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For C++ developers
You are looking at the website for the reference documentation of the OpenSim API. This documentation was generated by Doxygen directly from the OpenSim source code as annotated by the original programmers so it is both accurate and comprehensive. As you will quickly realize if you look around, this is a large system providing a great deal of functionality. It is, however, very easy to use if you know where to begin – and this reference documentation is most definitely not the place to start if you want to learn how to use OpenSim. Instead, start with the User's Guide, examples, and tutorials which you can find at the OpenSim project site http://opensim.stanford.edu/support/index.html. There is also a collection of working example programs that come with the OpenSim installation (in the sdk directory). If you have specific questions, use the OpenSim user forum (under "Troubleshooting"). You can also file bug reports and make feature requests using the tools provided there.
This license, based on the maximally-permissive Apache 2.0 License, defines the terms under which we offer OpenSim.
Acknowledging the OpenSim project helps us and helps you. It allows us to track our impact, which is essential for securing funding to improve the software and provide support to our users (you).
If you use the OpenSim GUI, you must acknowledge the OpenSim project where appropriate, by citing the following paper. If you only use the OpenSim API, you are not required to acknowledge us, but we would be extremely grateful if you did so anyway.
Delp SL, Anderson FC, Arnold AS, Loan P, Habib A, John CT, Guendelman E, Thelen DG. OpenSim: Open-source Software to Create and Analyze Dynamic Simulations of Movement. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering. (2007)
We would also be grateful if you mention that OpenSim is funded by NIH Roadmap grant U54 GM072970, the NIH research infrastructure grant R24 HD065690, and the DARPA Warrior Web Program. We greatly appreciate this support, and the NIH and DARPA appreciate knowing that their funds are having an impact, particularly on medical research and human health. If you use plugins, models, or other components contributed by your fellow researchers, you must acknowledge their work as described in the license that accompanies each of these files.
Many people have contributed to the OpenSim API, including the following:
Nabeel Allana, Frank C. Anderson, Allison S. Arnold, Scott L. Delp, Christopher L. Dembia, Matt S. DeMers, Neil Dhir, Tim Dorn, James J. Dunne, Peter Eastman, Brian Garner, Saryn R. Goldberg, Eran Guendelman, Ayman Habib, Samuel R. Hamner, Jennifer L. Hicks, Katherine R. S. Holzbaur, Chand T. John, Cassidy Kelly, Shrinidhi K. Lakshmikanth, Andrew LaPre, May Q. Liu, Peter Loan, Jack Middleton, Matthew Millard, Paul C. Mitiguy, Jason Moore, Carmichael Ong, Soha Pouya, Apoorva Rajagopal, Jeffrey A. Reinbolt, Kate Saul, Ajay Seth, Michael A. Sherman, Weiguang Si, Ian Stavness, Darryl G. Thelen, Thomas K. Uchida, Jack Wang, Kevin Xu, Jenny Yong
Please see https://github.com/opensim-org/opensim-core/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md for information on contributing to the project.