Element Member List

This is the complete list of members for Element, including all inherited members.
attribute_end() const Element
Element()Element [inline]
Element(const String &tagWord, const String &value="")Element [explicit]
Element(const String &tagWord, const T &value)Element [inline]
element_begin(const String &tag="")Element
element_end() const Element
eraseNode(const node_iterator &deleteThis)Element
getAllAttributes()Element [inline]
getAllElements(const String &tag="")Element [inline]
getAllNodes(NodeType allowed=AnyNodes)Element [inline]
getAs(const Node &node)Element [static]
getAs(Node &node)Element [static]
getElementTag() const Element
getNodeText() const Node
getNodeType() const Node
getNodeTypeAsString() const Node
getOptionalAttribute(const String &name)Element
getOptionalAttributeValue(const String &name, const String &def="") const Element [inline]
getOptionalAttributeValueAs(const String &name, const T &def) const Element [inline]
getOptionalElement(const String &tag)Element
getOptionalElementValue(const String &tag, const String &def="") const Element [inline]
getOptionalElementValueAs(const String &tag, const T &def) const Element [inline]
getRequiredAttribute(const String &name)Element
getRequiredAttributeValue(const String &name) const Element [inline]
getRequiredAttributeValueAs(const String &name) const Element [inline]
getRequiredElement(const String &tag)Element
getRequiredElementValue(const String &tag) const Element [inline]
getRequiredElementValueAs(const String &tag) const Element [inline]
getValue() const Element
getValueAs() const Element [inline]
getValueAs(T &out) const Element [inline]
hasAttribute(const String &name) const Element
hasElement(const String &tag) const Element
hasNode(NodeType allowed=AnyNodes) const Element
hasParentElement() const Node
insertNodeAfter(const node_iterator &pos, Node node)Element
insertNodeBefore(const node_iterator &pos, Node node)Element
isA(const Node &)Element [static]
isOrphan() const Node
isTopLevelNode() const Node
isValid() const Node [inline]
isValueElement() const Element
Node()Node [inline]
Node(const Node &src)Node [inline]
node_begin(NodeType allowed=AnyNodes)Element
node_end() const Element
operator!=(const Node &other) const Node [inline]
operator=(const Node &src)Node [inline]
operator==(const Node &other) const Node [inline]
removeAttribute(const String &name)Element
setAttributeValue(const String &name, const String &value)Element
setElementTag(const String &tag)Element
setValue(const String &value)Element
setValueAs(const T &value)Element [inline]
writeToString(String &out, bool compact=false) const Node
Xml::Comment classNode [friend]
Xml::Element classNode [friend]
Xml::element_iterator classElement [friend]
Xml::Impl classNode [friend]
Xml::Node classElement [friend]
Xml::node_iterator classNode [friend]
Xml::Text classNode [friend]
Xml::Unknown classNode [friend]
~Node()Node [inline]

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