This is an example that predicts a squat-to-stand movement and optimizes the stiffness of an assistive passive device. This example is used in hands-on workshops, and accordingly has blanks that users must fill in. See exampleSquatToStand_answers.m for a completed version.
4 import exampleSquatToStand_helpers
as helpers
5 import mocoPlotTrajectory
as plot
8 torqueDrivenModel = helpers.getTorqueDrivenModel()
9 muscleDrivenModel = helpers.getMuscleDrivenModel()
38 problem.setTimeBounds( )
42 problem.setStateInfo(
'/jointset/hip_r/hip_flexion_r/value', )
43 problem.setStateInfo(
'/jointset/knee_r/knee_angle_r/value', )
44 problem.setStateInfo(
'/jointset/ankle_r/ankle_angle_r/value', )
47 problem.setStateInfoPattern(
'/jointset/.*/speed', )
55 if not os.path.isfile(
79 if not os.path.isfile(
85 plot.mocoPlotTrajectory(
101 inverse.set_initial_time( )
102 inverse.set_final_time( )
103 inverse.set_mesh_interval( )
104 inverse.set_convergence_tolerance( )
105 inverse.set_constraint_tolerance( )
108 inverse.set_kinematics_allow_extra_columns(
109 inverse.set_minimize_sum_squared_activations(
113 inverse.append_output_paths(
114 inverse.append_output_paths(
135 print(
'Cost without device: ', solution.getObjective())
136 print(
'Cost with device: ', deviceSolution.getObjective())
140 helpers.compareInverseSolutions(inverseSolution, inverseDeviceSolution)