Simbody  3.3
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4 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *
5  * Simbody(tm): SimTKcommon *
6  * -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *
7  * This is part of the SimTK biosimulation toolkit originating from *
8  * Simbios, the NIH National Center for Physics-Based Simulation of *
9  * Biological Structures at Stanford, funded under the NIH Roadmap for *
10  * Medical Research, grant U54 GM072970. See *
11  * *
12  * Portions copyright (c) 2005-12 Stanford University and the Authors. *
13  * Authors: Michael Sherman *
14  * Contributors: *
15  * *
16  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may *
17  * not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a *
18  * copy of the License at *
19  * *
20  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software *
21  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, *
22  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. *
23  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and *
24  * limitations under the License. *
25  * -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
27 namespace SimTK {
44 template <class T> class ClonePtr {
45 public:
46  typedef T element_type;
47  typedef T* pointer;
48  typedef T& reference;
51  ClonePtr() : p(0) { }
54  explicit ClonePtr(T* obj) : p(obj) { }
57  explicit ClonePtr(T** obj) : p(*obj) { *obj=0; }
63  explicit ClonePtr(const T* obj) : p(obj?obj->clone():0) { }
68  explicit ClonePtr(const T& obj) : p(&obj?obj.clone():0) { }
72  ClonePtr(const ClonePtr& c) : p(c.p?c.p->clone():0) { }
79  { reset(c.p?c.p->clone():0); return *this; }
83  ClonePtr& operator=(const T& t)
84  { reset(&t ? t.clone() :0); return *this; }
89  { reset(tp); return *this; }
92  ~ClonePtr() { delete p; }
98  bool operator==(const ClonePtr& other) const {
99  if (p == other.p) return true; // same object or both empty
100  if (empty() || other.empty()) return false;
101  return getRef()==other.getRef();
102  }
104  bool operator!=(const ClonePtr& other) const {return !((*this)==other);}
111  bool operator<(const ClonePtr& other) const {
112  if (p == other.p) return false; // same object or both empty
113  if (empty()) return true; // empty < !empty
114  if (other.empty()) return false; // !empty > empty
115  return getRef() < other.getRef();
116  }
120  const T* operator->() const { return &getRef(); }
123  T* operator->() { return &updRef(); }
127  const T& operator*() const { return getRef(); }
130  T& operator*() { return updRef(); }
134  const T* operator&() const { return p; }
137  T* operator&() { return p; }
142  operator const T&() const { return getRef(); }
145  operator T&() { return updRef(); }
149  operator bool() const { return !empty(); }
153  T* updPtr() { return p; }
156  const T* getPtr() const { return p; }
161  T& updRef() {
162  SimTK_ERRCHK(p!=0, "ClonePtr::updRef()",
163  "An attempt was made to dereference a null pointer.");
164  return *p;
165  }
169  const T& getRef() const {
170  SimTK_ERRCHK(p!=0, "ClonePtr::getRef()",
171  "An attempt was made to dereference a null pointer.");
172  return *p;
173  }
176  bool empty() const { return p==0; }
179  void clear() { delete p; p=0; }
183  T* release() { T* x=p; p=0; return x; }
188  void reset(T* tp) { if (tp!=p) {delete p; p=tp;} }
194  void reset(T** tpp) {
195  if (*tpp!=p) {delete p; p=*tpp;}
196  *tpp=0;
197  }
200  void swap(ClonePtr& other) {
201  T* otherp = other.release();
202  other.reset(p);
203  reset(otherp);
204  }
206 private:
207  // Warning: ClonePtr must be exactly the same size as type T*. That way
208  // one can reinterpret_cast a T* to a ClonePtr<T> when needed.
209  T* p;
210 };
212 } // namespace SimTK
214 namespace std {
218 template <class T> inline void
220  p1.swap(p2);
221 }
223 } // namespace std
225 #endif // SimTK_SimTKCOMMON_CLONE_PTR_H_
T * operator&()
This "address of" operator returns a writable pointer to the contained object (or null if none)...
Definition: ClonePtr.h:137
ClonePtr & operator=(T *tp)
This form of assignment replaces the currently-held object by the given source object and takes over ...
Definition: ClonePtr.h:88
Default constructor creates an empty object.
Definition: ClonePtr.h:51
ClonePtr(const T *obj)
Given a pointer to a read-only object, create a new heap-allocated copy of that object via its clone(...
Definition: ClonePtr.h:63
T * release()
Extract the object from this container, leaving the container empty and transferring ownership to the...
Definition: ClonePtr.h:183
bool operator==(const ClonePtr &other) const
Compare the contained objects for equality using the contained objects' operator==() operator...
Definition: ClonePtr.h:98
bool operator!=(const ClonePtr &other) const
Compare the contained objects for inequality using operator==().
Definition: ClonePtr.h:104
const T * getPtr() const
Return a const pointer to the contained object if any, or null.
Definition: ClonePtr.h:156
T & updRef()
Return a writable reference to the contained object.
Definition: ClonePtr.h:161
ClonePtr(T *obj)
Given a pointer to a writable heap-allocated object, take over ownership of that object.
Definition: ClonePtr.h:54
ClonePtr(const T &obj)
Given a read-only reference to an object, create a new heap-allocated copy of that object via its clo...
Definition: ClonePtr.h:68
void reset(T *tp)
Replace the contents of this container with the supplied heap-allocated object, taking over ownership...
Definition: ClonePtr.h:188
T element_type
Definition: ClonePtr.h:46
const T * operator&() const
This "address of" operator returns a const pointer to the contained object (or null if none)...
Definition: ClonePtr.h:134
Wrap a pointer to an abstract base class in a way that makes it behave like a concrete class...
Definition: ClonePtr.h:44
T & operator*()
This "dereference" operator returns a writable reference to the contained object. ...
Definition: ClonePtr.h:130
const T & operator*() const
This "dereference" operator returns a const reference to the contained object.
Definition: ClonePtr.h:127
Destructor deletes the referenced object.
Definition: ClonePtr.h:92
const T & getRef() const
Return a const reference to the contained object.
Definition: ClonePtr.h:169
#define SimTK_ERRCHK(cond, whereChecked, msg)
Definition: ExceptionMacros.h:324
ClonePtr & operator=(const ClonePtr &c)
Copy assignment replaces the currently-held object by a heap-allocated copy of the object held in the...
Definition: ClonePtr.h:78
ClonePtr(const ClonePtr &c)
Copy constructor is deep; the new ClonePtr object contains a new copy of the object in the source...
Definition: ClonePtr.h:72
ClonePtr & operator=(const T &t)
This form of assignment replaces the currently-held object by a heap-allocated copy of the source obj...
Definition: ClonePtr.h:83
bool operator<(const ClonePtr &other) const
Provide an ordering for use in sorted containers using the contained objects' operator<().
Definition: ClonePtr.h:111
T * operator->()
Dereference a writable pointer to the contained object.
Definition: ClonePtr.h:123
void swap(ClonePtr &other)
Swap the contents of this ClonePtr with another one, with ownership changing hands but no copying per...
Definition: ClonePtr.h:200
T * pointer
Definition: ClonePtr.h:47
void clear()
Make this container empty, deleting the currently contained object if there is one.
Definition: ClonePtr.h:179
bool empty() const
Return true if this container is empty.
Definition: ClonePtr.h:176
T * updPtr()
Return a writable pointer to the contained object if any, or null.
Definition: ClonePtr.h:153
T & reference
Definition: ClonePtr.h:48
ClonePtr(T **obj)
Given a pointer to a writable heap-allocated object, take over ownership of that object and set the o...
Definition: ClonePtr.h:57
void reset(T **tpp)
Replace the contents of this container with the supplied heap-allocated object, taking over ownership...
Definition: ClonePtr.h:194
void swap(SimTK::ClonePtr< T > &p1, SimTK::ClonePtr< T > &p2)
This is a specialization of the STL std::swap() algorithm which uses the cheap built-in swap() member...
Definition: ClonePtr.h:219
const T * operator->() const
Dereference a const pointer to the contained object.
Definition: ClonePtr.h:120