97 class Geo::BicubicHermitePatch_ {
99 typedef Vec<3,RealP> Vec3P;
123 void evalP1(RealP u, RealP w, Vec3P& Pu, Vec3P& Pw)
130 void evalP2(RealP u, RealP w, Vec3P& Puu, Vec3P& Puw, Vec3P& Pww)
137 void evalP3(RealP u, RealP w, Vec3P& Puuu, Vec3P& Puuw,
138 Vec3P& Puww, Vec3P& Pwww)
148 typedef const Vec3P& Coef;
149 Coef h00=H(0,0), h01=H(0,1), w00=H(0,2), w01=H(0,3),
150 h10=H(1,0), h11=H(1,1), w10=H(1,2), w11=H(1,3),
151 u00=H(2,0), u01=H(2,1), t00=H(2,2), t01=H(2,3),
152 u10=H(3,0), u11=H(3,1), t10=H(3,2), t11=H(3,3);
158 Vec3P a=2*(h00-h10)+u00+u10, b=2*(h01-h11)+u01+u11,
159 c=2*(w00-w10)+t00+t10, d=2*(w01-w11)+t01+t11;
160 Vec3P p=3*(h10-h00)-2*u00-u10, q=3*(h11-h01)-2*u01-u11,
161 r=3*(w10-w00)-2*t00-t10, s=3*(w11-w01)-2*t01-t11;
164 Vec3P bma=b-a, qmp=q-p;
166 ( c+d-2*bma, 3*bma-2*c-d, c, a,
167 r+s-2*qmp, 3*qmp-2*r-s, r, p,
168 2*(u00-u01)+t00+t01, 3*(u01-u00)-2*t00-t01, t00, u00,
169 2*(h00-h01)+w00+w01, 3*(h01-h00)-2*w00-w01, w00, h00 );
175 typedef const Vec3P& Coef;
176 Coef a33=A(0,0), a32=A(0,1), a31=A(0,2), a30=A(0,3),
177 a23=A(1,0), a22=A(1,1), a21=A(1,2), a20=A(1,3),
178 a13=A(2,0), a12=A(2,1), a11=A(2,2), a10=A(2,3),
179 a03=A(3,0), a02=A(3,1), a01=A(3,2), a00=A(3,3);
185 Vec3P a=a33+a23+a13+a03, b=a32+a22+a12+a02,
186 c=a31+a21+a11+a01, d=a30+a20+a10+a00;
187 Vec3P p=3*a33+2*a23+a13, q=3*a32+2*a22+a12,
188 r=3*a31+2*a21+a11, s=3*a30+2*a20+a10;
192 ( a00, a03+a02+a01+a00, a01, 3*a03+2*a02+a01,
193 d, a+b+c+d, c, 3*a+2*b+c,
194 a10, a13+a12+a11+a10, a11, 3*a13+2*a12+a11,
195 s, p+q+r+s, r, 3*p+2*q+r );
202 typedef const Vec3P& Coef;
203 Coef a33=A(0,0), a32=A(0,1), a31=A(0,2), a30=A(0,3),
204 a23=A(1,0), a22=A(1,1), a21=A(1,2), a20=A(1,3),
205 a13=A(2,0), a12=A(2,1), a11=A(2,2), a10=A(2,3),
206 a03=A(3,0), a02=A(3,1), a01=A(3,2), a00=A(3,3);
208 const RealP u2 = u*u, u3 = u*u2, w2 = w*w, w3 = w*w2;
209 Vec3P p = u3*(a33*w3 + a32*w2 + a31*w + a30)
210 + u2*(a23*w3 + a22*w2 + a21*w + a20)
211 + u *(a13*w3 + a12*w2 + a11*w + a10)
212 + (a03*w3 + a02*w2 + a01*w + a00);
220 Vec3P& Pu, Vec3P& Pw) {
221 typedef const Vec3P& Coef;
222 Coef a33=A(0,0), a32=A(0,1), a31=A(0,2), a30=A(0,3),
223 a23=A(1,0), a22=A(1,1), a21=A(1,2), a20=A(1,3),
224 a13=A(2,0), a12=A(2,1), a11=A(2,2), a10=A(2,3),
225 a03=A(3,0), a02=A(3,1), a01=A(3,2);
227 const RealP u2 = u*u, u3 = u*u2, w2 = w*w, w3 = w*w2;
228 Pu = 3*u2*(a33*w3 + a32*w2 + a31*w + a30)
229 + 2* u*(a23*w3 + a22*w2 + a21*w + a20)
230 + (a13*w3 + a12*w2 + a11*w + a10);
231 Pw = 3*w2*(u3*a33 + u2*a23 + u*a13 + a03)
232 + 2* w*(u3*a32 + u2*a22 + u*a12 + a02)
233 + (u3*a31 + u2*a21 + u*a11 + a01);
241 Vec3P& Puu, Vec3P& Puw, Vec3P& Pww) {
242 typedef const Vec3P& Coef;
243 Coef a33=A(0,0), a32=A(0,1), a31=A(0,2), a30=A(0,3),
244 a23=A(1,0), a22=A(1,1), a21=A(1,2), a20=A(1,3),
245 a13=A(2,0), a12=A(2,1), a11=A(2,2),
246 a03=A(3,0), a02=A(3,1);
248 const RealP u2 = u*u, u3 = u*u2, w2 = w*w, w3 = w*w2;
249 Puu = 6*u*(a33*w3 + a32*w2 + a31*w + a30)
250 + 2 *(a23*w3 + a22*w2 + a21*w + a20);
251 Pww = 6*w*(u3*a33 + u2*a23 + u*a13 + a03)
252 + 2 *(u3*a32 + u2*a22 + u*a12 + a02);
253 Puw = 3*u2*(3*a33*w2 + 2*a32*w + a31)
254 + 2*u *(3*a23*w2 + 2*a22*w + a21)
255 + (3*a13*w2 + 2*a12*w + a11);
263 Vec3P& Puuu, Vec3P& Puuw, Vec3P& Puww, Vec3P& Pwww) {
264 typedef const Vec3P& Coef;
265 Coef a33=A(0,0), a32=A(0,1), a31=A(0,2), a30=A(0,3),
266 a23=A(1,0), a22=A(1,1), a21=A(1,2), a20=A(1,3),
267 a13=A(2,0), a12=A(2,1),
268 a03=A(3,0), a02=A(3,1);
270 const RealP u2 = u*u, u3 = u*u2, w2 = w*w, w3 = w*w2;
271 Puuu = 6*(a33*w3 + a32*w2 + a31*w + a30);
272 Pwww = 6*(u3*a33 + u2*a23 + u*a13 + a03);
273 Puuw = 6*u*(3*a33*w2 + 2*a32*w + a31)
274 + 6*a23*w2 + 4*a22*w + 2*a21;
275 Puww = 6*w*(3*u2*a33 + 2*u*a23 + a13)
276 + 6*u2*a32 + 4*u*a22 + 2*a12;
This is the top-level SimTK namespace into which all SimTK names are placed to avoid collision with o...
Definition: Assembler.h:37
const Mat< 4, 4, Vec3P > & getAlgebraicCoefficients() const
Return a reference to the algebraic coefficients A that are stored in this object.
Definition: Geo_BicubicHermitePatch.h:109
static Mat< 4, 4, Vec3P > calcAFromH(const Mat< 4, 4, Vec3P > &H)
Given the vector Hermite coefficients H, return the algebraic coefficients A.
Definition: Geo_BicubicHermitePatch.h:147
void evalP1(RealP u, RealP w, Vec3P &Pu, Vec3P &Pw) const
Evaluate the tangents Pu=dP/du, Pw=dP/dw on this patch given values for the parameters u and w in [0...
Definition: Geo_BicubicHermitePatch.h:123
static Mat< 4, 4, Vec3P > calcHFromA(const Mat< 4, 4, Vec3P > &A)
Given the vector algebraic coefficients A, return the Hermite coefficients H.
Definition: Geo_BicubicHermitePatch.h:174
Vec3P evalP(RealP u, RealP w) const
Evaluate a point P(u,w) on this patch given values for the parameters u and w in [0,1].
Definition: Geo_BicubicHermitePatch.h:118
Includes internal headers providing declarations for the basic SimTK Core classes, including Simmatrix.
static void evalP1UsingA(const Mat< 4, 4, Vec3P > &A, RealP u, RealP w, Vec3P &Pu, Vec3P &Pw)
Given vector algebraic coefficients A and values for the curve parameters u and w in [0...
Definition: Geo_BicubicHermitePatch.h:219
Defines geometric primitive shapes and algorthms.
void evalP2(RealP u, RealP w, Vec3P &Puu, Vec3P &Puw, Vec3P &Pww) const
Evaluate the second derivatives Puu=d2P/du2, Pww=d2P/dw2, and cross derivative Puw=Pwu=d2P/dudw on th...
Definition: Geo_BicubicHermitePatch.h:130
static void evalP2UsingA(const Mat< 4, 4, Vec3P > &A, RealP u, RealP w, Vec3P &Puu, Vec3P &Puw, Vec3P &Pww)
Given vector algebraic coefficients A and values for the curve parameters u and w in [0...
Definition: Geo_BicubicHermitePatch.h:240
void evalP3(RealP u, RealP w, Vec3P &Puuu, Vec3P &Puuw, Vec3P &Puww, Vec3P &Pwww) const
Evaluate the third derivatives Puuu=d3P/du3, Pwww=d3P/dw3, and cross derivatives Puuw=Pwuu=Puwu=d3P/d...
Definition: Geo_BicubicHermitePatch.h:137
This is the header file that every Simmath compilation unit should include first. ...
This class represents a small matrix whose size is known at compile time, containing elements of any ...
Definition: SimTKcommon/include/SimTKcommon/internal/common.h:591
BicubicHermitePatch_(const Mat< 4, 4, Vec3P > &A)
Construct a bicubic Hermite patch using the given geometry matrix B.
Definition: Geo_BicubicHermitePatch.h:105
Construct an uninitialized patch; control points will be garbage.
Definition: Geo_BicubicHermitePatch.h:103
Mat< 4, 4, Vec3P > calcHermiteCoefficients() const
Calculate the Hermite coefficients H from the stored algebraic coefficients.
Definition: Geo_BicubicHermitePatch.h:113
static Vec3P evalPUsingA(const Mat< 4, 4, Vec3P > &A, RealP u, RealP w)
Given vector algebraic coefficients A and values for the curve parameters u and w in [0...
Definition: Geo_BicubicHermitePatch.h:201
static void evalP3UsingA(const Mat< 4, 4, Vec3P > &A, RealP u, RealP w, Vec3P &Puuu, Vec3P &Puuw, Vec3P &Puww, Vec3P &Pwww)
Given vector algebraic coefficients A and values for the curve parameters u and w in [0...
Definition: Geo_BicubicHermitePatch.h:262