
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 /*
00002  * -----------------------------------------------------------------
00003  * $Revision: 1.2 $
00004  * $Date: 2006/11/29 00:05:06 $
00005  * ----------------------------------------------------------------- 
00006  * Programmer: Radu Serban @ LLNL
00007  * -----------------------------------------------------------------
00008  * Copyright (c) 2006, The Regents of the University of California.
00009  * Produced at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory.
00010  * All rights reserved.
00011  * For details, see the LICENSE file.
00012  * -----------------------------------------------------------------
00013  * Common header file for the direct linear solvers in CPODES.
00014  * -----------------------------------------------------------------
00015  */
00017 #ifndef _CPDIRECT_H
00018 #define _CPDIRECT_H
00020 #ifdef __cplusplus  /* wrapper to enable C++ usage */
00021 extern "C" {
00022 #endif
00024 #include <sundials/sundials_direct.h>
00025 #include <sundials/sundials_nvector.h>
00027 /*
00028  * =================================================================
00029  *              C P D I R E C T     C O N S T A N T S
00030  * =================================================================
00031  */
00033 /*
00034  * -----------------------------------------------------------------
00035  * CPDIRECT input constants
00036  * -----------------------------------------------------------------
00037  * fact_type: is the type of constraint Jacobian factorization used
00038  *   for the projection. For independent constraints (i.e. Jacobian
00039  *   with full row rank) any of the following three options can be
00040  *   used (although their computational cost varies, depending on 
00041  *   the number of states and constraints)
00042  *      CPDIRECT_LU:  use LU decomposition of G^T.
00043  *      CPDIRECT_QR:  use QR decomposition of G^T
00044  *      CPDIRECT_SC:  use Schur complement
00045  * If it is known (or suspected) that some constraints are redundant,
00046  * the following option should be used:
00047  *      CPDIRECT_QRP: use QR with column pivoting on G^T.  
00048  * -----------------------------------------------------------------
00049  */
00051 /* fact_type */
00053 #define CPDIRECT_LU   1
00054 #define CPDIRECT_QR   2
00055 #define CPDIRECT_SC   3
00056 #define CPDIRECT_QRP  4
00058 /* 
00059  * -----------------------------------------------------------------
00060  * CPDIRECT return values 
00061  * -----------------------------------------------------------------
00062  */
00064 #define CPDIRECT_SUCCESS           0
00065 #define CPDIRECT_MEM_NULL         -1
00066 #define CPDIRECT_LMEM_NULL        -2
00067 #define CPDIRECT_ILL_INPUT        -3
00068 #define CPDIRECT_MEM_FAIL         -4
00070 /* Additional last_flag values */
00073 #define CPDIRECT_JACFUNC_RECVR    -6
00075 /*
00076  * =================================================================
00077  *              F U N C T I O N   T Y P E S
00078  * =================================================================
00079  */
00081 /*
00082  * -----------------------------------------------------------------
00083  * Types: CPDlsDenseJacExplFn and CPDlsDenseJacImplFn
00084  * -----------------------------------------------------------------
00085  *
00086  * If the ODE is given in explicit form, a dense Jacobian 
00087  * approximation function Jac must be of type CPDlsDenseJacFn. 
00088  * Its parameters are:
00089  *
00090  * N   is the problem size.
00091  *
00092  * Jac is the dense matrix (of type DlsMat) that will be loaded
00093  *     by a CPDlsDenseJacFn with an approximation to the Jacobian 
00094  *     matrix J = (df_i/dy_j) at the point (t,y). 
00095  *
00096  * t   is the current value of the independent variable.
00097  *
00098  * y   is the current value of the dependent variable vector,
00099  *     namely the predicted value of y(t).
00100  *
00101  * fy  is the vector f(t,y).
00102  *
00103  * jac_data is a pointer to user data - the same as the jac_data
00104  *     parameter passed to CPDlsSetJacFn.
00105  *
00106  * tmp1, tmp2, and tmp3 are pointers to memory allocated for
00107  * vectors of length N which can be used by a CPDlsDenseJacFn
00108  * as temporary storage or work space.
00109  *
00110  * A CPDlsDenseJacFn should return 0 if successful, a positive 
00111  * value if a recoverable error occurred, and a negative value if 
00112  * an unrecoverable error occurred.
00113  *
00114  * -----------------------------------------------------------------
00115  *
00116  * If the ODE is given in implicit form, a dense Jacobian 
00117  * approximation function djac must be of type CPDlsDenseJacImplFn. 
00118  * Its parameters are:                     
00119  *                                                                
00120  * N   is the problem size, and length of all vector arguments.   
00121  *                                                                
00122  * t   is the current value of the independent variable t.        
00123  *                                                                
00124  * y   is the current value of the dependent variable vector,     
00125  *     namely the predicted value of y(t).                     
00126  *                                                                
00127  * yp  is the current value of the derivative vector y',          
00128  *     namely the predicted value of y'(t).                    
00129  *                                                                
00130  * f   is the residual vector F(tt,yy,yp).                     
00131  *                                                                
00132  * gm  is the scalar in the system Jacobian, proportional to 
00133  *     the step size h.
00134  *                                                                
00135  * jac_data is a pointer to user Jacobian data - the same as the    
00136  *     jdata parameter passed to CPDenseSetJacFn.                     
00137  *                                                                
00138  * Jac is the dense matrix (of type DenseMat) to be loaded by  
00139  *     an CPDenseJacImplFn routine with an approximation to the   
00140  *     system Jacobian matrix                                  
00141  *            J = dF/dy' + gamma*dF/dy                            
00142  *     at the given point (t,y,y'), where the ODE system is    
00143  *     given by F(t,y,y') = 0.  Jac is preset to zero, so only 
00144  *     the nonzero elements need to be loaded.  See note below.
00145  *                                                                
00146  * tmp1, tmp2, tmp3 are pointers to memory allocated for          
00147  *     N_Vectors which can be used by an CPDenseJacImplFn routine 
00148  *     as temporary storage or work space.                     
00149  *                                                                
00150  * A CPDenseJacImplFn should return                                
00151  *     0 if successful,                                           
00152  *     a positive int if a recoverable error occurred, or         
00153  *     a negative int if a nonrecoverable error occurred.         
00154  * In the case of a recoverable error return, the integrator will 
00155  * attempt to recover by reducing the stepsize (which changes cj).
00156  *
00157  * -----------------------------------------------------------------
00158  *
00159  * NOTE: The following are two efficient ways to load a dense Jac:         
00160  * (1) (with macros - no explicit data structure references)      
00161  *     for (j=0; j < Neq; j++) {                                  
00162  *       col_j = DENSE_COL(Jac,j);                                 
00163  *       for (i=0; i < Neq; i++) {                                
00164  *         generate J_ij = the (i,j)th Jacobian element           
00165  *         col_j[i] = J_ij;                                       
00166  *       }                                                        
00167  *     }                                                          
00168  * (2) (without macros - explicit data structure references)      
00169  *     for (j=0; j < Neq; j++) {                                  
00170  *       col_j = (Jac->data)[j];                                   
00171  *       for (i=0; i < Neq; i++) {                                
00172  *         generate J_ij = the (i,j)th Jacobian element           
00173  *         col_j[i] = J_ij;                                       
00174  *       }                                                        
00175  *     }                                                          
00176  * A third way, using the DENSE_ELEM(A,i,j) macro, is much less   
00177  * efficient in general.  It is only appropriate for use in small 
00178  * problems in which efficiency of access is NOT a major concern. 
00179  *                                                                
00180  * NOTE: If the user's Jacobian routine needs other quantities,   
00181  *     they are accessible as follows: hcur (the current stepsize)
00182  *     and ewt (the error weight vector) are accessible through   
00183  *     CPodeGetCurrentStep and CPodeGetErrWeights, respectively 
00184  *     (see cvode.h). The unit roundoff is available as 
00185  *     UNIT_ROUNDOFF defined in sundials_types.h.
00186  *
00187  * -----------------------------------------------------------------
00188  */
00191 typedef int (*CPDlsDenseJacExplFn)(int N, realtype t,
00192                    N_Vector y, N_Vector fy, 
00193                    DlsMat Jac, void *jac_data,
00194                    N_Vector tmp1, N_Vector tmp2, N_Vector tmp3);
00195 typedef int (*CPDlsDenseJacImplFn)(int N, realtype t, realtype gm,
00196                    N_Vector y, N_Vector yp, N_Vector r, 
00197                    DlsMat Jac, void *jac_data,
00198                    N_Vector tmp1, N_Vector tmp2, N_Vector tmp3);
00200 /*
00201  * -----------------------------------------------------------------
00202  * Types: CPDlsBandJacExplFn and CPDlsBandJacImplFn
00203  * -----------------------------------------------------------------
00204  *
00205  * If the ODE is given in explicit form, a band Jacobian 
00206  * approximation function Jac must be of type CPDlsBandJacExplFn.
00207  * Its parameters are:
00208  *
00209  * N is the length of all vector arguments.
00210  *
00211  * mupper is the upper half-bandwidth of the approximate banded
00212  * Jacobian. This parameter is the same as the mupper parameter
00213  * passed by the user to the linear solver initialization function.
00214  *
00215  * mlower is the lower half-bandwidth of the approximate banded
00216  * Jacobian. This parameter is the same as the mlower parameter
00217  * passed by the user to the linear solver initialization function.
00218  *
00219  * t is the current value of the independent variable.
00220  *
00221  * y is the current value of the dependent variable vector,
00222  *      namely the predicted value of y(t).
00223  *
00224  * fy is the vector f(t,y).
00225  *
00226  * Jac is the band matrix (of type DlsMat) that will be loaded
00227  * by a CPDlsBandJacFn with an approximation to the Jacobian matrix
00228  * Jac = (df_i/dy_j) at the point (t,y).
00229  * jac_data is a pointer to user data - the same as the jac_data
00230  *          parameter passed to CPDlsSetJacFn.
00231  *
00232  * A CPDlsBandJacExplFn should return 0 if successful, a positive
00233  * value if a recoverable error occurred, and a negative value if
00234  * an unrecoverable error occurred.
00235  *
00236  * -----------------------------------------------------------------
00237  *
00238  * If the ODE is given in explicit form, a band Jacobian 
00239  * approximation function Jac must be of type CPDlsBandJacImplFn.
00240  * Its parameters are:
00241  *
00242  * N is the problem size, and length of all vector arguments.   
00243  *                                                                
00244  * mupper is the upper bandwidth of the banded Jacobian matrix.   
00245  *                                                                
00246  * mlower is the lower bandwidth of the banded Jacobian matrix.   
00247  *                                                                
00248  * t is the current value of the independent variable t.        
00249  *                                                                
00250  * y is the current value of the dependent variable vector,     
00251  *    namely the predicted value of y(t).                     
00252  *                                                                
00253  * yp is the current value of the derivative vector y',          
00254  *    namely the predicted value of y'(t).                    
00255  *                                                                
00256  * r is the residual vector F(tt,yy,yp).                     
00257  *                                                                
00258  * gm  is the scalar in the system Jacobian, proportional to 
00259  *     the step size h.
00260  *                                                                
00261  * jac_data  is a pointer to user Jacobian data - the same as the    
00262  *    jdata parameter passed to CPBandSetJacFn.                      
00263  *                                                                
00264  * J is the band matrix (of type BandMat) to be loaded by    
00265  *     with an approximation to the system Jacobian matrix
00266  *            J = dF/dy' + gamma*dF/dy 
00267  *     at the given point (t,y,y'), where the ODE system is    
00268  *     given by F(t,y,y') = 0.  Jac is preset to zero, so only 
00269  *     the nonzero elements need to be loaded.  See note below.
00270  *                                                                
00271  * tmp1, tmp2, tmp3 are pointers to memory allocated for          
00272  *     N_Vectors which can be used by an CPBandJacImplFn routine  
00273  *     as temporary storage or work space.                     
00274  *
00275  * A CPDlsBandJacImplFn should return 0 if successful, a positive
00276  * value if a recoverable error occurred, and a negative value if
00277  * an unrecoverable error occurred.
00278  *
00279  * -----------------------------------------------------------------
00280  *
00281  * NOTE: Three efficient ways to load J are:
00282  *
00283  * (1) (with macros - no explicit data structure references)
00284  *    for (j=0; j < n; j++) {
00285  *       col_j = BAND_COL(Jac,j);
00286  *       for (i=j-mupper; i <= j+mlower; i++) {
00287  *         generate J_ij = the (i,j)th Jacobian element
00288  *         BAND_COL_ELEM(col_j,i,j) = J_ij;
00289  *       }
00290  *     }
00291  *
00292  * (2) (with BAND_COL macro, but without BAND_COL_ELEM macro)
00293  *    for (j=0; j < n; j++) {
00294  *       col_j = BAND_COL(Jac,j);
00295  *       for (k=-mupper; k <= mlower; k++) {
00296  *         generate J_ij = the (i,j)th Jacobian element, i=j+k
00297  *         col_j[k] = J_ij;
00298  *       }
00299  *     }
00300  *
00301  * (3) (without macros - explicit data structure references)
00302  *     offset = Jac->smu;
00303  *     for (j=0; j < n; j++) {
00304  *       col_j = ((Jac->data)[j])+offset;
00305  *       for (k=-mupper; k <= mlower; k++) {
00306  *         generate J_ij = the (i,j)th Jacobian element, i=j+k
00307  *         col_j[k] = J_ij;
00308  *       }
00309  *     }
00310  * Caution: Jac->smu is generally NOT the same as mupper.
00311  *
00312  * The BAND_ELEM(A,i,j) macro is appropriate for use in small
00313  * problems in which efficiency of access is NOT a major concern.
00314  *
00315  * NOTE: If the user's Jacobian routine needs other quantities,
00316  *     they are accessible as follows: hcur (the current stepsize)
00317  *     and ewt (the error weight vector) are accessible through
00318  *     CPodeGetCurrentStep and CPodeGetErrWeights, respectively
00319  *     (see cvode.h). The unit roundoff is available as
00320  *     UNIT_ROUNDOFF defined in sundials_types.h
00321  *
00322  * tmp1, tmp2, and tmp3 are pointers to memory allocated for
00323  * vectors of length N which can be used by a CPDlsBandJacFn
00324  * as temporary storage or work space.
00325  *
00326  * -----------------------------------------------------------------
00327  */
00329 typedef int (*CPDlsBandJacExplFn)(int N, int mupper, int mlower,
00330                   realtype t, N_Vector y, N_Vector fy, 
00331                   DlsMat Jac, void *jac_data,
00332                   N_Vector tmp1, N_Vector tmp2, N_Vector tmp3);
00333 typedef int (*CPDlsBandJacImplFn)(int N, int mupper, int mlower,
00334                   realtype t, realtype gm, 
00335                   N_Vector y, N_Vector yp, N_Vector r,
00336                   DlsMat Jac, void *jac_data,
00337                   N_Vector tmp1, N_Vector tmp2, N_Vector tmp3);
00339 /*
00340  * -----------------------------------------------------------------
00341  * Type: CPDlsDenseProjJacFn
00342  * -----------------------------------------------------------------
00343  *
00344  *
00345  * -----------------------------------------------------------------
00346  */
00348 typedef int (*CPDlsDenseProjJacFn)(int Nc, int Ny, 
00349                    realtype t, N_Vector y, N_Vector cy,
00350                    DlsMat Jac, void *jac_data,
00351                    N_Vector tmp1, N_Vector tmp2); 
00355 /*
00356  * =================================================================
00357  *            E X P O R T E D    F U N C T I O N S 
00358  * =================================================================
00359  */
00361 /*
00362  * -----------------------------------------------------------------
00363  * Optional inputs to a CPDIRECT linear solver 
00364  * for implicit integration
00365  * -----------------------------------------------------------------
00366  *
00367  * CPDlsSetJacFn specifies the Jacobian approximation routine to be
00368  * used. When using dense Jacobians, a user-supplied jac routine must 
00369  * be of type CPDlsDenseJacFn. When using banded Jacobians, a 
00370  * user-supplied jac routine must be of type CPDlsBandJacFn.
00371  * By default, a difference quotient approximation, supplied with this 
00372  * solver is used.
00373  * CPDlsSetJacFn also specifies a pointer to user data which is 
00374  * passed to the user's jac routine every time it is called.
00375  *
00376  * The return value of CPDlsSetJacFn is one of:
00377  *    CPDIRECT_SUCCESS   if successful
00378  *    CPDIRECT_MEM_NULL  if the CPODES memory was NULL
00379  *    CPDIRECT_LMEM_NULL if the linear solver memory was NULL
00380  * -----------------------------------------------------------------
00381  */
00383 SUNDIALS_EXPORT int CPDlsSetJacFn(void *cvode_mem, void *jac, void *jac_data);
00385 /*
00386  * -----------------------------------------------------------------
00387  * Optional outputs from a CPDIRECT linear solver
00388  * for implicit integration
00389  * -----------------------------------------------------------------
00390  *
00391  * CPDlsGetWorkSpace   returns the real and integer workspace used
00392  *                     by the direct linear solver.
00393  * CPDlsGetNumJacEvals returns the number of calls made to the
00394  *                     Jacobian evaluation routine jac.
00395  * CPDlsGetNumFctEvals returns the number of calls to the user
00396  *                     f routine due to finite difference Jacobian
00397  *                     evaluation.
00398  * CPDlsGetLastFlag    returns the last error flag set by any of
00399  *                     the CPDIRECT interface functions.
00400  *
00401  * The return value of CPDlsGet* is one of:
00402  *    CPDIRECT_SUCCESS   if successful
00403  *    CPDIRECT_MEM_NULL  if the CPODES memory was NULL
00404  *    CPDIRECT_LMEM_NULL if the linear solver memory was NULL
00405  * -----------------------------------------------------------------
00406  */
00408 SUNDIALS_EXPORT int CPDlsGetWorkSpace(void *cvode_mem, long int *lenrwLS, long int *leniwLS);
00409 SUNDIALS_EXPORT int CPDlsGetNumJacEvals(void *cvode_mem, long int *njevals);
00410 SUNDIALS_EXPORT int CPDlsGetNumFctEvals(void *cvode_mem, long int *nfevalsLS);
00411 SUNDIALS_EXPORT int CPDlsGetLastFlag(void *cvode_mem, int *flag);
00413 /*
00414  * -----------------------------------------------------------------
00415  * The following function returns the name of the constant 
00416  * associated with a CPDIRECT return flag
00417  * -----------------------------------------------------------------
00418  */
00420 SUNDIALS_EXPORT char *CPDlsGetReturnFlagName(int flag);
00422 /*
00423  * -----------------------------------------------------------------
00424  * Optional I/O functions for a CPDIRECT linear solver
00425  * for projection
00426  * -----------------------------------------------------------------
00427  */
00429 SUNDIALS_EXPORT int CPDlsProjSetJacFn(void *cpode_mem, void *jacP, void *jacP_data);
00431 SUNDIALS_EXPORT int CPDlsProjGetNumJacEvals(void *cpode_mem, long int *njPevals);
00432 SUNDIALS_EXPORT int CPDlsProjGetNumFctEvals(void *cpode_mem, long int *ncevalsLS);
00434 #ifdef __cplusplus
00435 }
00436 #endif
00438 #endif

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