S>
Mat< M, N, ME, CS, RS >::template
Result< Row< NN, E, S
> >::MulNon 
operator * (const Mat< M, N, ME, CS, RS > &m, const Row< NN, E, S > &r)
template<int M, int N, class ME, int CS, int RS, int Dim, class E, int S>
Mat< M, N, ME, CS, RS >::template
Result< SymMat< Dim, E, S
> >::MulNon 
operator * (const Mat< M, N, ME, CS, RS > &m, const SymMat< Dim, E, S > &sy)
template<class E1, int S1, class E2, int S2>
Vec< 3, typename CNT< E1
>::template Result< E2
>::Mul > 
cross (const Vec< 3, E1, S1 > &a, const Vec< 3, E2, S2 > &b)
template<class E1, int S1, class E2, int S2>
Vec< 3, typename CNT< E1
>::template Result< E2
>::Mul > 
operator% (const Vec< 3, E1, S1 > &a, const Vec< 3, E2, S2 > &b)
template<class E1, int S1, class E2, int S2>
Row< 3, typename CNT< E1
>::template Result< E2
>::Mul > 
cross (const Vec< 3, E1, S1 > &a, const Row< 3, E2, S2 > &b)
template<class E1, int S1, class E2, int S2>
Row< 3, typename CNT< E1
>::template Result< E2
>::Mul > 
operator% (const Vec< 3, E1, S1 > &a, const Row< 3, E2, S2 > &b)
template<class E1, int S1, class E2, int S2>
Row< 3, typename CNT< E1
>::template Result< E2
>::Mul > 
cross (const Row< 3, E1, S1 > &a, const Vec< 3, E2, S2 > &b)
template<class E1, int S1, class E2, int S2>
Row< 3, typename CNT< E1
>::template Result< E2
>::Mul > 
operator% (const Row< 3, E1, S1 > &a, const Vec< 3, E2, S2 > &b)
template<class E1, int S1, class E2, int S2>
Row< 3, typename CNT< E1
>::template Result< E2
>::Mul > 
cross (const Row< 3, E1, S1 > &a, const Row< 3, E2, S2 > &b)
template<class E1, int S1, class E2, int S2>
Row< 3, typename CNT< E1
>::template Result< E2
>::Mul > 
operator% (const Row< 3, E1, S1 > &a, const Row< 3, E2, S2 > &b)
template<class E1, int S1, class E2, int S2>
CNT< E1 >::template Result<
E2 >::Mul 
cross (const Vec< 2, E1, S1 > &a, const Vec< 2, E2, S2 > &b)
template<class E1, int S1, class E2, int S2>
CNT< E1 >::template Result<
E2 >::Mul 
operator% (const Vec< 2, E1, S1 > &a, const Vec< 2, E2, S2 > &b)
template<class E1, int S1, class E2, int S2>
CNT< E1 >::template Result<
E2 >::Mul 
cross (const Row< 2, E1, S1 > &a, const Vec< 2, E2, S2 > &b)
template<class E1, int S1, class E2, int S2>
CNT< E1 >::template Result<
E2 >::Mul 
operator% (const Row< 2, E1, S1 > &a, const Vec< 2, E2, S2 > &b)
template<class E1, int S1, class E2, int S2>
CNT< E1 >::template Result<
E2 >::Mul 
cross (const Vec< 2, E1, S1 > &a, const Row< 2, E2, S2 > &b)
template<class E1, int S1, class E2, int S2>
CNT< E1 >::template Result<
E2 >::Mul 
operator% (const Vec< 2, E1, S1 > &a, const Row< 2, E2, S2 > &b)
template<class E1, int S1, class E2, int S2>
CNT< E1 >::template Result<
E2 >::Mul 
cross (const Row< 2, E1, S1 > &a, const Row< 2, E2, S2 > &b)
template<class E1, int S1, class E2, int S2>
CNT< E1 >::template Result<
E2 >::Mul 
operator% (const Row< 2, E1, S1 > &a, const Row< 2, E2, S2 > &b)
template<class E, int S>
Mat< 3, 3, E > crossMat (const Vec< 3, E, S > &v)
template<class E, int S>
Mat< 3, 3, E > crossMat (const Row< 3, E, S > &r)
template<class E, int S>
Row< 2, E > crossMat (const Vec< 2, E, S > &v)
template<class E, int S>
Row< 2, E > crossMat (const Row< 2, E, S > &r)
template<int M, class E1, int S1, class E2, int S2>
SymMat< M, E1, S1 >::template
Result< SymMat< M, E2, S2
> >::Add 
operator+ (const SymMat< M, E1, S1 > &l, const SymMat< M, E2, S2 > &r)
template<int M, class E1, int S1, class E2, int S2>
SymMat< M, E1, S1 >::template
Result< SymMat< M, E2, S2
> >::Sub 
operator- (const SymMat< M, E1, S1 > &l, const SymMat< M, E2, S2 > &r)
template<int M, class E1, int S1, class E2, int S2>
bool operator== (const SymMat< M, E1, S1 > &l, const SymMat< M, E2, S2 > &r)
template<int M, class E1, int S1, class E2, int S2>
bool operator!= (const SymMat< M, E1, S1 > &l, const SymMat< M, E2, S2 > &r)
template<int M, class E, int S>
SymMat< M, E, S >::template
Result< float >::Mul 
operator * (const SymMat< M, E, S > &l, const float &r)
template<int M, class E, int S>
SymMat< M, E, S >::template
Result< float >::Mul 
operator * (const float &l, const SymMat< M, E, S > &r)
template<int M, class E, int S>
SymMat< M, E, S >::template
Result< double >::Mul 
operator * (const SymMat< M, E, S > &l, const double &r)
template<int M, class E, int S>
SymMat< M, E, S >::template
Result< double >::Mul 
operator * (const double &l, const SymMat< M, E, S > &r)
template<int M, class E, int S>
SymMat< M, E, S >::template
Result< long double >::Mul 
operator * (const SymMat< M, E, S > &l, const long double &r)
template<int M, class E, int S>
SymMat< M, E, S >::template
Result< long double >::Mul 
operator * (const long double &l, const SymMat< M, E, S > &r)
template<int M, class E, int S>
SymMat< M, E, S >::template
Result< typename CNT< E
>::Precision >::Mul 
operator * (const SymMat< M, E, S > &l, int r)
template<int M, class E, int S>
SymMat< M, E, S >::template
Result< typename CNT< E
>::Precision >::Mul 
operator * (int l, const SymMat< M, E, S > &r)
template<int M, class E, int S, class R>
SymMat< M, E, S >::template
Result< std::complex< R
> >::Mul 
operator * (const SymMat< M, E, S > &l, const std::complex< R > &r)
template<int M, class E, int S, class R>
SymMat< M, E, S >::template
Result< std::complex< R
> >::Mul 
operator * (const std::complex< R > &l, const SymMat< M, E, S > &r)
template<int M, class E, int S, class R>
SymMat< M, E, S >::template
Result< std::complex< R
> >::Mul 
operator * (const SymMat< M, E, S > &l, const conjugate< R > &r)
template<int M, class E, int S, class R>
SymMat< M, E, S >::template
Result< std::complex< R
> >::Mul 
operator * (const conjugate< R > &l, const SymMat< M, E, S > &r)
template<int M, class E, int S, class R>
SymMat< M, E, S >::template
Result< typename negator<
R >::StdNumber >::Mul 
operator * (const SymMat< M, E, S > &l, const negator< R > &r)
template<int M, class E, int S, class R>
SymMat< M, E, S >::template
Result< typename negator<
R >::StdNumber >::Mul 
operator * (const negator< R > &l, const SymMat< M, E, S > &r)
template<int M, class E, int S>
SymMat< M, E, S >::template
Result< float >::Dvd 
operator/ (const SymMat< M, E, S > &l, const float &r)
template<int M, class E, int S>
CNT< float >::template Result<
SymMat< M, E, S > >::Dvd 
operator/ (const float &l, const SymMat< M, E, S > &r)
template<int M, class E, int S>
SymMat< M, E, S >::template
Result< double >::Dvd 
operator/ (const SymMat< M, E, S > &l, const double &r)
template<int M, class E, int S>
CNT< double >::template Result<
SymMat< M, E, S > >::Dvd 
operator/ (const double &l, const SymMat< M, E, S > &r)
template<int M, class E, int S>
SymMat< M, E, S >::template
Result< long double >::Dvd 
operator/ (const SymMat< M, E, S > &l, const long double &r)
template<int M, class E, int S>
CNT< long double >::template
Result< SymMat< M, E, S
> >::Dvd 
operator/ (const long double &l, const SymMat< M, E, S > &r)
template<int M, class E, int S>
SymMat< M, E, S >::template
Result< typename CNT< E
>::Precision >::Dvd 
operator/ (const SymMat< M, E, S > &l, int r)
template<int M, class E, int S>
CNT< typename CNT< E >::Precision
>::template Result< SymMat<
M, E, S > >::Dvd 
operator/ (int l, const SymMat< M, E, S > &r)
template<int M, class E, int S, class R>
SymMat< M, E, S >::template
Result< std::complex< R
> >::Dvd 
operator/ (const SymMat< M, E, S > &l, const std::complex< R > &r)
template<int M, class E, int S, class R>
CNT< std::complex< R
> >::template Result< SymMat<
M, E, S > >::Dvd 
operator/ (const std::complex< R > &l, const SymMat< M, E, S > &r)
template<int M, class E, int S, class R>
SymMat< M, E, S >::template
Result< std::complex< R
> >::Dvd 
operator/ (const SymMat< M, E, S > &l, const conjugate< R > &r)
template<int M, class E, int S, class R>
CNT< std::complex< R
> >::template Result< SymMat<
M, E, S > >::Dvd 
operator/ (const conjugate< R > &l, const SymMat< M, E, S > &r)
template<int M, class E, int S, class R>
SymMat< M, E, S >::template
Result< typename negator<
R >::StdNumber >::Dvd 
operator/ (const SymMat< M, E, S > &l, const negator< R > &r)
template<int M, class E, int S, class R>
CNT< R >::template Result<
SymMat< M, E, S > >::Dvd 
operator/ (const negator< R > &l, const SymMat< M, E, S > &r)
template<int M, class E, int S>
SymMat< M, E, S >::template
Result< float >::Add 
operator+ (const SymMat< M, E, S > &l, const float &r)
template<int M, class E, int S>
SymMat< M, E, S >::template
Result< float >::Add 
operator+ (const float &l, const SymMat< M, E, S > &r)
template<int M, class E, int S>
SymMat< M, E, S >::template
Result< double >::Add 
operator+ (const SymMat< M, E, S > &l, const double &r)
template<int M, class E, int S>
SymMat< M, E, S >::template
Result< double >::Add 
operator+ (const double &l, const SymMat< M, E, S > &r)
template<int M, class E, int S>
SymMat< M, E, S >::template
Result< long double >::Add 
operator+ (const SymMat< M, E, S > &l, const long double &r)
template<int M, class E, int S>
SymMat< M, E, S >::template
Result< long double >::Add 
operator+ (const long double &l, const SymMat< M, E, S > &r)
template<int M, class E, int S>
SymMat< M, E, S >::template
Result< typename CNT< E
>::Precision >::Add 
operator+ (const SymMat< M, E, S > &l, int r)
template<int M, class E, int S>
SymMat< M, E, S >::template
Result< typename CNT< E
>::Precision >::Add 
operator+ (int l, const SymMat< M, E, S > &r)
template<int M, class E, int S, class R>
SymMat< M, E, S >::template
Result< std::complex< R
> >::Add 
operator+ (const SymMat< M, E, S > &l, const std::complex< R > &r)
template<int M, class E, int S, class R>
SymMat< M, E, S >::template
Result< std::complex< R
> >::Add 
operator+ (const std::complex< R > &l, const SymMat< M, E, S > &r)
template<int M, class E, int S, class R>
SymMat< M, E, S >::template
Result< std::complex< R
> >::Add 
operator+ (const SymMat< M, E, S > &l, const conjugate< R > &r)
template<int M, class E, int S, class R>
SymMat< M, E, S >::template
Result< std::complex< R
> >::Add 
operator+ (const conjugate< R > &l, const SymMat< M, E, S > &r)
template<int M, class E, int S, class R>
SymMat< M, E, S >::template
Result< typename negator<
R >::StdNumber >::Add 
operator+ (const SymMat< M, E, S > &l, const negator< R > &r)
template<int M, class E, int S, class R>
SymMat< M, E, S >::template
Result< typename negator<
R >::StdNumber >::Add 
operator+ (const negator< R > &l, const SymMat< M, E, S > &r)
template<int M, class E, int S>
SymMat< M, E, S >::template
Result< float >::Sub 
operator- (const SymMat< M, E, S > &l, const float &r)
template<int M, class E, int S>
CNT< float >::template Result<
SymMat< M, E, S > >::Sub 
operator- (const float &l, const SymMat< M, E, S > &r)
template<int M, class E, int S>
SymMat< M, E, S >::template
Result< double >::Sub 
operator- (const SymMat< M, E, S > &l, const double &r)
template<int M, class E, int S>
CNT< double >::template Result<
SymMat< M, E, S > >::Sub 
operator- (const double &l, const SymMat< M, E, S > &r)
template<int M, class E, int S>
SymMat< M, E, S >::template
Result< long double >::Sub 
operator- (const SymMat< M, E, S > &l, const long double &r)
template<int M, class E, int S>
CNT< long double >::template
Result< SymMat< M, E, S
> >::Sub 
operator- (const long double &l, const SymMat< M, E, S > &r)
template<int M, class E, int S>
SymMat< M, E, S >::template
Result< typename CNT< E
>::Precision >::Sub 
operator- (const SymMat< M, E, S > &l, int r)
template<int M, class E, int S>
CNT< typename CNT< E >::Precision
>::template Result< SymMat<
M, E, S > >::Sub 
operator- (int l, const SymMat< M, E, S > &r)
template<int M, class E, int S, class R>
SymMat< M, E, S >::template
Result< std::complex< R
> >::Sub 
operator- (const SymMat< M, E, S > &l, const std::complex< R > &r)
template<int M, class E, int S, class R>
CNT< std::complex< R
> >::template Result< SymMat<
M, E, S > >::Sub 
operator- (const std::complex< R > &l, const SymMat< M, E, S > &r)
template<int M, class E, int S, class R>
SymMat< M, E, S >::template
Result< std::complex< R
> >::Sub 
operator- (const SymMat< M, E, S > &l, const conjugate< R > &r)
template<int M, class E, int S, class R>
CNT< std::complex< R
> >::template Result< SymMat<
M, E, S > >::Sub 
operator- (const conjugate< R > &l, const SymMat< M, E, S > &r)
template<int M, class E, int S, class R>
SymMat< M, E, S >::template
Result< typename negator<
R >::StdNumber >::Sub 
operator- (const SymMat< M, E, S > &l, const negator< R > &r)
template<int M, class E, int S, class R>
CNT< R >::template Result<
SymMat< M, E, S > >::Sub 
operator- (const negator< R > &l, const SymMat< M, E, S > &r)
template<int M, class E, int RS, class CHAR, class TRAITS>
std::basic_ostream< CHAR,
operator<< (std::basic_ostream< CHAR, TRAITS > &o, const SymMat< M, E, RS > &m)
template<int M, class E, int RS, class CHAR, class TRAITS>
std::basic_istream< CHAR,
operator>> (std::basic_istream< CHAR, TRAITS > &is, SymMat< M, E, RS > &m)
template<int M, class E1, int S1, class E2, int S2>
Vec< M, E1, S1 >::template
Result< Vec< M, E2, S2
> >::Add 
operator+ (const Vec< M, E1, S1 > &l, const Vec< M, E2, S2 > &r)
template<int M, class E1, int S1, class E2, int S2>
Vec< M, E1, S1 >::template
Result< Vec< M, E2, S2
> >::Sub 
operator- (const Vec< M, E1, S1 > &l, const Vec< M, E2, S2 > &r)
template<int M, class E1, int S1, class E2, int S2>
bool operator== (const Vec< M, E1, S1 > &l, const Vec< M, E2, S2 > &r)
template<int M, class E1, int S1, class E2, int S2>
bool operator!= (const Vec< M, E1, S1 > &l, const Vec< M, E2, S2 > &r)
template<int M, class E, int S>
Vec< M, E, S >::template Result<
float >::Mul 
operator * (const Vec< M, E, S > &l, const float &r)
template<int M, class E, int S>
Vec< M, E, S >::template Result<
float >::Mul 
operator * (const float &l, const Vec< M, E, S > &r)
template<int M, class E, int S>
Vec< M, E, S >::template Result<
double >::Mul 
operator * (const Vec< M, E, S > &l, const double &r)
template<int M, class E, int S>
Vec< M, E, S >::template Result<
double >::Mul 
operator * (const double &l, const Vec< M, E, S > &r)
template<int M, class E, int S>
Vec< M, E, S >::template Result<
long double >::Mul 
operator * (const Vec< M, E, S > &l, const long double &r)
template<int M, class E, int S>
Vec< M, E, S >::template Result<
long double >::Mul 
operator * (const long double &l, const Vec< M, E, S > &r)
template<int M, class E, int S>
Vec< M, E, S >::template Result<
typename CNT< E >::Precision
operator * (const Vec< M, E, S > &l, int r)
template<int M, class E, int S>
Vec< M, E, S >::template Result<
typename CNT< E >::Precision
operator * (int l, const Vec< M, E, S > &r)
template<int M, class E, int S, class R>
Vec< M, E, S >::template Result<
std::complex< R > >::Mul 
operator * (const Vec< M, E, S > &l, const std::complex< R > &r)
template<int M, class E, int S, class R>
Vec< M, E, S >::template Result<
std::complex< R > >::Mul 
operator * (const std::complex< R > &l, const Vec< M, E, S > &r)
template<int M, class E, int S, class R>
Vec< M, E, S >::template Result<
std::complex< R > >::Mul 
operator * (const Vec< M, E, S > &l, const conjugate< R > &r)
template<int M, class E, int S, class R>
Vec< M, E, S >::template Result<
std::complex< R > >::Mul 
operator * (const conjugate< R > &l, const Vec< M, E, S > &r)
template<int M, class E, int S, class R>
Vec< M, E, S >::template Result<
typename negator< R >::StdNumber
operator * (const Vec< M, E, S > &l, const negator< R > &r)
template<int M, class E, int S, class R>
Vec< M, E, S >::template Result<
typename negator< R >::StdNumber
operator * (const negator< R > &l, const Vec< M, E, S > &r)
template<int M, class E, int S>
Vec< M, E, S >::template Result<
float >::Dvd 
operator/ (const Vec< M, E, S > &l, const float &r)
template<int M, class E, int S>
CNT< float >::template Result<
Vec< M, E, S > >::Dvd 
operator/ (const float &l, const Vec< M, E, S > &r)
template<int M, class E, int S>
Vec< M, E, S >::template Result<
double >::Dvd 
operator/ (const Vec< M, E, S > &l, const double &r)
template<int M, class E, int S>
CNT< double >::template Result<
Vec< M, E, S > >::Dvd 
operator/ (const double &l, const Vec< M, E, S > &r)
template<int M, class E, int S>
Vec< M, E, S >::template Result<
long double >::Dvd 
operator/ (const Vec< M, E, S > &l, const long double &r)
template<int M, class E, int S>
CNT< long double >::template
Result< Vec< M, E, S
> >::Dvd 
operator/ (const long double &l, const Vec< M, E, S > &r)
template<int M, class E, int S>
Vec< M, E, S >::template Result<
typename CNT< E >::Precision
operator/ (const Vec< M, E, S > &l, int r)
template<int M, class E, int S>
CNT< typename CNT< E >::Precision
>::template Result< Vec< M,
E, S > >::Dvd 
operator/ (int l, const Vec< M, E, S > &r)
template<int M, class E, int S, class R>
Vec< M, E, S >::template Result<
std::complex< R > >::Dvd 
operator/ (const Vec< M, E, S > &l, const std::complex< R > &r)
template<int M, class E, int S, class R>
CNT< std::complex< R
> >::template Result< Vec<
M, E, S > >::Dvd 
operator/ (const std::complex< R > &l, const Vec< M, E, S > &r)
template<int M, class E, int S, class R>
Vec< M, E, S >::template Result<
std::complex< R > >::Dvd 
operator/ (const Vec< M, E, S > &l, const conjugate< R > &r)
template<int M, class E, int S, class R>
CNT< std::complex< R
> >::template Result< Vec<
M, E, S > >::Dvd 
operator/ (const conjugate< R > &l, const Vec< M, E, S > &r)
template<int M, class E, int S, class R>
Vec< M, E, S >::template Result<
typename negator< R >::StdNumber
operator/ (const Vec< M, E, S > &l, const negator< R > &r)
template<int M, class E, int S, class R>
CNT< R >::template Result<
Vec< M, E, S > >::Dvd 
operator/ (const negator< R > &l, const Vec< M, E, S > &r)
template<int M, class E, int S>
Vec< M, E, S >::template Result<
float >::Add 
operator+ (const Vec< M, E, S > &l, const float &r)
template<int M, class E, int S>
Vec< M, E, S >::template Result<
float >::Add 
operator+ (const float &l, const Vec< M, E, S > &r)
template<int M, class E, int S>
Vec< M, E, S >::template Result<
double >::Add 
operator+ (const Vec< M, E, S > &l, const double &r)
template<int M, class E, int S>
Vec< M, E, S >::template Result<
double >::Add 
operator+ (const double &l, const Vec< M, E, S > &r)
template<int M, class E, int S>
Vec< M, E, S >::template Result<
long double >::Add 
operator+ (const Vec< M, E, S > &l, const long double &r)
template<int M, class E, int S>
Vec< M, E, S >::template Result<
long double >::Add 
operator+ (const long double &l, const Vec< M, E, S > &r)
template<int M, class E, int S>
Vec< M, E, S >::template Result<
typename CNT< E >::Precision
operator+ (const Vec< M, E, S > &l, int r)
template<int M, class E, int S>
Vec< M, E, S >::template Result<
typename CNT< E >::Precision
operator+ (int l, const Vec< M, E, S > &r)
template<int M, class E, int S, class R>
Vec< M, E, S >::template Result<
std::complex< R > >::Add 
operator+ (const Vec< M, E, S > &l, const std::complex< R > &r)
template<int M, class E, int S, class R>
Vec< M, E, S >::template Result<
std::complex< R > >::Add 
operator+ (const std::complex< R > &l, const Vec< M, E, S > &r)
template<int M, class E, int S, class R>
Vec< M, E, S >::template Result<
std::complex< R > >::Add 
operator+ (const Vec< M, E, S > &l, const conjugate< R > &r)
template<int M, class E, int S, class R>
Vec< M, E, S >::template Result<
std::complex< R > >::Add 
operator+ (const conjugate< R > &l, const Vec< M, E, S > &r)
template<int M, class E, int S, class R>
Vec< M, E, S >::template Result<
typename negator< R >::StdNumber
operator+ (const Vec< M, E, S > &l, const negator< R > &r)
template<int M, class E, int S, class R>
Vec< M, E, S >::template Result<
typename negator< R >::StdNumber
operator+ (const negator< R > &l, const Vec< M, E, S > &r)
template<int M, class E, int S>
Vec< M, E, S >::template Result<
float >::Sub 
operator- (const Vec< M, E, S > &l, const float &r)
template<int M, class E, int S>
CNT< float >::template Result<
Vec< M, E, S > >::Sub 
operator- (const float &l, const Vec< M, E, S > &r)
template<int M, class E, int S>
Vec< M, E, S >::template Result<
double >::Sub 
operator- (const Vec< M, E, S > &l, const double &r)
template<int M, class E, int S>
CNT< double >::template Result<
Vec< M, E, S > >::Sub 
operator- (const double &l, const Vec< M, E, S > &r)
template<int M, class E, int S>
Vec< M, E, S >::template Result<
long double >::Sub 
operator- (const Vec< M, E, S > &l, const long double &r)
template<int M, class E, int S>
CNT< long double >::template
Result< Vec< M, E, S
> >::Sub 
operator- (const long double &l, const Vec< M, E, S > &r)
template<int M, class E, int S>
Vec< M, E, S >::template Result<
typename CNT< E >::Precision
operator- (const Vec< M, E, S > &l, int r)
template<int M, class E, int S>
CNT< typename CNT< E >::Precision
>::template Result< Vec< M,
E, S > >::Sub 
operator- (int l, const Vec< M, E, S > &r)
template<int M, class E, int S, class R>
Vec< M, E, S >::template Result<
std::complex< R > >::Sub 
operator- (const Vec< M, E, S > &l, const std::complex< R > &r)
template<int M, class E, int S, class R>
CNT< std::complex< R
> >::template Result< Vec<
M, E, S > >::Sub 
operator- (const std::complex< R > &l, const Vec< M, E, S > &r)
template<int M, class E, int S, class R>
Vec< M, E, S >::template Result<
std::complex< R > >::Sub 
operator- (const Vec< M, E, S > &l, const conjugate< R > &r)
template<int M, class E, int S, class R>
CNT< std::complex< R
> >::template Result< Vec<
M, E, S > >::Sub 
operator- (const conjugate< R > &l, const Vec< M, E, S > &r)
template<int M, class E, int S, class R>
Vec< M, E, S >::template Result<
typename negator< R >::StdNumber
operator- (const Vec< M, E, S > &l, const negator< R > &r)
template<int M, class E, int S, class R>
CNT< R >::template Result<
Vec< M, E, S > >::Sub 
operator- (const negator< R > &l, const Vec< M, E, S > &r)
template<int M, class E, int S, class CHAR, class TRAITS>
std::basic_ostream< CHAR,
operator<< (std::basic_ostream< CHAR, TRAITS > &o, const Vec< M, E, S > &v)
template<int M, class E, int S, class CHAR, class TRAITS>
std::basic_istream< CHAR,
operator>> (std::basic_istream< CHAR, TRAITS > &is, Vec< M, E, S > &v)

Typedef Documentation

typedef Vector_<Real> Vector

typedef Vector_<Complex> ComplexVector

typedef VectorView_<Real> VectorView

typedef VectorView_<Complex> ComplexVectorView

typedef RowVector_<Real> RowVector

typedef RowVector_<Complex> ComplexRowVector

typedef RowVectorView_<Real> RowVectorView

typedef RowVectorView_<Complex> ComplexRowVectorView

typedef Matrix_<Real> Matrix

typedef Matrix_<Complex> ComplexMatrix

typedef MatrixView_<Real> MatrixView

typedef MatrixView_<Complex> ComplexMatrixView

typedef Mat<2,2, Mat33> SpatialMat

typedef Vec<2, Vec3> SpatialVec

typedef Row<2, Row3> SpatialRow

typedef Mat<2,2, Mat33> SpatialMat

typedef Vec<2, Vec3> SpatialVec

typedef Row<2, Row3> SpatialRow

typedef Mat<2,2, Mat33> SpatialMat

typedef UnitVec<1> UnitVec3

typedef conjugate<Real> Conjugate

typedef Vec<1> Vec1

typedef Vec<2> Vec2

typedef Vec<3> Vec3

typedef Vec<4> Vec4

typedef Vec<5> Vec5

typedef Vec<6> Vec6

typedef Vec<7> Vec7

typedef Vec<8> Vec8

typedef Vec<9> Vec9

typedef Row<1> Row1

typedef Row<2> Row2

typedef Row<3> Row3

typedef Row<4> Row4

typedef Row<5> Row5

typedef Row<6> Row6

typedef Row<7> Row7

typedef Row<8> Row8

typedef Row<9> Row9

typedef SymMat<1> SymMat11

typedef SymMat<2> SymMat22

typedef SymMat<3> SymMat33

typedef SymMat<4> SymMat44

typedef SymMat<5> SymMat55

typedef SymMat<6> SymMat66

typedef SymMat<7> SymMat77

typedef SymMat<8> SymMat88

typedef SymMat<9> SymMat99

typedef Mat<1,1> Mat11

typedef Mat<1,2> Mat12

typedef Mat<1,3> Mat13

typedef Mat<1,4> Mat14

typedef Mat<1,5> Mat15

typedef Mat<1,6> Mat16

typedef Mat<1,7> Mat17

typedef Mat<1,8> Mat18

typedef Mat<1,9> Mat19

typedef Mat<2,1> Mat21

typedef Mat<2,2> Mat22

typedef Mat<2,3> Mat23

typedef Mat<2,4> Mat24

typedef Mat<2,5> Mat25

typedef Mat<2,6> Mat26

typedef Mat<2,7> Mat27

typedef Mat<2,8> Mat28

typedef Mat<2,9> Mat29

typedef Mat<3,1> Mat31

typedef Mat<3,2> Mat32

typedef Mat<3,3> Mat33

typedef Mat<3,4> Mat34

typedef Mat<3,5> Mat35

typedef Mat<3,6> Mat36

typedef Mat<3,7> Mat37

typedef Mat<3,8> Mat38

typedef Mat<3,9> Mat39

typedef Mat<4,1> Mat41

typedef Mat<4,2> Mat42

typedef Mat<4,3> Mat43

typedef Mat<4,4> Mat44

typedef Mat<4,5> Mat45

typedef Mat<4,6> Mat46

typedef Mat<4,7> Mat47

typedef Mat<4,8> Mat48

typedef Mat<4,9> Mat49

typedef Mat<5,1> Mat51

typedef Mat<5,2> Mat52

typedef Mat<5,3> Mat53

typedef Mat<5,4> Mat54

typedef Mat<5,5> Mat55

typedef Mat<5,6> Mat56

typedef Mat<5,7> Mat57

typedef Mat<5,8> Mat58

typedef Mat<5,9> Mat59

typedef Mat<6,1> Mat61

typedef Mat<6,2> Mat62

typedef Mat<6,3> Mat63

typedef Mat<6,4> Mat64

typedef Mat<6,5> Mat65

typedef Mat<6,6> Mat66

typedef Mat<6,7> Mat67

typedef Mat<6,8> Mat68

typedef Mat<6,9> Mat69

typedef Mat<7,1> Mat71

typedef Mat<7,2> Mat72

typedef Mat<7,3> Mat73

typedef Mat<7,4> Mat74

typedef Mat<7,5> Mat75

typedef Mat<7,6> Mat76

typedef Mat<7,7> Mat77

typedef Mat<7,8> Mat78

typedef Mat<7,9> Mat79

typedef Mat<8,1> Mat81

typedef Mat<8,2> Mat82

typedef Mat<8,3> Mat83

typedef Mat<8,4> Mat84

typedef Mat<8,5> Mat85

typedef Mat<8,6> Mat86

typedef Mat<8,7> Mat87

typedef Mat<8,8> Mat88

typedef Mat<8,9> Mat89

typedef Mat<9,1> Mat91

typedef Mat<9,2> Mat92

typedef Mat<9,3> Mat93

typedef Mat<9,4> Mat94

typedef Mat<9,5> Mat95

typedef Mat<9,6> Mat96

typedef Mat<9,7> Mat97

typedef Mat<9,8> Mat98

typedef Mat<9,9> Mat99

Enumeration Type Documentation

enum BodyOrSpaceType


anonymous enum


Function Documentation

Matrix_<typename CNT<E1>::template Result<E2>::Add> SimTK::operator+ ( const MatrixBase< E1 > &  l,
const MatrixBase< E2 > &  r 

Matrix_<E> SimTK::operator+ ( const MatrixBase< E > &  l,
const typename CNT< E >::T &  r 

Matrix_<E> SimTK::operator+ ( const typename CNT< E >::T &  l,
const MatrixBase< E > &  r 

Matrix_<typename CNT<E1>::template Result<E2>::Sub> SimTK::operator- ( const MatrixBase< E1 > &  l,
const MatrixBase< E2 > &  r 

Matrix_<E> SimTK::operator- ( const MatrixBase< E > &  l,
const typename CNT< E >::T &  r 

Matrix_<E> SimTK::operator- ( const typename CNT< E >::T &  l,
const MatrixBase< E > &  r 

Matrix_<E> SimTK::operator * ( const MatrixBase< E > &  l,
const typename CNT< E >::StdNumber &  r 

Matrix_<E> SimTK::operator * ( const typename CNT< E >::StdNumber &  l,
const MatrixBase< E > &  r 

Matrix_<E> SimTK::operator/ ( const MatrixBase< E > &  l,
const typename CNT< E >::StdNumber &  r 

Vector_<typename CNT<E1>::template Result<E2>::Add> SimTK::operator+ ( const VectorBase< E1 > &  l,
const VectorBase< E2 > &  r 

Vector_<E> SimTK::operator+ ( const VectorBase< E > &  l,
const typename CNT< E >::T &  r 

Vector_<E> SimTK::operator+ ( const typename CNT< E >::T &  l,
const VectorBase< E > &  r 

Vector_<typename CNT<E1>::template Result<E2>::Sub> SimTK::operator- ( const VectorBase< E1 > &  l,
const VectorBase< E2 > &  r 

Vector_<E> SimTK::operator- ( const VectorBase< E > &  l,
const typename CNT< E >::T &  r 

Vector_<E> SimTK::operator- ( const typename CNT< E >::T &  l,
const VectorBase< E > &  r 

Vector_<E> SimTK::operator * ( const VectorBase< E > &  l,
const typename CNT< E >::StdNumber &  r 

Vector_<E> SimTK::operator * ( const typename CNT< E >::StdNumber &  l,
const VectorBase< E > &  r 

Vector_<E> SimTK::operator/ ( const VectorBase< E > &  l,
const typename CNT< E >::StdNumber &  r 

RowVector_<typename CNT<E1>::template Result<E2>::Add> SimTK::operator+ ( const RowVectorBase< E1 > &  l,
const RowVectorBase< E2 > &  r 

RowVector_<E> SimTK::operator+ ( const RowVectorBase< E > &  l,
const typename CNT< E >::T &  r 

RowVector_<E> SimTK::operator+ ( const typename CNT< E >::T &  l,
const RowVectorBase< E > &  r 

RowVector_<typename CNT<E1>::template Result<E2>::Sub> SimTK::operator- ( const RowVectorBase< E1 > &  l,
const RowVectorBase< E2 > &  r 

RowVector_<E> SimTK::operator- ( const RowVectorBase< E > &  l,
const typename CNT< E >::T &  r 

RowVector_<E> SimTK::operator- ( const typename CNT< E >::T &  l,
const RowVectorBase< E > &  r 

RowVector_<E> SimTK::operator * ( const RowVectorBase< E > &  l,
const typename CNT< E >::StdNumber &  r 

RowVector_<E> SimTK::operator * ( const typename CNT< E >::StdNumber &  l,
const RowVectorBase< E > &  r 

RowVector_<E> SimTK::operator/ ( const RowVectorBase< E > &  l,
const typename CNT< E >::StdNumber &  r 

CNT<E1>::template Result<E2>::Mul SimTK::operator * ( const RowVectorBase< E1 > &  r,
const VectorBase< E2 > &  v 

Vector_<typename CNT<E1>::template Result<E2>::Mul> SimTK::operator * ( const MatrixBase< E1 > &  m,
const VectorBase< E2 > &  v 

Matrix_<typename CNT<E1>::template Result<E2>::Mul> SimTK::operator * ( const MatrixBase< E1 > &  m1,
const MatrixBase< E2 > &  m2 

std::ostream& SimTK::operator<< ( std::ostream &  o,
const VectorBase< T > &  v 
) [inline]

std::ostream& SimTK::operator<< ( std::ostream &  o,
const RowVectorBase< T > &  v 
) [inline]

std::ostream& SimTK::operator<< ( std::ostream &  o,
const MatrixBase< T > &  m 
) [inline]

int SimTK::findFirstOf ( const Array< T > &  a,
const T &  test 
) [inline]

If the type T supports an "==" operator, you can instantiate this method to find the first element of an Array<T> which matches the supplied test element.

The index is returned if found, otherwise -1.

int SimTK::findFirstOf ( const ArrayView< T > &  a,
const T &  test 
) [inline]

Array<int> SimTK::findAllOf ( const Array< T > &  a,
const T &  test 
) [inline]

If the type T supports an "==" operator, you can instantiate this method to find the indices of all elements of an Array<T> at which the elements match the supplied test element.

The returned index list will have length 0 if there are no matches.

Array<int> SimTK::findAllOf ( const ArrayView< T > &  a,
const T &  test 
) [inline]

bool SimTK::contains ( const Array< T > &  a,
const T &  test 
) [inline]

If the type T supports an "==" operator, you can instantiate this method to find out if an Array<T> contains a particular test element.

bool SimTK::contains ( const ArrayView< T > &  a,
const T &  test 
) [inline]

std::ostream& SimTK::operator<< ( std::ostream &  s,
const Array< T > &  a 
) [inline]

std::ostream& SimTK::operator<< ( std::ostream &  s,
const ArrayView< T > &  a 
) [inline]

std::ostream& SimTK::operator<< ( std::ostream &  stream,
const Enumeration< T > &  value 

SimTK::SimTK_LIST_SPECIALIZE ( bool   ) 

SimTK::SimTK_LIST_SPECIALIZE ( signed  char  ) 

SimTK::SimTK_LIST_SPECIALIZE ( char   ) 

SimTK_LIST_SPECIALIZE ( unsigned  char  ) 

SimTK::SimTK_LIST_SPECIALIZE ( short   ) 



SimTK::SimTK_LIST_SPECIALIZE ( float   ) 

SimTK::SimTK_LIST_SPECIALIZE ( double   ) 

SimTK::SimTK_LIST_SPECIALIZE ( std::complex< float >   ) 

SimTK::SimTK_LIST_SPECIALIZE ( std::complex< double >   ) 

SimTK::SimTK_LIST_SPECIALIZE ( std::complex< long double >   ) 

int SimTK::findFirstOf ( const List< T > &  l,
const T &  test 
) [inline]

If the type T supports an "==" operator, you can instantiate this method to find the first element of an List<T> which matches the supplied test element.

The index is returned if found, otherwise -1.

int SimTK::findFirstOf ( const ListView< T > &  lv,
const T &  test 
) [inline]

Array<int> SimTK::findAllOf ( const List< T > &  l,
const T &  test 
) [inline]

If the type T supports an "==" operator, you can instantiate this method to find the indices of all elements of an List<T> at which the elements match the supplied test element.

The returned index list will have length 0 if there are no matches.

Array<int> SimTK::findAllOf ( const ListView< T > &  lv,
const T &  test 
) [inline]

bool SimTK::contains ( const List< T > &  l,
const T &  test 
) [inline]

If the type T supports an "==" operator, you can instantiate this method to find out if an List<T> contains a particular test element.

bool SimTK::contains ( const ListView< T > &  lv,
const T &  test 
) [inline]

std::ostream& SimTK::operator<< ( std::ostream &  o,
const PIMPLHandle< H, IMPL, PTR > &  h 

std::ostream& SimTK::operator<< ( std::ostream &  o,
const PIMPLHandle< HANDLE, IMPL, PTR > &  h 

std::ostream& SimTK::operator<< ( std::ostream &  o,
const AbstractValue &  v 
) [inline]

VectorBase<typename CNT<ELEM>::TAbs> SimTK::abs ( const VectorBase< ELEM >  v  ) 

RowVectorBase<typename CNT<ELEM>::TAbs> SimTK::abs ( const RowVectorBase< ELEM >  v  ) 

MatrixBase<typename CNT<ELEM>::TAbs> SimTK::abs ( const MatrixBase< ELEM >  v  ) 

Vec<N, typename CNT<ELEM>::TAbs> SimTK::abs ( const Vec< N, ELEM >  v  ) 

Row<N, typename CNT<ELEM>::TAbs> SimTK::abs ( const Row< N, ELEM >  v  ) 

Mat<M, N, typename CNT<ELEM>::TAbs> SimTK::abs ( const Mat< M, N, ELEM >  v  ) 

SymMat<N, typename CNT<ELEM>::TAbs> SimTK::abs ( const SymMat< N, ELEM >  v  ) 

ELEM SimTK::sum ( const VectorBase< ELEM >  v  ) 

ELEM SimTK::sum ( const RowVectorBase< ELEM >  v  ) 

RowVectorBase<ELEM> SimTK::sum ( const MatrixBase< ELEM >  v  ) 

ELEM SimTK::sum ( const Vec< N, ELEM >  v  ) 

ELEM SimTK::sum ( const Row< N, ELEM >  v  ) 

Row<N, ELEM> SimTK::sum ( const Mat< M, N, ELEM >  v  ) 

Row<N, ELEM> SimTK::sum ( const SymMat< N, ELEM >  v  ) 

ELEM SimTK::min ( const VectorBase< ELEM >  v  ) 

ELEM SimTK::min ( const RowVectorBase< ELEM >  v  ) 

RowVectorBase<ELEM> SimTK::min ( const MatrixBase< ELEM >  v  ) 

ELEM SimTK::min ( const Vec< N, ELEM >  v  ) 

ELEM SimTK::min ( Row< N, ELEM >  v  ) 

Row<N, ELEM> SimTK::min ( const Mat< M, N, ELEM >  v  ) 

Row<N, ELEM> SimTK::min ( SymMat< N, ELEM >  v  ) 

ELEM SimTK::max ( const VectorBase< ELEM >  v  ) 

ELEM SimTK::max ( const RowVectorBase< ELEM >  v  ) 

RowVectorBase<ELEM> SimTK::max ( const MatrixBase< ELEM >  v  ) 

ELEM SimTK::max ( Vec< N, ELEM >  v  ) 

ELEM SimTK::max ( const Row< N, ELEM >  v  ) 

Row<N, ELEM> SimTK::max ( const Mat< M, N, ELEM >  v  ) 

Row<N, ELEM> SimTK::max ( const SymMat< N, ELEM >  v  ) 

ELEM SimTK::mean ( const VectorBase< ELEM >  v  ) 

ELEM SimTK::mean ( const RowVectorBase< ELEM >  v  ) 

RowVectorBase<ELEM> SimTK::mean ( const MatrixBase< ELEM >  v  ) 

ELEM SimTK::mean ( const Vec< N, ELEM >  v  ) 

ELEM SimTK::mean ( const Row< N, ELEM >  v  ) 

Row<N, ELEM> SimTK::mean ( const Mat< M, N, ELEM >  v  ) 

Row<N, ELEM> SimTK::mean ( const SymMat< N, ELEM >  v  ) 

VectorBase<ELEM> SimTK::sort ( const VectorBase< ELEM >  v  ) 

RowVectorBase<ELEM> SimTK::sort ( const RowVectorBase< ELEM >  v  ) 

MatrixBase<ELEM> SimTK::sort ( const MatrixBase< ELEM >  v  ) 

Vec<N, ELEM> SimTK::sort ( Vec< N, ELEM >  v  ) 

Row<N, ELEM> SimTK::sort ( Row< N, ELEM >  v  ) 

Mat<M, N, ELEM> SimTK::sort ( Mat< M, N, ELEM >  v  ) 

Mat<N, N, ELEM> SimTK::sort ( const SymMat< N, ELEM >  v  ) 

ELEM SimTK::median ( RandomAccessIterator  start,
RandomAccessIterator  end 

ELEM SimTK::median ( const VectorBase< ELEM >  v  ) 

ELEM SimTK::median ( const RowVectorBase< ELEM >  v  ) 

RowVectorBase<ELEM> SimTK::median ( const MatrixBase< ELEM >  v  ) 

ELEM SimTK::median ( Vec< N, ELEM >  v  ) 

ELEM SimTK::median ( Row< N, ELEM >  v  ) 

Row<N, ELEM> SimTK::median ( const Mat< M, N, ELEM >  v  ) 

Row<N, ELEM> SimTK::median ( const SymMat< N, ELEM >  v  ) 

void SimTK::Lapack::gemm< std::complex< float > > ( char  transa,
char  transb,
int  m,
int  n,
int  k,
const std::complex< float > &  alpha,
const std::complex< float >  a[],
int  lda,
const std::complex< float >  b[],
int  ldb,
const std::complex< float > &  beta,
std::complex< float >  c[],
int  ldc 
) [inline]

void SimTK::Lapack::gemm< std::complex< double > > ( char  transa,
char  transb,
int  m,
int  n,
int  k,
const std::complex< double > &  alpha,
const std::complex< double >  a[],
int  lda,
const std::complex< double >  b[],
int  ldb,
const std::complex< double > &  beta,
std::complex< double >  c[],
int  ldc 
) [inline]

Inertia SimTK::operator+ ( const Inertia &  l,
const Inertia &  r 
) [inline]

Inertia SimTK::operator- ( const Inertia &  l,
const Inertia &  r 
) [inline]

Inertia SimTK::operator * ( const Inertia &  i,
const Real &  r 
) [inline]

Inertia SimTK::operator * ( const Real &  r,
const Inertia &  i 
) [inline]

Vec3 SimTK::operator * ( const Inertia &  i,
const Vec3 w 
) [inline]

Inertia SimTK::operator/ ( const Inertia &  i,
const Real &  r 
) [inline]

bool SimTK::operator== ( const Inertia &  i1,
const Inertia &  i2 
) [inline]

std::ostream& SimTK::operator<< ( std::ostream &  o,
const Inertia &   

std::ostream& SimTK::operator<< ( std::ostream &  o,
const MassProperties &   

std::ostream& SimTK::operator<< ( std::ostream &  o,
const Rotation &  m 

UnitVec<1> SimTK::operator * ( const Rotation &  R,
const UnitVec< S > &  v 
) [inline]

UnitRow<1> SimTK::operator * ( const UnitRow< S > &  r,
const Rotation &  R 
) [inline]

UnitVec<1> SimTK::operator * ( const InverseRotation &  R,
const UnitVec< S > &  v 
) [inline]

UnitRow<1> SimTK::operator * ( const UnitRow< S > &  r,
const InverseRotation &  R 
) [inline]

Rotation SimTK::operator * ( const Rotation &  R1,
const Rotation &  R2 
) [inline]

Rotation SimTK::operator * ( const Rotation &  R1,
const InverseRotation &  R2 
) [inline]

Rotation SimTK::operator * ( const InverseRotation &  R1,
const Rotation &  R2 
) [inline]

Rotation SimTK::operator * ( const InverseRotation &  R1,
const InverseRotation &  R2 
) [inline]

Rotation SimTK::operator/ ( const Rotation &  R1,
const Rotation &  R2 
) [inline]

Rotation SimTK::operator/ ( const Rotation &  R1,
const InverseRotation &  R2 
) [inline]

Rotation SimTK::operator/ ( const InverseRotation &  R1,
const Rotation &  R2 
) [inline]

Rotation SimTK::operator/ ( const InverseRotation &  R1,
const InverseRotation &  R2 
) [inline]

PhiMatrixTranspose SimTK::transpose ( const PhiMatrix &  phi  )  [inline]

PhiMatrixTranspose SimTK::operator~ ( const PhiMatrix &  phi  )  [inline]

SpatialVec SimTK::operator * ( const PhiMatrix &  phi,
const SpatialVec v 
) [inline]

SpatialMat SimTK::operator * ( const PhiMatrix &  phi,
const SpatialMat m 
) [inline]

SpatialVec SimTK::operator * ( const PhiMatrixTranspose &  phiT,
const SpatialVec v 
) [inline]

SpatialMat SimTK::operator * ( const SpatialMat::THerm &  m,
const PhiMatrixTranspose &  phiT 
) [inline]

SpatialMat SimTK::operator * ( const SpatialMat m,
const PhiMatrixTranspose &  phiT 
) [inline]

bool SimTK::operator== ( const PhiMatrix &  p1,
const PhiMatrix &  p2 
) [inline]

bool SimTK::operator== ( const PhiMatrixTranspose &  p1,
const PhiMatrixTranspose &  p2 
) [inline]

Vec3 SimTK::operator * ( const Transform &  X_BF,
const Vec3 s_F 
) [inline]

If we multiply a transform by a 3-vector, we treat it as though it had a 4th element "1" appended, that is, it is treated as a *station* rather than a *vector*.

Vec3 SimTK::operator * ( const InverseTransform &  X_BF,
const Vec3 s_F 
) [inline]

Vec4 SimTK::operator * ( const Transform &  X_BF,
const Vec4 a_F 
) [inline]

If we multiply a transform by an augmented 4-vector, we use the 4th element to decide how to treat it.

The 4th element must be 0 or 1. If 0 it is treated as a vector only and the translation is ignored. If 1 it is treated as a station and rotated & shifted.

Vec4 SimTK::operator * ( const InverseTransform &  X_BF,
const Vec4 a_F 
) [inline]

Vector_<E> SimTK::operator * ( const Transform &  T,
const VectorBase< E > &  v 
) [inline]

Multiplying a matrix or vector by a Transform applies it to each element individually.

Vector_<E> SimTK::operator * ( const VectorBase< E > &  v,
const Transform &  T 
) [inline]

Multiplying a matrix or vector by a Transform applies it to each element individually.

RowVector_<E> SimTK::operator * ( const Transform &  T,
const RowVectorBase< E > &  v 
) [inline]

Multiplying a matrix or vector by a Transform applies it to each element individually.

RowVector_<E> SimTK::operator * ( const RowVectorBase< E > &  v,
const Transform &  T 
) [inline]

Multiplying a matrix or vector by a Transform applies it to each element individually.

Matrix_<E> SimTK::operator * ( const Transform &  T,
const MatrixBase< E > &  v 
) [inline]

Multiplying a matrix or vector by a Transform applies it to each element individually.

Matrix_<E> SimTK::operator * ( const MatrixBase< E > &  v,
const Transform &  T 
) [inline]

Multiplying a matrix or vector by a Transform applies it to each element individually.

Vec<N,E> SimTK::operator * ( const Transform &  T,
const Vec< N, E > &  v 
) [inline]

Multiplying a matrix or vector by a Transform applies it to each element individually.

Vec<N,E> SimTK::operator * ( const Vec< N, E > &  v,
const Transform &  T 
) [inline]

Multiplying a matrix or vector by a Transform applies it to each element individually.

Row<N,E> SimTK::operator * ( const Transform &  T,
const Row< N, E > &  v 
) [inline]

Multiplying a matrix or vector by a Transform applies it to each element individually.

Row<N,E> SimTK::operator * ( const Row< N, E > &  v,
const Transform &  T 
) [inline]

Multiplying a matrix or vector by a Transform applies it to each element individually.

Mat<M,N,E> SimTK::operator * ( const Transform &  T,
const Mat< M, N, E > &  v 
) [inline]

Multiplying a matrix or vector by a Transform applies it to each element individually.

Mat<M,N,E> SimTK::operator * ( const Mat< M, N, E > &  v,
const Transform &  T 
) [inline]

Multiplying a matrix or vector by a Transform applies it to each element individually.

Transform SimTK::operator * ( const Transform &  X1,
const Transform &  X2 
) [inline]

Transform SimTK::operator * ( const Transform &  X1,
const InverseTransform &  X2 
) [inline]

Transform SimTK::operator * ( const InverseTransform &  X1,
const Transform &  X2 
) [inline]

Transform SimTK::operator * ( const InverseTransform &  X1,
const InverseTransform &  X2 
) [inline]

bool SimTK::operator== ( const Transform &  X1,
const Transform &  X2 
) [inline]

bool SimTK::operator== ( const InverseTransform &  X1,
const InverseTransform &  X2 
) [inline]

bool SimTK::operator== ( const Transform &  X1,
const InverseTransform &  X2 
) [inline]

bool SimTK::operator== ( const InverseTransform &  X1,
const Transform &  X2 
) [inline]

std::ostream& SimTK::operator<< ( std::ostream &  o,
const Transform &   

complex<float> SimTK::operator * ( const complex< float > &  c,
int  r 
) [inline]

complex<float> SimTK::operator * ( int  r,
const complex< float > &  c 
) [inline]

complex<double> SimTK::operator * ( const complex< float > &  c,
const double &  r 
) [inline]

complex<double> SimTK::operator * ( const double &  r,
const complex< float > &  c 
) [inline]

complex<long double> SimTK::operator * ( const complex< float > &  c,
const long double &  r 
) [inline]

complex<long double> SimTK::operator * ( const long double &  r,
const complex< float > &  c 
) [inline]

complex<float> SimTK::operator/ ( const complex< float > &  c,
int  r 
) [inline]

complex<float> SimTK::operator/ ( int  r,
const complex< float > &  c 
) [inline]

complex<double> SimTK::operator/ ( const complex< float > &  c,
const double &  r 
) [inline]

complex<double> SimTK::operator/ ( const double &  r,
const complex< float > &  c 
) [inline]

complex<long double> SimTK::operator/ ( const complex< float > &  c,
const long double &  r 
) [inline]

complex<long double> SimTK::operator/ ( const long double &  r,
const complex< float > &  c 
) [inline]

complex<float> SimTK::operator+ ( const complex< float > &  c,
int  r 
) [inline]

complex<float> SimTK::operator+ ( int  r,
const complex< float > &  c 
) [inline]

complex<double> SimTK::operator+ ( const complex< float > &  c,
const double &  r 
) [inline]

complex<double> SimTK::operator+ ( const double &  r,
const complex< float > &  c 
) [inline]

complex<long double> SimTK::operator+ ( const complex< float > &  c,
const long double &  r 
) [inline]

complex<long double> SimTK::operator+ ( const long double &  r,
const complex< float > &  c 
) [inline]

complex<float> SimTK::operator- ( const complex< float > &  c,
int  r 
) [inline]

complex<float> SimTK::operator- ( int  r,
const complex< float > &  c 
) [inline]

complex<double> SimTK::operator- ( const complex< float > &  c,
const double &  r 
) [inline]

complex<double> SimTK::operator- ( const double &  r,
const complex< float > &  c 
) [inline]

complex<long double> SimTK::operator- ( const complex< float > &  c,
const long double &  r 
) [inline]

complex<long double> SimTK::operator- ( const long double &  r,
const complex< float > &  c 
) [inline]

complex<double> SimTK::operator * ( const complex< double > &  c,
int  r 
) [inline]

complex<double> SimTK::operator * ( int  r,
const complex< double > &  c 
) [inline]

complex<double> SimTK::operator * ( const complex< double > &  c,
const float &  r 
) [inline]

complex<double> SimTK::operator * ( const float &  r,
const complex< double > &  c 
) [inline]

complex<long double> SimTK::operator * ( const complex< double > &  c,
const long double &  r 
) [inline]

complex<long double> SimTK::operator * ( const long double &  r,
const complex< double > &  c 
) [inline]

complex<double> SimTK::operator/ ( const complex< double > &  c,
int  r 
) [inline]

complex<double> SimTK::operator/ ( int  r,
const complex< double > &  c 
) [inline]

complex<double> SimTK::operator/ ( const complex< double > &  c,
const float &  r 
) [inline]

complex<double> SimTK::operator/ ( const float &  r,
const complex< double > &  c 
) [inline]

complex<long double> SimTK::operator/ ( const complex< double > &  c,
const long double &  r 
) [inline]

complex<long double> SimTK::operator/ ( const long double &  r,
const complex< double > &  c 
) [inline]

complex<double> SimTK::operator+ ( const complex< double > &  c,
int  r 
) [inline]

complex<double> SimTK::operator+ ( int  r,
const complex< double > &  c 
) [inline]

complex<double> SimTK::operator+ ( const complex< double > &  c,
const float &  r 
) [inline]

complex<double> SimTK::operator+ ( const float &  r,
const complex< double > &  c 
) [inline]

complex<long double> SimTK::operator+ ( const complex< double > &  c,
const long double &  r 
) [inline]

complex<long double> SimTK::operator+ ( const long double &  r,
const complex< double > &  c 
) [inline]

complex<double> SimTK::operator- ( const complex< double > &  c,
int  r 
) [inline]

complex<double> SimTK::operator- ( int  r,
const complex< double > &  c 
) [inline]

complex<double> SimTK::operator- ( const complex< double > &  c,
const float &  r 
) [inline]

complex<double> SimTK::operator- ( const float &  r,
const complex< double > &  c 
) [inline]

complex<long double> SimTK::operator- ( const complex< double > &  c,
const long double &  r 
) [inline]

complex<long double> SimTK::operator- ( const long double &  r,
const complex< double > &  c 
) [inline]

complex<long double> SimTK::operator * ( const complex< long double > &  c,
int  r 
) [inline]

complex<long double> SimTK::operator * ( int  r,
const complex< long double > &  c 
) [inline]

complex<long double> SimTK::operator * ( const complex< long double > &  c,
const float &  r 
) [inline]

complex<long double> SimTK::operator * ( const float &  r,
const complex< long double > &  c 
) [inline]

complex<long double> SimTK::operator * ( const complex< long double > &  c,
const double &  r 
) [inline]

complex<long double> SimTK::operator * ( const double &  r,
const complex< long double > &  c 
) [inline]

complex<long double> SimTK::operator/ ( const complex< long double > &  c,
int  r 
) [inline]

complex<long double> SimTK::operator/ ( int  r,
const complex< long double > &  c 
) [inline]

complex<long double> SimTK::operator/ ( const complex< long double > &  c,
const float &  r 
) [inline]

complex<long double> SimTK::operator/ ( const float &  r,
const complex< long double > &  c 
) [inline]

complex<long double> SimTK::operator/ ( const complex< long double > &  c,
const double &  r 
) [inline]

complex<long double> SimTK::operator/ ( const double &  r,
const complex< long double > &  c 
) [inline]

complex<long double> SimTK::operator+ ( const complex< long double > &  c,
int  r 
) [inline]

complex<long double> SimTK::operator+ ( int  r,
const complex< long double > &  c 
) [inline]

complex<long double> SimTK::operator+ ( const complex< long double > &  c,
const float &  r 
) [inline]

complex<long double> SimTK::operator+ ( const float &  r,
const complex< long double > &  c 
) [inline]

complex<long double> SimTK::operator+ ( const complex< long double > &  c,
const double &  r 
) [inline]

complex<long double> SimTK::operator+ ( const double &  r,
const complex< long double > &  c 
) [inline]

complex<long double> SimTK::operator- ( const complex< long double > &  c,
int  r 
) [inline]

complex<long double> SimTK::operator- ( int  r,
const complex< long double > &  c 
) [inline]

complex<long double> SimTK::operator- ( const complex< long double > &  c,
const float &  r 
) [inline]

complex<long double> SimTK::operator- ( const float &  r,
const complex< long double > &  c 
) [inline]

complex<long double> SimTK::operator- ( const complex< long double > &  c,
const double &  r 
) [inline]

complex<long double> SimTK::operator- ( const double &  r,
const complex< long double > &  c 
) [inline]

const float& SimTK::real ( const conjugate< float > &  c  )  [inline]

const negator<float>& SimTK::imag ( const conjugate< float > &  c  )  [inline]

const complex<float>& SimTK::conj ( const conjugate< float > &  c  )  [inline]

float SimTK::abs ( const conjugate< float > &  c  )  [inline]

float SimTK::norm ( const conjugate< float > &  c  )  [inline]

const double& SimTK::real ( const conjugate< double > &  c  )  [inline]

const negator<double>& SimTK::imag ( const conjugate< double > &  c  )  [inline]

const complex<double>& SimTK::conj ( const conjugate< double > &  c  )  [inline]

double SimTK::abs ( const conjugate< double > &  c  )  [inline]

double SimTK::norm ( const conjugate< double > &  c  )  [inline]

const long double& SimTK::real ( const conjugate< long double > &  c  )  [inline]

const negator<long double>& SimTK::imag ( const conjugate< long double > &  c  )  [inline]

const complex<long double>& SimTK::conj ( const conjugate< long double > &  c  )  [inline]

long double SimTK::abs ( const conjugate< long double > &  c  )  [inline]

long double SimTK::norm ( const conjugate< long double > &  c  )  [inline]

std::basic_istream<CHAR,TRAITS>& SimTK::operator>> ( std::basic_istream< CHAR, TRAITS > &  is,
conjugate< R > &  c 
) [inline]

std::basic_ostream<CHAR,TRAITS>& SimTK::operator<< ( std::basic_ostream< CHAR, TRAITS > &  os,
const conjugate< R > &  c 
) [inline]

conjugate<R> SimTK::operator+ ( const conjugate< R > &  a,
const float &  b 
) [inline]

conjugate<long double> SimTK::operator+ ( const conjugate< R > &  a,
const long double &  b 
) [inline]

Wider<R,double>::WConj SimTK::operator+ ( const conjugate< R > &  a,
const double &  b 
) [inline]

conjugate<R> SimTK::operator+ ( const float &  a,
const conjugate< R > &  b 
) [inline]

conjugate<long double> SimTK::operator+ ( const long double &  a,
const conjugate< R > &  b 
) [inline]

Wider<R,double>::WConj SimTK::operator+ ( const double &  a,
const conjugate< R > &  b 
) [inline]

conjugate<R> SimTK::operator * ( const conjugate< R > &  a,
const float &  b 
) [inline]

conjugate<long double> SimTK::operator * ( const conjugate< R > &  a,
const long double &  b 
) [inline]

Wider<R,double>::WConj SimTK::operator * ( const conjugate< R > &  a,
const double &  b 
) [inline]

conjugate<R> SimTK::operator * ( const float &  a,
const conjugate< R > &  b 
) [inline]

conjugate<long double> SimTK::operator * ( const long double &  a,
const conjugate< R > &  b 
) [inline]

Wider<R,double>::WConj SimTK::operator * ( const double &  a,
const conjugate< R > &  b 
) [inline]

bool SimTK::operator== ( const conjugate< R > &  a,
const float &  b 
) [inline]

bool SimTK::operator== ( const conjugate< R > &  a,
const long double &  b 
) [inline]

bool SimTK::operator== ( const conjugate< R > &  a,
const double &  b 
) [inline]

bool SimTK::operator== ( const float &  a,
const conjugate< R > &  b 
) [inline]

bool SimTK::operator== ( const long double &  a,
const conjugate< R > &  b 
) [inline]

bool SimTK::operator== ( const double &  a,
const conjugate< R > &  b 
) [inline]

bool SimTK::operator!= ( const conjugate< R > &  a,
const float &  b 
) [inline]

bool SimTK::operator!= ( const conjugate< R > &  a,
const long double &  b 
) [inline]

bool SimTK::operator!= ( const conjugate< R > &  a,
const double &  b 
) [inline]

bool SimTK::operator!= ( const float &  a,
const conjugate< R > &  b 
) [inline]

bool SimTK::operator!= ( const long double &  a,
const conjugate< R > &  b 
) [inline]

bool SimTK::operator!= ( const double &  a,
const conjugate< R > &  b 
) [inline]

conjugate<R> SimTK::operator- ( const conjugate< R > &  a,
const float &  b 
) [inline]

conjugate<long double> SimTK::operator- ( const conjugate< R > &  a,
const long double &  b 
) [inline]

Wider<R,double>::WConj SimTK::operator- ( const conjugate< R > &  a,
const double &  b 
) [inline]

complex<R> SimTK::operator- ( const float &  a,
const conjugate< R > &  b 
) [inline]

complex<long double> SimTK::operator- ( const long double &  a,
const conjugate< R > &  b 
) [inline]

Wider<R,double>::WCplx SimTK::operator- ( const double &  a,
const conjugate< R > &  b 
) [inline]

conjugate<R> SimTK::operator/ ( const conjugate< R > &  a,
const float &  b 
) [inline]

conjugate<long double> SimTK::operator/ ( const conjugate< R > &  a,
const long double &  b 
) [inline]

Wider<R,double>::WConj SimTK::operator/ ( const conjugate< R > &  a,
const double &  b 
) [inline]

complex<R> SimTK::operator/ ( const float &  a,
const conjugate< R > &  b 
) [inline]

complex<long double> SimTK::operator/ ( const long double &  a,
const conjugate< R > &  b 
) [inline]

Wider<R,double>::WCplx SimTK::operator/ ( const double &  a,
const conjugate< R > &  b 
) [inline]

Wider<R,S>::WConj SimTK::operator+ ( const conjugate< R > &  a,
const conjugate< S > &  r 
) [inline]

Wider<R,S>::WCplx SimTK::operator+ ( const conjugate< R > &  a,
const complex< S > &  r 
) [inline]

Wider<R,S>::WCplx SimTK::operator+ ( const complex< R > &  a,
const conjugate< S > &  r 
) [inline]

Wider<R,S>::WCplx SimTK::operator- ( const conjugate< R > &  a,
const conjugate< S > &  r 
) [inline]

negator<typename Wider<R,S>::WCplx> SimTK::operator- ( const conjugate< R > &  a,
const complex< S > &  r 
) [inline]

Wider<R,S>::WCplx SimTK::operator- ( const complex< R > &  a,
const conjugate< S > &  r 
) [inline]

negator<typename Wider<R,S>::WCplx> SimTK::operator * ( const conjugate< R > &  a,
const conjugate< S > &  r 
) [inline]

Wider<R,S>::WCplx SimTK::operator * ( const conjugate< R > &  a,
const complex< S > &  r 
) [inline]

Wider<R,S>::WCplx SimTK::operator * ( const complex< R > &  a,
const conjugate< S > &  r 
) [inline]

Wider<R,S>::WCplx SimTK::operator/ ( const conjugate< R > &  a,
const conjugate< S > &  r 
) [inline]

Wider<R,S>::WCplx SimTK::operator/ ( const conjugate< R > &  a,
const complex< S > &  r 
) [inline]

Wider<R,S>::WCplx SimTK::operator/ ( const complex< R > &  a,
const conjugate< S > &  r 
) [inline]

bool SimTK::operator== ( const conjugate< R > &  a,
const conjugate< S > &  r 
) [inline]

bool SimTK::operator== ( const conjugate< R > &  a,
const complex< S > &  r 
) [inline]

bool SimTK::operator== ( const complex< R > &  a,
const conjugate< S > &  r 
) [inline]

bool SimTK::operator!= ( const conjugate< R > &  a,
const conjugate< S > &  r 
) [inline]

bool SimTK::operator!= ( const conjugate< R > &  a,
const complex< S > &  r 
) [inline]

bool SimTK::operator!= ( const complex< R > &  a,
const conjugate< S > &  r 
) [inline]

negator<A>::template Result<B>::Add SimTK::operator+ ( const negator< A > &  l,
const B &  r 
) [inline]

CNT<A>::template Result<negator<B> >::Add SimTK::operator+ ( const A &  l,
const negator< B > &  r 
) [inline]

negator<A>::template Result<negator<B> >::Add SimTK::operator+ ( const negator< A > &  l,
const negator< B > &  r 
) [inline]

negator<A>::template Result<B>::Sub SimTK::operator- ( const negator< A > &  l,
const B &  r 
) [inline]

CNT<A>::template Result<negator<B> >::Sub SimTK::operator- ( const A &  l,
const negator< B > &  r 
) [inline]

negator<A>::template Result<negator<B> >::Sub SimTK::operator- ( const negator< A > &  l,
const negator< B > &  r 
) [inline]

negator<A>::template Result<B>::Mul SimTK::operator * ( const negator< A > &  l,
const B &  r 
) [inline]

CNT<A>::template Result<negator<B> >::Mul SimTK::operator * ( const A &  l,
const negator< B > &  r 
) [inline]

negator<A>::template Result<negator<B> >::Mul SimTK::operator * ( const negator< A > &  l,
const negator< B > &  r 
) [inline]

negator<A>::template Result<B>::Dvd SimTK::operator/ ( const negator< A > &  l,
const B &  r 
) [inline]

CNT<A>::template Result<negator<B> >::Dvd SimTK::operator/ ( const A &  l,
const negator< B > &  r 
) [inline]

negator<A>::template Result<negator<B> >::Dvd SimTK::operator/ ( const negator< A > &  l,
const negator< B > &  r 
) [inline]

bool SimTK::operator== ( const negator< A > &  l,
const B &  r 
) [inline]

bool SimTK::operator== ( const A &  l,
const negator< B > &  r 
) [inline]

bool SimTK::operator== ( const negator< A > &  l,
const negator< B > &  r 
) [inline]

bool SimTK::operator!= ( const negator< A > &  l,
const B &  r 
) [inline]

bool SimTK::operator!= ( const A &  l,
const negator< B > &  r 
) [inline]

bool SimTK::operator!= ( const negator< A > &  l,
const negator< B > &  r 
) [inline]

std::basic_istream<CHAR,TRAITS>& SimTK::operator>> ( std::basic_istream< CHAR, TRAITS > &  is,
negator< NUM > &  nn 
) [inline]

std::basic_ostream<CHAR,TRAITS>& SimTK::operator<< ( std::basic_ostream< CHAR, TRAITS > &  os,
const negator< NUM > &  nn 
) [inline]

SimTK::SimTK_BNTCMPLX_SPEC ( float  ,

SimTK::SimTK_BNTCMPLX_SPEC ( float  ,

SimTK::SimTK_BNTCMPLX_SPEC ( float  ,
long  double 

SimTK::SimTK_BNTCMPLX_SPEC ( double  ,

SimTK::SimTK_BNTCMPLX_SPEC ( double  ,

SimTK::SimTK_BNTCMPLX_SPEC ( double  ,
long  double 

SimTK::SimTK_BNTCMPLX_SPEC ( long  double,

SimTK::SimTK_BNTCMPLX_SPEC ( long  double,

SimTK::SimTK_BNTCMPLX_SPEC ( long  double,
long  double 



long  double 

SimTK::SimTK_NTRAITS_CONJ_SPEC ( double  ,

SimTK::SimTK_NTRAITS_CONJ_SPEC ( double  ,

SimTK::SimTK_NTRAITS_CONJ_SPEC ( double  ,
long  double 

SimTK::SimTK_NTRAITS_CONJ_SPEC ( long  double,

SimTK::SimTK_NTRAITS_CONJ_SPEC ( long  double,

SimTK::SimTK_NTRAITS_CONJ_SPEC ( long  double,
long  double 


SimTK::SimTK_DEFINE_REAL_NTRAITS ( double   ) 

SimTK::SimTK_DEFINE_REAL_NTRAITS ( long  double  ) 

bool SimTK::canStoreInInt ( char   )  [inline]

bool canStoreInInt ( unsigned  char  )  [inline]

bool SimTK::canStoreInInt ( signed  char  )  [inline]

bool SimTK::canStoreInInt ( short   )  [inline]

bool SimTK::canStoreInInt ( int   )  [inline]

bool SimTK::canStoreInInt ( unsigned int  u  )  [inline]

bool SimTK::canStoreInInt ( long  i  )  [inline]

bool SimTK::canStoreInInt ( unsigned long  u  )  [inline]

bool SimTK::canStoreInNonnegativeInt ( char  c  )  [inline]

bool SimTK::canStoreInNonnegativeInt ( unsigned char  c  )  [inline]

bool SimTK::canStoreInNonnegativeInt ( signed char  c  )  [inline]

bool SimTK::canStoreInNonnegativeInt ( short  s  )  [inline]

bool SimTK::canStoreInNonnegativeInt ( unsigned short  s  )  [inline]

bool SimTK::canStoreInNonnegativeInt ( int  i  )  [inline]

bool SimTK::canStoreInNonnegativeInt ( long  l  )  [inline]

bool SimTK::canStoreInNonnegativeInt ( unsigned int  u  )  [inline]

bool SimTK::canStoreInNonnegativeInt ( unsigned long  u  )  [inline]

bool SimTK::isNaN ( const float &  x  )  [inline]

isNaN(x) provides a reliable way to determine if x is one of the "not a number" floating point forms.

Comparing x==NaN does not work because any relational operation involving NaN always return false, even (NaN==NaN)! We use this latter fact to detect NaN since no other floating point values have that property. This routine is specialized for all SimTK scalar types: float, double, long double, std::complex<P>, SimTK::conjugate<P>, and SimTK::negator<T>, where T is any of the above. For complex and conjugate types, isNaN() returns true if either the real or imaginary part or both are NaN.

bool SimTK::isNaN ( const double &  x  )  [inline]

bool SimTK::isNaN ( const long double &  x  )  [inline]

bool SimTK::isNaN ( const std::complex< P > &  x  )  [inline]

bool SimTK::isNaN ( const conjugate< P > &  x  )  [inline]

bool SimTK::isNaN ( const negator< float > &  x  )  [inline]

bool SimTK::isNaN ( const negator< double > &  x  )  [inline]

bool SimTK::isNaN ( const negator< long double > &  x  )  [inline]

bool SimTK::isNaN ( const negator< std::complex< P > > &  x  )  [inline]

bool SimTK::isNaN ( const negator< conjugate< P > > &  x  )  [inline]

unsigned int SimTK::sign ( unsigned char  u  )  [inline]

s=sign(n) returns int -1,0,1 according to n<0, n==0, n>0 for any integer or real numeric type, unsigned 0 or 1 for any unsigned argument.

This routine is specialized for each of the int, unsigned, and real types of all sizes. Sign is defined for "signed char" and "unsigned char" but not plain "char" since the language leaves unspecified whether that is a signed or unsigned type. Sign is not defined for complex or conjugate.

unsigned int SimTK::sign ( unsigned short  u  )  [inline]

unsigned int SimTK::sign ( unsigned int  u  )  [inline]

unsigned int SimTK::sign ( unsigned long  u  )  [inline]

int SimTK::sign ( signed char  i  )  [inline]

int SimTK::sign ( short  i  )  [inline]

int SimTK::sign ( int  i  )  [inline]

int SimTK::sign ( long  i  )  [inline]

int SimTK::sign ( const float &  x  )  [inline]

int SimTK::sign ( const double &  x  )  [inline]

int SimTK::sign ( const long double &  x  )  [inline]

int SimTK::sign ( const negator< float > &  x  )  [inline]

int SimTK::sign ( const negator< double > &  x  )  [inline]

int SimTK::sign ( const negator< long double > &  x  )  [inline]

unsigned char SimTK::square ( unsigned char  u  )  [inline]

y=square(x) returns the square of the argument for any numeric type.

We promise to evaluate x only once. We assume is is acceptable for the result type to be the same as the argument type; if it won't fit caller must cast argument to a wider type first. This is an inline routine which will run as fast as an explicit multiply (x*x) in optimized code, and somewhat faster for complex types.

unsigned short SimTK::square ( unsigned short  u  )  [inline]

unsigned int SimTK::square ( unsigned int  u  )  [inline]

unsigned long SimTK::square ( unsigned long  u  )  [inline]

char SimTK::square ( char  c  )  [inline]

signed char SimTK::square ( signed char  i  )  [inline]

short SimTK::square ( short  i  )  [inline]

int SimTK::square ( int  i  )  [inline]

long SimTK::square ( long  i  )  [inline]

float SimTK::square ( const float &  x  )  [inline]

double SimTK::square ( const double &  x  )  [inline]

long double SimTK::square ( const long double &  x  )  [inline]

float SimTK::square ( const negator< float > &  x  )  [inline]

double SimTK::square ( const negator< double > &  x  )  [inline]

long double SimTK::square ( const negator< long double > &  x  )  [inline]

std::complex<P> SimTK::square ( const std::complex< P > &  x  )  [inline]

std::complex<P> SimTK::square ( const conjugate< P > &  x  )  [inline]

std::complex<P> SimTK::square ( const negator< std::complex< P > > &  x  )  [inline]

std::complex<P> SimTK::square ( const negator< conjugate< P > > &  x  )  [inline]

unsigned char SimTK::cube ( unsigned char  u  )  [inline]

y=cube(x) returns the cube of the argument for any numeric type, integral or floating point.

We promise to evaluate x only once. We assume is is acceptable for the result type to be the same as the argument type; if it won't fit caller must cast argument to a wider type first. This is an inline routine which will run as fast as explicit multiplies (x*x*x) in optimized code, and even faster for complex types.

unsigned short SimTK::cube ( unsigned short  u  )  [inline]

unsigned int SimTK::cube ( unsigned int  u  )  [inline]

unsigned long SimTK::cube ( unsigned long  u  )  [inline]

char SimTK::cube ( char  c  )  [inline]

signed char SimTK::cube ( signed char  i  )  [inline]

short SimTK::cube ( short  i  )  [inline]

int SimTK::cube ( int  i  )  [inline]

long SimTK::cube ( long  i  )  [inline]

float SimTK::cube ( const float &  x  )  [inline]

double SimTK::cube ( const double &  x  )  [inline]

long double SimTK::cube ( const long double &  x  )  [inline]

negator<float> SimTK::cube ( const negator< float > &  x  )  [inline]

negator<double> SimTK::cube ( const negator< double > &  x  )  [inline]

negator<long double> SimTK::cube ( const negator< long double > &  x  )  [inline]

std::complex<P> SimTK::cube ( const std::complex< P > &  x  )  [inline]

std::complex<P> SimTK::cube ( const negator< std::complex< P > > &  x  )  [inline]

std::ostream& SimTK::operator<< ( std::ostream &  o,
Stage  g 
) [inline]

SimTK::SimTK_DEFINE_UNIQUE_INDEX_TYPE ( SubsystemIndex   ) 

std::ostream& SimTK::operator<< ( std::ostream &  o,
const State &  s 


The handle class which serves as the abstract parent of all Systems.

A System serves as a mediator for a group of interacting Subsystems. All will share a single system State, and typically subsystems will need access to content in the state which is produced by other subsystems.

A System provides a unique SubsystemIndex (a small positive integer) for each of its subsystems, and the subsystems are constructed knowing their indices. The indices are used subsequently by the subsystems to find their own entries in the system state, and by each subsystem to refer to others within the same system. Index 0 is reserved for use by the System itself, e.g. for system-global state variables.

Concrete Systems understand the kinds of subsystems they contain. For example, a MultibodySystem might contain a mechanical subsystem, some force subsystems, and a geometry subsystem. At each computation stage, a subsystem is realized in a single operation. That operation can refer to computations from already-realized subsystems, but cannot initiate computation in other subsystems. The System must know the proper order with which to realize the subsystems at each stage, and that ordering is likely to vary with stage. For example, at Position stage the mechanical positions must be realized before the configuration-dependent force elements. However, at Acceleration stage, the force elements must be realized before the mechanical accelerations can be calculated.

There are two distinct users of this class:

Only methods intended for System Users and a few bookkeeping methods are in the main System class, which is a SimTK Handle class, meaning that it consists only of a single pointer, which points to a System::Guts class. The Guts class is abstract, and virtual methods to be implemented by System Developers in the concrete System are defined there, along with other utilities of use to the concrete System Developer but not to the end user. The Guts class is declared in a separate header file, and only people who are writing their own System classes need look there.

Mat<M,N,EL,CSL,RSL>::template Result<Mat<M,N,ER,CSR,RSR> >::Add SimTK::operator+ ( const Mat< M, N, EL, CSL, RSL > &  l,
const Mat< M, N, ER, CSR, RSR > &  r 
) [inline]

Mat<M,N,EL,CSL,RSL>::template Result<Mat<M,N,ER,CSR,RSR> >::Sub SimTK::operator- ( const Mat< M, N, EL, CSL, RSL > &  l,
const Mat< M, N, ER, CSR, RSR > &  r 
) [inline]

Mat<M,N,EL,CSL,RSL>::template Result<Mat<N,P,ER,CSR,RSR> >::Mul SimTK::operator * ( const Mat< M, N, EL, CSL, RSL > &  l,
const Mat< N, P, ER, CSR, RSR > &  r 
) [inline]

Mat<M,N,EL,CSL,RSL>::template Result<Mat<MM,NN,ER,CSR,RSR> >::MulNon SimTK::operator * ( const Mat< M, N, EL, CSL, RSL > &  l,
const Mat< MM, NN, ER, CSR, RSR > &  r 
) [inline]

bool SimTK::operator== ( const Mat< M, N, EL, CSL, RSL > &  l,
const Mat< M, N, ER, CSR, RSR > &  r 
) [inline]

bool SimTK::operator!= ( const Mat< M, N, EL, CSL, RSL > &  l,
const Mat< M, N, ER, CSR, RSR > &  r 
) [inline]

Mat<M,N,E,CS,RS>::template Result<float>::Mul SimTK::operator * ( const Mat< M, N, E, CS, RS > &  l,
const float &  r 
) [inline]

Mat<M,N,E,CS,RS>::template Result<float>::Mul SimTK::operator * ( const float &  l,
const Mat< M, N, E, CS, RS > &  r 
) [inline]

Mat<M,N,E,CS,RS>::template Result<double>::Mul SimTK::operator * ( const Mat< M, N, E, CS, RS > &  l,
const double &  r 
) [inline]

Mat<M,N,E,CS,RS>::template Result<double>::Mul SimTK::operator * ( const double &  l,
const Mat< M, N, E, CS, RS > &  r 
) [inline]

Mat<M,N,E,CS,RS>::template Result<long double>::Mul SimTK::operator * ( const Mat< M, N, E, CS, RS > &  l,
const long double &  r 
) [inline]

Mat<M,N,E,CS,RS>::template Result<long double>::Mul SimTK::operator * ( const long double &  l,
const Mat< M, N, E, CS, RS > &  r 
) [inline]

Mat<M,N,E,CS,RS>::template Result<typename CNT<E>::Precision>::Mul SimTK::operator * ( const Mat< M, N, E, CS, RS > &  l,
int  r 
) [inline]

Mat<M,N,E,CS,RS>::template Result<typename CNT<E>::Precision>::Mul SimTK::operator * ( int  l,
const Mat< M, N, E, CS, RS > &  r 
) [inline]

Mat<M,N,E,CS,RS>::template Result<std::complex<R> >::Mul SimTK::operator * ( const Mat< M, N, E, CS, RS > &  l,
const std::complex< R > &  r 
) [inline]

Mat<M,N,E,CS,RS>::template Result<std::complex<R> >::Mul SimTK::operator * ( const std::complex< R > &  l,
const Mat< M, N, E, CS, RS > &  r 
) [inline]

Mat<M,N,E,CS,RS>::template Result<std::complex<R> >::Mul SimTK::operator * ( const Mat< M, N, E, CS, RS > &  l,
const conjugate< R > &  r 
) [inline]

Mat<M,N,E,CS,RS>::template Result<std::complex<R> >::Mul SimTK::operator * ( const conjugate< R > &  l,
const Mat< M, N, E, CS, RS > &  r 
) [inline]

Mat<M,N,E,CS,RS>::template Result<typename negator<R>::StdNumber>::Mul SimTK::operator * ( const Mat< M, N, E, CS, RS > &  l,
const negator< R > &  r 
) [inline]

Mat<M,N,E,CS,RS>::template Result<typename negator<R>::StdNumber>::Mul SimTK::operator * ( const negator< R > &  l,
const Mat< M, N, E, CS, RS > &  r 
) [inline]

Mat<M,N,E,CS,RS>::template Result<float>::Dvd SimTK::operator/ ( const Mat< M, N, E, CS, RS > &  l,
const float &  r 
) [inline]

CNT<float>::template Result<Mat<M,N,E,CS,RS> >::Dvd SimTK::operator/ ( const float &  l,
const Mat< M, N, E, CS, RS > &  r 
) [inline]

Mat<M,N,E,CS,RS>::template Result<double>::Dvd SimTK::operator/ ( const Mat< M, N, E, CS, RS > &  l,
const double &  r 
) [inline]

CNT<double>::template Result<Mat<M,N,E,CS,RS> >::Dvd SimTK::operator/ ( const double &  l,
const Mat< M, N, E, CS, RS > &  r 
) [inline]

Mat<M,N,E,CS,RS>::template Result<long double>::Dvd SimTK::operator/ ( const Mat< M, N, E, CS, RS > &  l,
const long double &  r 
) [inline]

CNT<long double>::template Result<Mat<M,N,E,CS,RS> >::Dvd SimTK::operator/ ( const long double &  l,
const Mat< M, N, E, CS, RS > &  r 
) [inline]

Mat<M,N,E,CS,RS>::template Result<typename CNT<E>::Precision>::Dvd SimTK::operator/ ( const Mat< M, N, E, CS, RS > &  l,
int  r 
) [inline]

CNT<typename CNT<E>::Precision>::template Result<Mat<M,N,E,CS,RS> >::Dvd SimTK::operator/ ( int  l,
const Mat< M, N, E, CS, RS > &  r 
) [inline]

Mat<M,N,E,CS,RS>::template Result<std::complex<R> >::Dvd SimTK::operator/ ( const Mat< M, N, E, CS, RS > &  l,
const std::complex< R > &  r 
) [inline]

CNT<std::complex<R> >::template Result<Mat<M,N,E,CS,RS> >::Dvd SimTK::operator/ ( const std::complex< R > &  l,
const Mat< M, N, E, CS, RS > &  r 
) [inline]

Mat<M,N,E,CS,RS>::template Result<std::complex<R> >::Dvd SimTK::operator/ ( const Mat< M, N, E, CS, RS > &  l,
const conjugate< R > &  r 
) [inline]

CNT<std::complex<R> >::template Result<Mat<M,N,E,CS,RS> >::Dvd SimTK::operator/ ( const conjugate< R > &  l,
const Mat< M, N, E, CS, RS > &  r 
) [inline]

Mat<M,N,E,CS,RS>::template Result<typename negator<R>::StdNumber>::Dvd SimTK::operator/ ( const Mat< M, N, E, CS, RS > &  l,
const negator< R > &  r 
) [inline]

CNT<R>::template Result<Mat<M,N,E,CS,RS> >::Dvd SimTK::operator/ ( const negator< R > &  l,
const Mat< M, N, E, CS, RS > &  r 
) [inline]

Mat<M,N,E,CS,RS>::template Result<float>::Add SimTK::operator+ ( const Mat< M, N, E, CS, RS > &  l,
const float &  r 
) [inline]

Mat<M,N,E,CS,RS>::template Result<float>::Add SimTK::operator+ ( const float &  l,
const Mat< M, N, E, CS, RS > &  r 
) [inline]

Mat<M,N,E,CS,RS>::template Result<double>::Add SimTK::operator+ ( const Mat< M, N, E, CS, RS > &  l,
const double &  r 
) [inline]

Mat<M,N,E,CS,RS>::template Result<double>::Add SimTK::operator+ ( const double &  l,
const Mat< M, N, E, CS, RS > &  r 
) [inline]

Mat<M,N,E,CS,RS>::template Result<long double>::Add SimTK::operator+ ( const Mat< M, N, E, CS, RS > &  l,
const long double &  r 
) [inline]

Mat<M,N,E,CS,RS>::template Result<long double>::Add SimTK::operator+ ( const long double &  l,
const Mat< M, N, E, CS, RS > &  r 
) [inline]

Mat<M,N,E,CS,RS>::template Result<typename CNT<E>::Precision>::Add SimTK::operator+ ( const Mat< M, N, E, CS, RS > &  l,
int  r 
) [inline]

Mat<M,N,E,CS,RS>::template Result<typename CNT<E>::Precision>::Add SimTK::operator+ ( int  l,
const Mat< M, N, E, CS, RS > &  r 
) [inline]

Mat<M,N,E,CS,RS>::template Result<std::complex<R> >::Add SimTK::operator+ ( const Mat< M, N, E, CS, RS > &  l,
const std::complex< R > &  r 
) [inline]

Mat<M,N,E,CS,RS>::template Result<std::complex<R> >::Add SimTK::operator+ ( const std::complex< R > &  l,
const Mat< M, N, E, CS, RS > &  r 
) [inline]

Mat<M,N,E,CS,RS>::template Result<std::complex<R> >::Add SimTK::operator+ ( const Mat< M, N, E, CS, RS > &  l,
const conjugate< R > &  r 
) [inline]

Mat<M,N,E,CS,RS>::template Result<std::complex<R> >::Add SimTK::operator+ ( const conjugate< R > &  l,
const Mat< M, N, E, CS, RS > &  r 
) [inline]

Mat<M,N,E,CS,RS>::template Result<typename negator<R>::StdNumber>::Add SimTK::operator+ ( const Mat< M, N, E, CS, RS > &  l,
const negator< R > &  r 
) [inline]

Mat<M,N,E,CS,RS>::template Result<typename negator<R>::StdNumber>::Add SimTK::operator+ ( const negator< R > &  l,
const Mat< M, N, E, CS, RS > &  r 
) [inline]

Mat<M,N,E,CS,RS>::template Result<float>::Sub SimTK::operator- ( const Mat< M, N, E, CS, RS > &  l,
const float &  r 
) [inline]

CNT<float>::template Result<Mat<M,N,E,CS,RS> >::Sub SimTK::operator- ( const float &  l,
const Mat< M, N, E, CS, RS > &  r 
) [inline]

Mat<M,N,E,CS,RS>::template Result<double>::Sub SimTK::operator- ( const Mat< M, N, E, CS, RS > &  l,
const double &  r 
) [inline]

CNT<double>::template Result<Mat<M,N,E,CS,RS> >::Sub SimTK::operator- ( const double &  l,
const Mat< M, N, E, CS, RS > &  r 
) [inline]

Mat<M,N,E,CS,RS>::template Result<long double>::Sub SimTK::operator- ( const Mat< M, N, E, CS, RS > &  l,
const long double &  r 
) [inline]

CNT<long double>::template Result<Mat<M,N,E,CS,RS> >::Sub SimTK::operator- ( const long double &  l,
const Mat< M, N, E, CS, RS > &  r 
) [inline]

Mat<M,N,E,CS,RS>::template Result<typename CNT<E>::Precision>::Sub SimTK::operator- ( const Mat< M, N, E, CS, RS > &  l,
int  r 
) [inline]

CNT<typename CNT<E>::Precision>::template Result<Mat<M,N,E,CS,RS> >::Sub SimTK::operator- ( int  l,
const Mat< M, N, E, CS, RS > &  r 
) [inline]

Mat<M,N,E,CS,RS>::template Result<std::complex<R> >::Sub SimTK::operator- ( const Mat< M, N, E, CS, RS > &  l,
const std::complex< R > &  r 
) [inline]

CNT<std::complex<R> >::template Result<Mat<M,N,E,CS,RS> >::Sub SimTK::operator- ( const std::complex< R > &  l,
const Mat< M, N, E, CS, RS > &  r 
) [inline]

Mat<M,N,E,CS,RS>::template Result<std::complex<R> >::Sub SimTK::operator- ( const Mat< M, N, E, CS, RS > &  l,
const conjugate< R > &  r 
) [inline]

CNT<std::complex<R> >::template Result<Mat<M,N,E,CS,RS> >::Sub SimTK::operator- ( const conjugate< R > &  l,
const Mat< M, N, E, CS, RS > &  r 
) [inline]

Mat<M,N,E,CS,RS>::template Result<typename negator<R>::StdNumber>::Sub SimTK::operator- ( const Mat< M, N, E, CS, RS > &  l,
const negator< R > &  r 
) [inline]

CNT<R>::template Result<Mat<M,N,E,CS,RS> >::Sub SimTK::operator- ( const negator< R > &  l,
const Mat< M, N, E, CS, RS > &  r 
) [inline]

std::basic_ostream<CHAR,TRAITS>& SimTK::operator<< ( std::basic_ostream< CHAR, TRAITS > &  o,
const Mat< M, N, E, CS, RS > &  m 
) [inline]

std::basic_istream<CHAR,TRAITS>& SimTK::operator>> ( std::basic_istream< CHAR, TRAITS > &  is,
Mat< M, N, E, CS, RS > &  m 
) [inline]

Row<N,E1,S1>::template Result< Row<N,E2,S2> >::Add SimTK::operator+ ( const Row< N, E1, S1 > &  l,
const Row< N, E2, S2 > &  r 
) [inline]

Row<N,E1,S1>::template Result< Row<N,E2,S2> >::Sub SimTK::operator- ( const Row< N, E1, S1 > &  l,
const Row< N, E2, S2 > &  r 
) [inline]

bool SimTK::operator== ( const Row< N, E1, S1 > &  l,
const Row< N, E2, S2 > &  r 
) [inline]

bool SimTK::operator!= ( const Row< N, E1, S1 > &  l,
const Row< N, E2, S2 > &  r 
) [inline]

Row<N,E,S>::template Result<float>::Mul SimTK::operator * ( const Row< N, E, S > &  l,
const float &  r 
) [inline]

Row<N,E,S>::template Result<float>::Mul SimTK::operator * ( const float &  l,
const Row< N, E, S > &  r 
) [inline]

Row<N,E,S>::template Result<double>::Mul SimTK::operator * ( const Row< N, E, S > &  l,
const double &  r 
) [inline]

Row<N,E,S>::template Result<double>::Mul SimTK::operator * ( const double &  l,
const Row< N, E, S > &  r 
) [inline]

Row<N,E,S>::template Result<long double>::Mul SimTK::operator * ( const Row< N, E, S > &  l,
const long double &  r 
) [inline]

Row<N,E,S>::template Result<long double>::Mul SimTK::operator * ( const long double &  l,
const Row< N, E, S > &  r 
) [inline]

Row<N,E,S>::template Result<typename CNT<E>::Precision>::Mul SimTK::operator * ( const Row< N, E, S > &  l,
int  r 
) [inline]

Row<N,E,S>::template Result<typename CNT<E>::Precision>::Mul SimTK::operator * ( int  l,
const Row< N, E, S > &  r 
) [inline]

Row<N,E,S>::template Result<std::complex<R> >::Mul SimTK::operator * ( const Row< N, E, S > &  l,
const std::complex< R > &  r 
) [inline]

Row<N,E,S>::template Result<std::complex<R> >::Mul SimTK::operator * ( const std::complex< R > &  l,
const Row< N, E, S > &  r 
) [inline]

Row<N,E,S>::template Result<std::complex<R> >::Mul SimTK::operator * ( const Row< N, E, S > &  l,
const conjugate< R > &  r 
) [inline]

Row<N,E,S>::template Result<std::complex<R> >::Mul SimTK::operator * ( const conjugate< R > &  l,
const Row< N, E, S > &  r 
) [inline]

Row<N,E,S>::template Result<typename negator<R>::StdNumber>::Mul SimTK::operator * ( const Row< N, E, S > &  l,
const negator< R > &  r 
) [inline]

Row<N,E,S>::template Result<typename negator<R>::StdNumber>::Mul SimTK::operator * ( const negator< R > &  l,
const Row< N, E, S > &  r 
) [inline]

Row<N,E,S>::template Result<float>::Dvd SimTK::operator/ ( const Row< N, E, S > &  l,
const float &  r 
) [inline]

CNT<float>::template Result<Row<N,E,S> >::Dvd SimTK::operator/ ( const float &  l,
const Row< N, E, S > &  r 
) [inline]

Row<N,E,S>::template Result<double>::Dvd SimTK::operator/ ( const Row< N, E, S > &  l,
const double &  r 
) [inline]

CNT<double>::template Result<Row<N,E,S> >::Dvd SimTK::operator/ ( const double &  l,
const Row< N, E, S > &  r 
) [inline]

Row<N,E,S>::template Result<long double>::Dvd SimTK::operator/ ( const Row< N, E, S > &  l,
const long double &  r 
) [inline]

CNT<long double>::template Result<Row<N,E,S> >::Dvd SimTK::operator/ ( const long double &  l,
const Row< N, E, S > &  r 
) [inline]

Row<N,E,S>::template Result<typename CNT<E>::Precision>::Dvd SimTK::operator/ ( const Row< N, E, S > &  l,
int  r 
) [inline]

CNT<typename CNT<E>::Precision>::template Result<Row<N,E,S> >::Dvd SimTK::operator/ ( int  l,
const Row< N, E, S > &  r 
) [inline]

Row<N,E,S>::template Result<std::complex<R> >::Dvd SimTK::operator/ ( const Row< N, E, S > &  l,
const std::complex< R > &  r 
) [inline]

CNT<std::complex<R> >::template Result<Row<N,E,S> >::Dvd SimTK::operator/ ( const std::complex< R > &  l,
const Row< N, E, S > &  r 
) [inline]

Row<N,E,S>::template Result<std::complex<R> >::Dvd SimTK::operator/ ( const Row< N, E, S > &  l,
const conjugate< R > &  r 
) [inline]

CNT<std::complex<R> >::template Result<Row<N,E,S> >::Dvd SimTK::operator/ ( const conjugate< R > &  l,
const Row< N, E, S > &  r 
) [inline]

Row<N,E,S>::template Result<typename negator<R>::StdNumber>::Dvd SimTK::operator/ ( const Row< N, E, S > &  l,
const negator< R > &  r 
) [inline]

CNT<R>::template Result<Row<N,E,S> >::Dvd SimTK::operator/ ( const negator< R > &  l,
const Row< N, E, S > &  r 
) [inline]

Row<N,E,S>::template Result<float>::Add SimTK::operator+ ( const Row< N, E, S > &  l,
const float &  r 
) [inline]

Row<N,E,S>::template Result<float>::Add SimTK::operator+ ( const float &  l,
const Row< N, E, S > &  r 
) [inline]

Row<N,E,S>::template Result<double>::Add SimTK::operator+ ( const Row< N, E, S > &  l,
const double &  r 
) [inline]

Row<N,E,S>::template Result<double>::Add SimTK::operator+ ( const double &  l,
const Row< N, E, S > &  r 
) [inline]

Row<N,E,S>::template Result<long double>::Add SimTK::operator+ ( const Row< N, E, S > &  l,
const long double &  r 
) [inline]

Row<N,E,S>::template Result<long double>::Add SimTK::operator+ ( const long double &  l,
const Row< N, E, S > &  r 
) [inline]

Row<N,E,S>::template Result<typename CNT<E>::Precision>::Add SimTK::operator+ ( const Row< N, E, S > &  l,
int  r 
) [inline]

Row<N,E,S>::template Result<typename CNT<E>::Precision>::Add SimTK::operator+ ( int  l,
const Row< N, E, S > &  r 
) [inline]

Row<N,E,S>::template Result<std::complex<R> >::Add SimTK::operator+ ( const Row< N, E, S > &  l,
const std::complex< R > &  r 
) [inline]

Row<N,E,S>::template Result<std::complex<R> >::Add SimTK::operator+ ( const std::complex< R > &  l,
const Row< N, E, S > &  r 
) [inline]

Row<N,E,S>::template Result<std::complex<R> >::Add SimTK::operator+ ( const Row< N, E, S > &  l,
const conjugate< R > &  r 
) [inline]

Row<N,E,S>::template Result<std::complex<R> >::Add SimTK::operator+ ( const conjugate< R > &  l,
const Row< N, E, S > &  r 
) [inline]

Row<N,E,S>::template Result<typename negator<R>::StdNumber>::Add SimTK::operator+ ( const Row< N, E, S > &  l,
const negator< R > &  r 
) [inline]

Row<N,E,S>::template Result<typename negator<R>::StdNumber>::Add SimTK::operator+ ( const negator< R > &  l,
const Row< N, E, S > &  r 
) [inline]

Row<N,E,S>::template Result<float>::Sub SimTK::operator- ( const Row< N, E, S > &  l,
const float &  r 
) [inline]

CNT<float>::template Result<Row<N,E,S> >::Sub SimTK::operator- ( const float &  l,
const Row< N, E, S > &  r 
) [inline]

Row<N,E,S>::template Result<double>::Sub SimTK::operator- ( const Row< N, E, S > &  l,
const double &  r 
) [inline]

CNT<double>::template Result<Row<N,E,S> >::Sub SimTK::operator- ( const double &  l,
const Row< N, E, S > &  r 
) [inline]

Row<N,E,S>::template Result<long double>::Sub SimTK::operator- ( const Row< N, E, S > &  l,
const long double &  r 
) [inline]

CNT<long double>::template Result<Row<N,E,S> >::Sub SimTK::operator- ( const long double &  l,
const Row< N, E, S > &  r 
) [inline]

Row<N,E,S>::template Result<typename CNT<E>::Precision>::Sub SimTK::operator- ( const Row< N, E, S > &  l,
int  r 
) [inline]

CNT<typename CNT<E>::Precision>::template Result<Row<N,E,S> >::Sub SimTK::operator- ( int  l,
const Row< N, E, S > &  r 
) [inline]

Row<N,E,S>::template Result<std::complex<R> >::Sub SimTK::operator- ( const Row< N, E, S > &  l,
const std::complex< R > &  r 
) [inline]

CNT<std::complex<R> >::template Result<Row<N,E,S> >::Sub SimTK::operator- ( const std::complex< R > &  l,
const Row< N, E, S > &  r 
) [inline]

Row<N,E,S>::template Result<std::complex<R> >::Sub SimTK::operator- ( const Row< N, E, S > &  l,
const conjugate< R > &  r 
) [inline]

CNT<std::complex<R> >::template Result<Row<N,E,S> >::Sub SimTK::operator- ( const conjugate< R > &  l,
const Row< N, E, S > &  r 
) [inline]

Row<N,E,S>::template Result<typename negator<R>::StdNumber>::Sub SimTK::operator- ( const Row< N, E, S > &  l,
const negator< R > &  r 
) [inline]

CNT<R>::template Result<Row<N,E,S> >::Sub SimTK::operator- ( const negator< R > &  l,
const Row< N, E, S > &  r 
) [inline]

std::basic_ostream<CHAR,TRAITS>& SimTK::operator<< ( std::basic_ostream< CHAR, TRAITS > &  o,
const Row< N, E, S > &  v 
) [inline]

std::basic_istream<CHAR,TRAITS>& SimTK::operator>> ( std::basic_istream< CHAR, TRAITS > &  is,
Row< N, E, S > &  v 
) [inline]

CNT<typename CNT<E1>::THerm>::template Result<E2>::Mul SimTK::dot ( const Vec< M, E1, S1 > &  r,
const Vec< M, E2, S2 > &  v 
) [inline]

CNT<E1>::template Result<E2>::Mul SimTK::operator * ( const Row< N, E1, S1 > &  r,
const Vec< N, E2, S2 > &  v 
) [inline]

CNT<E1>::template Result<E2>::Mul SimTK::dot ( const Row< N, E1, S1 > &  r,
const Vec< N, E2, S2 > &  v 
) [inline]

CNT<E1>::template Result<E2>::Mul SimTK::dot ( const Vec< M, E1, S1 > &  v,
const Row< M, E2, S2 > &  r 
) [inline]

CNT<E1>::template Result<E2>::Mul SimTK::dot ( const Row< N, E1, S1 > &  r,
const Row< N, E2, S2 > &  s 
) [inline]

Mat<M,M, typename CNT<E1>::template Result<typename CNT<E2>::THerm>::Mul> SimTK::outer ( const Vec< M, E1, S1 > &  v,
const Vec< M, E2, S2 > &  w 
) [inline]

Vec<M,E1,S1>::template Result<Row<M,E2,S2> >::Mul SimTK::operator * ( const Vec< M, E1, S1 > &  v,
const Row< M, E2, S2 > &  r 
) [inline]

Mat<M,M, typename CNT<E1>::template Result<E2>::Mul> SimTK::outer ( const Vec< M, E1, S1 > &  v,
const Row< M, E2, S2 > &  r 
) [inline]

Mat<M,M, typename CNT<E1>::template Result<E2>::Mul> SimTK::outer ( const Row< M, E1, S1 > &  r,
const Vec< M, E2, S2 > &  v 
) [inline]

Mat<M,M, typename CNT<E1>::template Result<E2>::Mul> SimTK::outer ( const Row< M, E1, S1 > &  r,
const Row< M, E2, S2 > &  s 
) [inline]

Mat<M,N,ME,CS,RS>::template Result<Vec<N,E,S> >::Mul SimTK::operator * ( const Mat< M, N, ME, CS, RS > &  m,
const Vec< N, E, S > &  v 
) [inline]

Row<M,E,S>::template Result<Mat<M,N,ME,CS,RS> >::Mul SimTK::operator * ( const Row< M, E, S > &  r,
const Mat< M, N, ME, CS, RS > &  m 
) [inline]

Vec<M,E1,S1>::template Result<Row<N,E2,S2> >::MulNon SimTK::operator * ( const Vec< M, E1, S1 > &  v,
const Row< N, E2, S2 > &  r 
) [inline]

Vec<M,E1,S1>::template Result<Mat<MM,NN,E2,CS2,RS2> >::MulNon SimTK::operator * ( const Vec< M, E1, S1 > &  v,
const Mat< MM, NN, E2, CS2, RS2 > &  m 
) [inline]

Vec<M,E1,S1>::template Result<SymMat<MM,E2,RS2> >::MulNon SimTK::operator * ( const Vec< M, E1, S1 > &  v,
const SymMat< MM, E2, RS2 > &  m 
) [inline]

Vec<M,E1,S1>::template Result<Vec<MM,E2,S2> >::MulNon SimTK::operator * ( const Vec< M, E1, S1 > &  v1,
const Vec< MM, E2, S2 > &  v2 
) [inline]

Row<M,E,S>::template Result<Mat<MM,NN,ME,CS,RS> >::MulNon SimTK::operator * ( const Row< M, E, S > &  r,
const Mat< MM, NN, ME, CS, RS > &  m 
) [inline]

Row<N,E1,S1>::template Result<Vec<M,E2,S2> >::MulNon SimTK::operator * ( const Row< N, E1, S1 > &  r,
const Vec< M, E2, S2 > &  v 
) [inline]

Row<N1,E1,S1>::template Result<Row<N2,E2,S2> >::MulNon SimTK::operator * ( const Row< N1, E1, S1 > &  r1,
const Row< N2, E2, S2 > &  r2 
) [inline]

Mat<M,N,ME,CS,RS>::template Result<Vec<MM,E,S> >::MulNon SimTK::operator * ( const Mat< M, N, ME, CS, RS > &  m,
const Vec< MM, E, S > &  v 
) [inline]

Mat<M,N,ME,CS,RS>::template Result<Row<NN,E,S> >::MulNon SimTK::operator * ( const Mat< M, N, ME, CS, RS > &  m,
const Row< NN, E, S > &  r 
) [inline]

Mat<M,N,ME,CS,RS>::template Result<SymMat<Dim,E,S> >::MulNon SimTK::operator * ( const Mat< M, N, ME, CS, RS > &  m,
const SymMat< Dim, E, S > &  sy 
) [inline]

Vec<3,typename CNT<E1>::template Result<E2>::Mul> SimTK::cross ( const Vec< 3, E1, S1 > &  a,
const Vec< 3, E2, S2 > &  b 
) [inline]

Vec<3,typename CNT<E1>::template Result<E2>::Mul> SimTK::operator% ( const Vec< 3, E1, S1 > &  a,
const Vec< 3, E2, S2 > &  b 
) [inline]

Row<3,typename CNT<E1>::template Result<E2>::Mul> SimTK::cross ( const Vec< 3, E1, S1 > &  a,
const Row< 3, E2, S2 > &  b 
) [inline]

Row<3,typename CNT<E1>::template Result<E2>::Mul> SimTK::operator% ( const Vec< 3, E1, S1 > &  a,
const Row< 3, E2, S2 > &  b 
) [inline]

Row<3,typename CNT<E1>::template Result<E2>::Mul> SimTK::cross ( const Row< 3, E1, S1 > &  a,
const Vec< 3, E2, S2 > &  b 
) [inline]

Row<3,typename CNT<E1>::template Result<E2>::Mul> SimTK::operator% ( const Row< 3, E1, S1 > &  a,
const Vec< 3, E2, S2 > &  b 
) [inline]

Row<3,typename CNT<E1>::template Result<E2>::Mul> SimTK::cross ( const Row< 3, E1, S1 > &  a,
const Row< 3, E2, S2 > &  b 
) [inline]

Row<3,typename CNT<E1>::template Result<E2>::Mul> SimTK::operator% ( const Row< 3, E1, S1 > &  a,
const Row< 3, E2, S2 > &  b 
) [inline]

CNT<E1>::template Result<E2>::Mul SimTK::cross ( const Vec< 2, E1, S1 > &  a,
const Vec< 2, E2, S2 > &  b 
) [inline]

CNT<E1>::template Result<E2>::Mul SimTK::operator% ( const Vec< 2, E1, S1 > &  a,
const Vec< 2, E2, S2 > &  b 
) [inline]

CNT<E1>::template Result<E2>::Mul SimTK::cross ( const Row< 2, E1, S1 > &  a,
const Vec< 2, E2, S2 > &  b 
) [inline]

CNT<E1>::template Result<E2>::Mul SimTK::operator% ( const Row< 2, E1, S1 > &  a,
const Vec< 2, E2, S2 > &  b 
) [inline]

CNT<E1>::template Result<E2>::Mul SimTK::cross ( const Vec< 2, E1, S1 > &  a,
const Row< 2, E2, S2 > &  b 
) [inline]

CNT<E1>::template Result<E2>::Mul SimTK::operator% ( const Vec< 2, E1, S1 > &  a,
const Row< 2, E2, S2 > &  b 
) [inline]

CNT<E1>::template Result<E2>::Mul SimTK::cross ( const Row< 2, E1, S1 > &  a,
const Row< 2, E2, S2 > &  b 
) [inline]

CNT<E1>::template Result<E2>::Mul SimTK::operator% ( const Row< 2, E1, S1 > &  a,
const Row< 2, E2, S2 > &  b 
) [inline]

Mat<3,3,E> SimTK::crossMat ( const Vec< 3, E, S > &  v  )  [inline]

Mat<3,3,E> SimTK::crossMat ( const Row< 3, E, S > &  r  )  [inline]

Row<2,E> SimTK::crossMat ( const Vec< 2, E, S > &  v  )  [inline]

Row<2,E> SimTK::crossMat ( const Row< 2, E, S > &  r  )  [inline]

SymMat<M,E1,S1>::template Result< SymMat<M,E2,S2> >::Add SimTK::operator+ ( const SymMat< M, E1, S1 > &  l,
const SymMat< M, E2, S2 > &  r 
) [inline]

SymMat< M, E1, S1 >::template Result< SymMat< M, E2, S2 > >::Mul operator- ( const SymMat< M, E1, S1 > &  l,
const SymMat< M, E2, S2 > &  r 
) [inline]

bool SimTK::operator== ( const SymMat< M, E1, S1 > &  l,
const SymMat< M, E2, S2 > &  r 
) [inline]

bool SimTK::operator!= ( const SymMat< M, E1, S1 > &  l,
const SymMat< M, E2, S2 > &  r 
) [inline]

SymMat<M,E,S>::template Result<float>::Mul SimTK::operator * ( const SymMat< M, E, S > &  l,
const float &  r 
) [inline]

SymMat<M,E,S>::template Result<float>::Mul SimTK::operator * ( const float &  l,
const SymMat< M, E, S > &  r 
) [inline]

SymMat<M,E,S>::template Result<double>::Mul SimTK::operator * ( const SymMat< M, E, S > &  l,
const double &  r 
) [inline]

SymMat<M,E,S>::template Result<double>::Mul SimTK::operator * ( const double &  l,
const SymMat< M, E, S > &  r 
) [inline]

SymMat<M,E,S>::template Result<long double>::Mul SimTK::operator * ( const SymMat< M, E, S > &  l,
const long double &  r 
) [inline]

SymMat<M,E,S>::template Result<long double>::Mul SimTK::operator * ( const long double &  l,
const SymMat< M, E, S > &  r 
) [inline]

SymMat<M,E,S>::template Result<typename CNT<E>::Precision>::Mul SimTK::operator * ( const SymMat< M, E, S > &  l,
int  r 
) [inline]

SymMat<M,E,S>::template Result<typename CNT<E>::Precision>::Mul SimTK::operator * ( int  l,
const SymMat< M, E, S > &  r 
) [inline]

SymMat<M,E,S>::template Result<std::complex<R> >::Mul SimTK::operator * ( const SymMat< M, E, S > &  l,
const std::complex< R > &  r 
) [inline]

SymMat<M,E,S>::template Result<std::complex<R> >::Mul SimTK::operator * ( const std::complex< R > &  l,
const SymMat< M, E, S > &  r 
) [inline]

SymMat<M,E,S>::template Result<std::complex<R> >::Mul SimTK::operator * ( const SymMat< M, E, S > &  l,
const conjugate< R > &  r 
) [inline]

SymMat<M,E,S>::template Result<std::complex<R> >::Mul SimTK::operator * ( const conjugate< R > &  l,
const SymMat< M, E, S > &  r 
) [inline]

SymMat<M,E,S>::template Result<typename negator<R>::StdNumber>::Mul SimTK::operator * ( const SymMat< M, E, S > &  l,
const negator< R > &  r 
) [inline]

SymMat<M,E,S>::template Result<typename negator<R>::StdNumber>::Mul SimTK::operator * ( const negator< R > &  l,
const SymMat< M, E, S > &  r 
) [inline]

SymMat<M,E,S>::template Result<float>::Dvd SimTK::operator/ ( const SymMat< M, E, S > &  l,
const float &  r 
) [inline]

CNT<float>::template Result<SymMat<M,E,S> >::Dvd SimTK::operator/ ( const float &  l,
const SymMat< M, E, S > &  r 
) [inline]

SymMat<M,E,S>::template Result<double>::Dvd SimTK::operator/ ( const SymMat< M, E, S > &  l,
const double &  r 
) [inline]

CNT<double>::template Result<SymMat<M,E,S> >::Dvd SimTK::operator/ ( const double &  l,
const SymMat< M, E, S > &  r 
) [inline]

SymMat<M,E,S>::template Result<long double>::Dvd SimTK::operator/ ( const SymMat< M, E, S > &  l,
const long double &  r 
) [inline]

CNT<long double>::template Result<SymMat<M,E,S> >::Dvd SimTK::operator/ ( const long double &  l,
const SymMat< M, E, S > &  r 
) [inline]

SymMat<M,E,S>::template Result<typename CNT<E>::Precision>::Dvd SimTK::operator/ ( const SymMat< M, E, S > &  l,
int  r 
) [inline]

CNT<typename CNT<E>::Precision>::template Result<SymMat<M,E,S> >::Dvd SimTK::operator/ ( int  l,
const SymMat< M, E, S > &  r 
) [inline]

SymMat<M,E,S>::template Result<std::complex<R> >::Dvd SimTK::operator/ ( const SymMat< M, E, S > &  l,
const std::complex< R > &  r 
) [inline]

CNT<std::complex<R> >::template Result<SymMat<M,E,S> >::Dvd SimTK::operator/ ( const std::complex< R > &  l,
const SymMat< M, E, S > &  r 
) [inline]

SymMat<M,E,S>::template Result<std::complex<R> >::Dvd SimTK::operator/ ( const SymMat< M, E, S > &  l,
const conjugate< R > &  r 
) [inline]

CNT<std::complex<R> >::template Result<SymMat<M,E,S> >::Dvd SimTK::operator/ ( const conjugate< R > &  l,
const SymMat< M, E, S > &  r 
) [inline]

SymMat<M,E,S>::template Result<typename negator<R>::StdNumber>::Dvd SimTK::operator/ ( const SymMat< M, E, S > &  l,
const negator< R > &  r 
) [inline]

CNT<R>::template Result<SymMat<M,E,S> >::Dvd SimTK::operator/ ( const negator< R > &  l,
const SymMat< M, E, S > &  r 
) [inline]

SymMat<M,E,S>::template Result<float>::Add SimTK::operator+ ( const SymMat< M, E, S > &  l,
const float &  r 
) [inline]

SymMat<M,E,S>::template Result<float>::Add SimTK::operator+ ( const float &  l,
const SymMat< M, E, S > &  r 
) [inline]

SymMat<M,E,S>::template Result<double>::Add SimTK::operator+ ( const SymMat< M, E, S > &  l,
const double &  r 
) [inline]

SymMat<M,E,S>::template Result<double>::Add SimTK::operator+ ( const double &  l,
const SymMat< M, E, S > &  r 
) [inline]

SymMat<M,E,S>::template Result<long double>::Add SimTK::operator+ ( const SymMat< M, E, S > &  l,
const long double &  r 
) [inline]

SymMat<M,E,S>::template Result<long double>::Add SimTK::operator+ ( const long double &  l,
const SymMat< M, E, S > &  r 
) [inline]

SymMat<M,E,S>::template Result<typename CNT<E>::Precision>::Add SimTK::operator+ ( const SymMat< M, E, S > &  l,
int  r 
) [inline]

SymMat<M,E,S>::template Result<typename CNT<E>::Precision>::Add SimTK::operator+ ( int  l,
const SymMat< M, E, S > &  r 
) [inline]

SymMat<M,E,S>::template Result<std::complex<R> >::Add SimTK::operator+ ( const SymMat< M, E, S > &  l,
const std::complex< R > &  r 
) [inline]

SymMat<M,E,S>::template Result<std::complex<R> >::Add SimTK::operator+ ( const std::complex< R > &  l,
const SymMat< M, E, S > &  r 
) [inline]

SymMat<M,E,S>::template Result<std::complex<R> >::Add SimTK::operator+ ( const SymMat< M, E, S > &  l,
const conjugate< R > &  r 
) [inline]

SymMat<M,E,S>::template Result<std::complex<R> >::Add SimTK::operator+ ( const conjugate< R > &  l,
const SymMat< M, E, S > &  r 
) [inline]

SymMat<M,E,S>::template Result<typename negator<R>::StdNumber>::Add SimTK::operator+ ( const SymMat< M, E, S > &  l,
const negator< R > &  r 
) [inline]

SymMat<M,E,S>::template Result<typename negator<R>::StdNumber>::Add SimTK::operator+ ( const negator< R > &  l,
const SymMat< M, E, S > &  r 
) [inline]

SymMat<M,E,S>::template Result<float>::Sub SimTK::operator- ( const SymMat< M, E, S > &  l,
const float &  r 
) [inline]

CNT<float>::template Result<SymMat<M,E,S> >::Sub SimTK::operator- ( const float &  l,
const SymMat< M, E, S > &  r 
) [inline]

SymMat<M,E,S>::template Result<double>::Sub SimTK::operator- ( const SymMat< M, E, S > &  l,
const double &  r 
) [inline]

CNT<double>::template Result<SymMat<M,E,S> >::Sub SimTK::operator- ( const double &  l,
const SymMat< M, E, S > &  r 
) [inline]

SymMat<M,E,S>::template Result<long double>::Sub SimTK::operator- ( const SymMat< M, E, S > &  l,
const long double &  r 
) [inline]

CNT<long double>::template Result<SymMat<M,E,S> >::Sub SimTK::operator- ( const long double &  l,
const SymMat< M, E, S > &  r 
) [inline]

SymMat<M,E,S>::template Result<typename CNT<E>::Precision>::Sub SimTK::operator- ( const SymMat< M, E, S > &  l,
int  r 
) [inline]

CNT<typename CNT<E>::Precision>::template Result<SymMat<M,E,S> >::Sub SimTK::operator- ( int  l,
const SymMat< M, E, S > &  r 
) [inline]

SymMat<M,E,S>::template Result<std::complex<R> >::Sub SimTK::operator- ( const SymMat< M, E, S > &  l,
const std::complex< R > &  r 
) [inline]

CNT<std::complex<R> >::template Result<SymMat<M,E,S> >::Sub SimTK::operator- ( const std::complex< R > &  l,
const SymMat< M, E, S > &  r 
) [inline]

SymMat<M,E,S>::template Result<std::complex<R> >::Sub SimTK::operator- ( const SymMat< M, E, S > &  l,
const conjugate< R > &  r 
) [inline]

CNT<std::complex<R> >::template Result<SymMat<M,E,S> >::Sub SimTK::operator- ( const conjugate< R > &  l,
const SymMat< M, E, S > &  r 
) [inline]

SymMat<M,E,S>::template Result<typename negator<R>::StdNumber>::Sub SimTK::operator- ( const SymMat< M, E, S > &  l,
const negator< R > &  r 
) [inline]

CNT<R>::template Result<SymMat<M,E,S> >::Sub SimTK::operator- ( const negator< R > &  l,
const SymMat< M, E, S > &  r 
) [inline]

std::basic_ostream<CHAR,TRAITS>& SimTK::operator<< ( std::basic_ostream< CHAR, TRAITS > &  o,
const SymMat< M, E, RS > &  m 
) [inline]

std::basic_istream<CHAR,TRAITS>& SimTK::operator>> ( std::basic_istream< CHAR, TRAITS > &  is,
SymMat< M, E, RS > &  m 
) [inline]

Vec<M,E1,S1>::template Result< Vec<M,E2,S2> >::Add SimTK::operator+ ( const Vec< M, E1, S1 > &  l,
const Vec< M, E2, S2 > &  r 
) [inline]

Vec<M,E1,S1>::template Result< Vec<M,E2,S2> >::Sub SimTK::operator- ( const Vec< M, E1, S1 > &  l,
const Vec< M, E2, S2 > &  r 
) [inline]

bool SimTK::operator== ( const Vec< M, E1, S1 > &  l,
const Vec< M, E2, S2 > &  r 
) [inline]

bool SimTK::operator!= ( const Vec< M, E1, S1 > &  l,
const Vec< M, E2, S2 > &  r 
) [inline]

Vec<M,E,S>::template Result<float>::Mul SimTK::operator * ( const Vec< M, E, S > &  l,
const float &  r 
) [inline]

Vec<M,E,S>::template Result<float>::Mul SimTK::operator * ( const float &  l,
const Vec< M, E, S > &  r 
) [inline]

Vec<M,E,S>::template Result<double>::Mul SimTK::operator * ( const Vec< M, E, S > &  l,
const double &  r 
) [inline]

Vec<M,E,S>::template Result<double>::Mul SimTK::operator * ( const double &  l,
const Vec< M, E, S > &  r 
) [inline]

Vec<M,E,S>::template Result<long double>::Mul SimTK::operator * ( const Vec< M, E, S > &  l,
const long double &  r 
) [inline]

Vec<M,E,S>::template Result<long double>::Mul SimTK::operator * ( const long double &  l,
const Vec< M, E, S > &  r 
) [inline]

Vec<M,E,S>::template Result<typename CNT<E>::Precision>::Mul SimTK::operator * ( const Vec< M, E, S > &  l,
int  r 
) [inline]

Vec<M,E,S>::template Result<typename CNT<E>::Precision>::Mul SimTK::operator * ( int  l,
const Vec< M, E, S > &  r 
) [inline]

Vec<M,E,S>::template Result<std::complex<R> >::Mul SimTK::operator * ( const Vec< M, E, S > &  l,
const std::complex< R > &  r 
) [inline]

Vec<M,E,S>::template Result<std::complex<R> >::Mul SimTK::operator * ( const std::complex< R > &  l,
const Vec< M, E, S > &  r 
) [inline]

Vec<M,E,S>::template Result<std::complex<R> >::Mul SimTK::operator * ( const Vec< M, E, S > &  l,
const conjugate< R > &  r 
) [inline]

Vec<M,E,S>::template Result<std::complex<R> >::Mul SimTK::operator * ( const conjugate< R > &  l,
const Vec< M, E, S > &  r 
) [inline]

Vec<M,E,S>::template Result<typename negator<R>::StdNumber>::Mul SimTK::operator * ( const Vec< M, E, S > &  l,
const negator< R > &  r 
) [inline]

Vec<M,E,S>::template Result<typename negator<R>::StdNumber>::Mul SimTK::operator * ( const negator< R > &  l,
const Vec< M, E, S > &  r 
) [inline]

Vec<M,E,S>::template Result<float>::Dvd SimTK::operator/ ( const Vec< M, E, S > &  l,
const float &  r 
) [inline]

CNT<float>::template Result<Vec<M,E,S> >::Dvd SimTK::operator/ ( const float &  l,
const Vec< M, E, S > &  r 
) [inline]

Vec<M,E,S>::template Result<double>::Dvd SimTK::operator/ ( const Vec< M, E, S > &  l,
const double &  r 
) [inline]

CNT<double>::template Result<Vec<M,E,S> >::Dvd SimTK::operator/ ( const double &  l,
const Vec< M, E, S > &  r 
) [inline]

Vec<M,E,S>::template Result<long double>::Dvd SimTK::operator/ ( const Vec< M, E, S > &  l,
const long double &  r 
) [inline]

CNT<long double>::template Result<Vec<M,E,S> >::Dvd SimTK::operator/ ( const long double &  l,
const Vec< M, E, S > &  r 
) [inline]

Vec<M,E,S>::template Result<typename CNT<E>::Precision>::Dvd SimTK::operator/ ( const Vec< M, E, S > &  l,
int  r 
) [inline]

CNT<typename CNT<E>::Precision>::template Result<Vec<M,E,S> >::Dvd SimTK::operator/ ( int  l,
const Vec< M, E, S > &  r 
) [inline]

Vec<M,E,S>::template Result<std::complex<R> >::Dvd SimTK::operator/ ( const Vec< M, E, S > &  l,
const std::complex< R > &  r 
) [inline]

CNT<std::complex<R> >::template Result<Vec<M,E,S> >::Dvd SimTK::operator/ ( const std::complex< R > &  l,
const Vec< M, E, S > &  r 
) [inline]

Vec<M,E,S>::template Result<std::complex<R> >::Dvd SimTK::operator/ ( const Vec< M, E, S > &  l,
const conjugate< R > &  r 
) [inline]

CNT<std::complex<R> >::template Result<Vec<M,E,S> >::Dvd SimTK::operator/ ( const conjugate< R > &  l,
const Vec< M, E, S > &  r 
) [inline]

Vec<M,E,S>::template Result<typename negator<R>::StdNumber>::Dvd SimTK::operator/ ( const Vec< M, E, S > &  l,
const negator< R > &  r 
) [inline]

CNT<R>::template Result<Vec<M,E,S> >::Dvd SimTK::operator/ ( const negator< R > &  l,
const Vec< M, E, S > &  r 
) [inline]

Vec<M,E,S>::template Result<float>::Add SimTK::operator+ ( const Vec< M, E, S > &  l,
const float &  r 
) [inline]

Vec<M,E,S>::template Result<float>::Add SimTK::operator+ ( const float &  l,
const Vec< M, E, S > &  r 
) [inline]

Vec<M,E,S>::template Result<double>::Add SimTK::operator+ ( const Vec< M, E, S > &  l,
const double &  r 
) [inline]

Vec<M,E,S>::template Result<double>::Add SimTK::operator+ ( const double &  l,
const Vec< M, E, S > &  r 
) [inline]

Vec<M,E,S>::template Result<long double>::Add SimTK::operator+ ( const Vec< M, E, S > &  l,
const long double &  r 
) [inline]

Vec<M,E,S>::template Result<long double>::Add SimTK::operator+ ( const long double &  l,
const Vec< M, E, S > &  r 
) [inline]

Vec<M,E,S>::template Result<typename CNT<E>::Precision>::Add SimTK::operator+ ( const Vec< M, E, S > &  l,
int  r 
) [inline]

Vec<M,E,S>::template Result<typename CNT<E>::Precision>::Add SimTK::operator+ ( int  l,
const Vec< M, E, S > &  r 
) [inline]

Vec<M,E,S>::template Result<std::complex<R> >::Add SimTK::operator+ ( const Vec< M, E, S > &  l,
const std::complex< R > &  r 
) [inline]

Vec<M,E,S>::template Result<std::complex<R> >::Add SimTK::operator+ ( const std::complex< R > &  l,
const Vec< M, E, S > &  r 
) [inline]

Vec<M,E,S>::template Result<std::complex<R> >::Add SimTK::operator+ ( const Vec< M, E, S > &  l,
const conjugate< R > &  r 
) [inline]

Vec<M,E,S>::template Result<std::complex<R> >::Add SimTK::operator+ ( const conjugate< R > &  l,
const Vec< M, E, S > &  r 
) [inline]

Vec<M,E,S>::template Result<typename negator<R>::StdNumber>::Add SimTK::operator+ ( const Vec< M, E, S > &  l,
const negator< R > &  r 
) [inline]

Vec<M,E,S>::template Result<typename negator<R>::StdNumber>::Add SimTK::operator+ ( const negator< R > &  l,
const Vec< M, E, S > &  r 
) [inline]

Vec<M,E,S>::template Result<float>::Sub SimTK::operator- ( const Vec< M, E, S > &  l,
const float &  r 
) [inline]

CNT<float>::template Result<Vec<M,E,S> >::Sub SimTK::operator- ( const float &  l,
const Vec< M, E, S > &  r 
) [inline]

Vec<M,E,S>::template Result<double>::Sub SimTK::operator- ( const Vec< M, E, S > &  l,
const double &  r 
) [inline]

CNT<double>::template Result<Vec<M,E,S> >::Sub SimTK::operator- ( const double &  l,
const Vec< M, E, S > &  r 
) [inline]

Vec<M,E,S>::template Result<long double>::Sub SimTK::operator- ( const Vec< M, E, S > &  l,
const long double &  r 
) [inline]

CNT<long double>::template Result<Vec<M,E,S> >::Sub SimTK::operator- ( const long double &  l,
const Vec< M, E, S > &  r 
) [inline]

Vec<M,E,S>::template Result<typename CNT<E>::Precision>::Sub SimTK::operator- ( const Vec< M, E, S > &  l,
int  r 
) [inline]

CNT<typename CNT<E>::Precision>::template Result<Vec<M,E,S> >::Sub SimTK::operator- ( int  l,
const Vec< M, E, S > &  r 
) [inline]

Vec<M,E,S>::template Result<std::complex<R> >::Sub SimTK::operator- ( const Vec< M, E, S > &  l,
const std::complex< R > &  r 
) [inline]

CNT<std::complex<R> >::template Result<Vec<M,E,S> >::Sub SimTK::operator- ( const std::complex< R > &  l,
const Vec< M, E, S > &  r 
) [inline]

Vec<M,E,S>::template Result<std::complex<R> >::Sub SimTK::operator- ( const Vec< M, E, S > &  l,
const conjugate< R > &  r 
) [inline]

CNT<std::complex<R> >::template Result<Vec<M,E,S> >::Sub SimTK::operator- ( const conjugate< R > &  l,
const Vec< M, E, S > &  r 
) [inline]

Vec<M,E,S>::template Result<typename negator<R>::StdNumber>::Sub SimTK::operator- ( const Vec< M, E, S > &  l,
const negator< R > &  r 
) [inline]

CNT<R>::template Result<Vec<M,E,S> >::Sub SimTK::operator- ( const negator< R > &  l,
const Vec< M, E, S > &  r 
) [inline]

std::basic_ostream<CHAR,TRAITS>& SimTK::operator<< ( std::basic_ostream< CHAR, TRAITS > &  o,
const Vec< M, E, S > &  v 
) [inline]

std::basic_istream<CHAR,TRAITS>& SimTK::operator>> ( std::basic_istream< CHAR, TRAITS > &  is,
Vec< M, E, S > &  v 
) [inline]

Generated on Thu Feb 28 01:34:35 2008 for SimTKcommon by  doxygen 1.4.7