TriangleMeshImpl Member List
This is the complete list of members for
TriangleMeshImpl, including all inherited members.
classTypeId() | TriangleMeshImpl | [inline, static] |
clearMyHandle() | ContactGeometryImpl | [inline] |
clone() const | TriangleMeshImpl | [inline, virtual] |
ContactGeometry::TriangleMesh class | TriangleMeshImpl | [friend] |
ContactGeometryImpl(const std::string &type) | ContactGeometryImpl | |
createNewContactGeometryTypeId() | ContactGeometryImpl | [inline, static] |
createPolygonalMesh(PolygonalMesh &mesh) const | TriangleMeshImpl | |
findCentroid(int face) const | TriangleMeshImpl | |
findNearestPoint(const Vec3 &position, bool &inside, UnitVec3 &normal) const | TriangleMeshImpl | [virtual] |
findNearestPoint(const Vec3 &position, bool &inside, int &face, Vec2 &uv) const | TriangleMeshImpl | |
findNearestPointToFace(const Vec3 &position, int face, Vec2 &uv) const | TriangleMeshImpl | |
findNormalAtPoint(int face, const Vec2 &uv) const | TriangleMeshImpl | |
findPoint(int face, const Vec2 &uv) const | TriangleMeshImpl | |
getBoundingSphere(Vec3 ¢er, Real &radius) const | TriangleMeshImpl | [virtual] |
getIndexForType(std::string type) | ContactGeometryImpl | [static] |
getMyHandle() | ContactGeometryImpl | [inline] |
getType() const | ContactGeometryImpl | [inline] |
getTypeId() const | TriangleMeshImpl | [inline, virtual] |
getTypeIndex() const | ContactGeometryImpl | [inline] |
intersectsRay(const Vec3 &origin, const UnitVec3 &direction, Real &distance, UnitVec3 &normal) const | TriangleMeshImpl | [virtual] |
intersectsRay(const Vec3 &origin, const UnitVec3 &direction, Real &distance, int &face, Vec2 &uv) const | TriangleMeshImpl | |
myHandle | ContactGeometryImpl | [protected] |
OBBTreeNodeImpl class | TriangleMeshImpl | [friend] |
setMyHandle(ContactGeometry &h) | ContactGeometryImpl | [inline] |
TriangleMeshImpl(const ArrayViewConst_< Vec3 > &vertexPositions, const ArrayViewConst_< int > &faceIndices, bool smooth) | TriangleMeshImpl | |
TriangleMeshImpl(const PolygonalMesh &mesh, bool smooth) | TriangleMeshImpl | |
type | ContactGeometryImpl | [protected] |
Type() | TriangleMeshImpl | [inline, static] |
typeIndex | ContactGeometryImpl | [protected] |
~ContactGeometryImpl() | ContactGeometryImpl | [inline, virtual] |