
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 /*
00002  * -----------------------------------------------------------------
00003  * $Revision: 1.2 $
00004  * $Date: 2006/11/29 00:05:07 $
00005  * ----------------------------------------------------------------- 
00006  * Programmer(s): Scott D. Cohen and Alan C. Hindmarsh @ LLNL
00007  * -----------------------------------------------------------------
00008  * Copyright (c) 2002, The Regents of the University of California.
00009  * Produced at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory.
00010  * All rights reserved.
00011  * For details, see the LICENSE file.
00012  * -----------------------------------------------------------------
00013  * This header file contains declarations intended for use by
00014  * generic iterative solvers of Ax = b. The enumeration gives
00015  * symbolic names for the type  of preconditioning to be used.
00016  * The function type declarations give the prototypes for the
00017  * functions to be called within an iterative linear solver, that
00018  * are responsible for
00019  *    multiplying A by a given vector v (ATimesFn), and
00020  *    solving the preconditioner equation Pz = r (PSolveFn).
00021  * -----------------------------------------------------------------
00022  */
00024 #ifndef _ITERATIVE_H
00025 #define _ITERATIVE_H
00027 #ifdef __cplusplus  /* wrapper to enable C++ usage */
00028 extern "C" {
00029 #endif
00031 #include <sundials/sundials_nvector.h>
00034 /*
00035  * -----------------------------------------------------------------
00036  * enum : types of preconditioning                                
00037  * -----------------------------------------------------------------
00038  * PREC_NONE  : The iterative linear solver should not use             
00039  *              preconditioning.                                       
00040  *                                                                
00041  * PREC_LEFT  : The iterative linear solver uses preconditioning on    
00042  *              the left only.                                         
00043  *                                                                
00044  * PREC_RIGHT : The iterative linear solver uses preconditioning on    
00045  *              the right only.                                        
00046  *                                                                
00047  * PREC_BOTH  : The iterative linear solver uses preconditioning on    
00048  *              both the left and the right.                           
00049  * -----------------------------------------------------------------
00050  */
00054 /*
00055  * -----------------------------------------------------------------
00056  * enum : types of Gram-Schmidt routines                          
00057  * -----------------------------------------------------------------
00058  * MODIFIED_GS  : The iterative solver uses the modified          
00059  *                Gram-Schmidt routine ModifiedGS listed in this  
00060  *                file.                                           
00061  *                                                                
00062  * CLASSICAL_GS : The iterative solver uses the classical         
00063  *                Gram-Schmidt routine ClassicalGS listed in this 
00064  *                file.                                           
00065  * -----------------------------------------------------------------
00066  */
00068 enum { MODIFIED_GS = 1, CLASSICAL_GS = 2 };
00070 /*
00071  * -----------------------------------------------------------------
00072  * Type: ATimesFn                                                 
00073  * -----------------------------------------------------------------
00074  * An ATimesFn multiplies Av and stores the result in z. The      
00075  * caller is responsible for allocating memory for the z vector.  
00076  * The parameter A_data is a pointer to any information about A   
00077  * which the function needs in order to do its job. The vector v  
00078  * is unchanged. An ATimesFn returns 0 if successful and a        
00079  * non-zero value if unsuccessful.                                
00080  * -----------------------------------------------------------------
00081  */
00083 typedef int (*ATimesFn)(void *A_data, N_Vector v, N_Vector z);
00085 /*
00086  * -----------------------------------------------------------------
00087  * Type: PSolveFn                                                 
00088  * -----------------------------------------------------------------
00089  * A PSolveFn solves the preconditioner equation Pz = r for the   
00090  * vector z. The caller is responsible for allocating memory for  
00091  * the z vector. The parameter P_data is a pointer to any         
00092  * information about P which the function needs in order to do    
00093  * its job. The parameter lr is input, and indicates whether P    
00094  * is to be taken as the left preconditioner or the right         
00095  * preconditioner: lr = 1 for left and lr = 2 for right.          
00096  * If preconditioning is on one side only, lr can be ignored.     
00097  * The vector r is unchanged.                                     
00098  * A PSolveFn returns 0 if successful and a non-zero value if     
00099  * unsuccessful.  On a failure, a negative return value indicates 
00100  * an unrecoverable condition, while a positive value indicates   
00101  * a recoverable one, in which the calling routine may reattempt  
00102  * the solution after updating preconditioner data.               
00103  * -----------------------------------------------------------------
00104  */
00106 typedef int (*PSolveFn)(void *P_data, N_Vector r, N_Vector z, int lr);
00108 /*
00109  * -----------------------------------------------------------------
00110  * Function: ModifiedGS                                           
00111  * -----------------------------------------------------------------
00112  * ModifiedGS performs a modified Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization  
00113  * of the N_Vector v[k] against the p unit N_Vectors at           
00114  * v[k-1], v[k-2], ..., v[k-p].                                   
00115  *                                                                
00116  * v is an array of (k+1) N_Vectors v[i], i=0, 1, ..., k.         
00117  * v[k-1], v[k-2], ..., v[k-p] are assumed to have L2-norm        
00118  * equal to 1.                                                    
00119  *                                                                
00120  * h is the output k by k Hessenberg matrix of inner products.    
00121  * This matrix must be allocated row-wise so that the (i,j)th     
00122  * entry is h[i][j]. The inner products (v[i],v[k]),              
00123  * i=i0, i0+1, ..., k-1, are stored at h[i][k-1]. Here            
00124  * i0=MAX(0,k-p).                                                 
00125  *                                                                
00126  * k is the index of the vector in the v array that needs to be   
00127  * orthogonalized against previous vectors in the v array.        
00128  *                                                                
00129  * p is the number of previous vectors in the v array against     
00130  * which v[k] is to be orthogonalized.                            
00131  *                                                                
00132  * new_vk_norm is a pointer to memory allocated by the caller to  
00133  * hold the Euclidean norm of the orthogonalized vector v[k].     
00134  *                                                                
00135  * If (k-p) < 0, then ModifiedGS uses p=k. The orthogonalized     
00136  * v[k] is NOT normalized and is stored over the old v[k]. Once   
00137  * the orthogonalization has been performed, the Euclidean norm   
00138  * of v[k] is stored in (*new_vk_norm).                           
00139  *                                                                
00140  * ModifiedGS returns 0 to indicate success. It cannot fail.      
00141  * -----------------------------------------------------------------
00142  */                                                                
00144 SUNDIALS_EXPORT int ModifiedGS(N_Vector *v, realtype **h, int k, int p, 
00145                    realtype *new_vk_norm);
00147 /*
00148  * -----------------------------------------------------------------
00149  * Function: ClassicalGS                                          
00150  * -----------------------------------------------------------------
00151  * ClassicalGS performs a classical Gram-Schmidt                  
00152  * orthogonalization of the N_Vector v[k] against the p unit      
00153  * N_Vectors at v[k-1], v[k-2], ..., v[k-p]. The parameters v, h, 
00154  * k, p, and new_vk_norm are as described in the documentation    
00155  * for ModifiedGS.                                                
00156  *                                                                
00157  * temp is an N_Vector which can be used as workspace by the      
00158  * ClassicalGS routine.                                           
00159  *                                                                
00160  * s is a length k array of realtype which can be used as         
00161  * workspace by the ClassicalGS routine.                          
00162  *
00163  * ClassicalGS returns 0 to indicate success. It cannot fail.     
00164  * -----------------------------------------------------------------
00165  */
00167 SUNDIALS_EXPORT int ClassicalGS(N_Vector *v, realtype **h, int k, int p, 
00168                 realtype *new_vk_norm, N_Vector temp, realtype *s);
00170 /*
00171  * -----------------------------------------------------------------
00172  * Function: QRfact                                               
00173  * -----------------------------------------------------------------
00174  * QRfact performs a QR factorization of the Hessenberg matrix H. 
00175  *                                                                
00176  * n is the problem size; the matrix H is (n+1) by n.             
00177  *                                                                
00178  * h is the (n+1) by n Hessenberg matrix H to be factored. It is  
00179  * stored row-wise.                                               
00180  *                                                                
00181  * q is an array of length 2*n containing the Givens rotations    
00182  * computed by this function. A Givens rotation has the form:     
00183  * | c  -s |                                                      
00184  * | s   c |.                                                     
00185  * The components of the Givens rotations are stored in q as      
00186  * (c, s, c, s, ..., c, s).                                       
00187  *                                                                
00188  * job is a control flag. If job==0, then a new QR factorization  
00189  * is performed. If job!=0, then it is assumed that the first     
00190  * n-1 columns of h have already been factored and only the last  
00191  * column needs to be updated.                                    
00192  *                                                                
00193  * QRfact returns 0 if successful. If a zero is encountered on    
00194  * the diagonal of the triangular factor R, then QRfact returns   
00195  * the equation number of the zero entry, where the equations are 
00196  * numbered from 1, not 0. If QRsol is subsequently called in     
00197  * this situation, it will return an error because it could not   
00198  * divide by the zero diagonal entry.                             
00199  * -----------------------------------------------------------------
00200  */                                                                
00202 SUNDIALS_EXPORT int QRfact(int n, realtype **h, realtype *q, int job);
00204 /*                                                                
00205  * -----------------------------------------------------------------
00206  * Function: QRsol                                                
00207  * -----------------------------------------------------------------
00208  * QRsol solves the linear least squares problem                  
00209  *                                                                
00210  * min (b - H*x, b - H*x), x in R^n,                              
00211  *                                                                
00212  * where H is a Hessenberg matrix, and b is in R^(n+1).           
00213  * It uses the QR factors of H computed by QRfact.                
00214  *                                                                
00215  * n is the problem size; the matrix H is (n+1) by n.             
00216  *                                                                
00217  * h is a matrix (computed by QRfact) containing the upper        
00218  * triangular factor R of the original Hessenberg matrix H.       
00219  *                                                                
00220  * q is an array of length 2*n (computed by QRfact) containing    
00221  * the Givens rotations used to factor H.                         
00222  *                                                                
00223  * b is the (n+1)-vector appearing in the least squares problem   
00224  * above.                                                         
00225  *                                                                
00226  * On return, b contains the solution x of the least squares      
00227  * problem, if QRsol was successful.                              
00228  *                                                                
00229  * QRsol returns a 0 if successful.  Otherwise, a zero was        
00230  * encountered on the diagonal of the triangular factor R.        
00231  * In this case, QRsol returns the equation number (numbered      
00232  * from 1, not 0) of the zero entry.                              
00233  * -----------------------------------------------------------------
00234  */                                                                
00236 SUNDIALS_EXPORT int QRsol(int n, realtype **h, realtype *q, realtype *b);
00238 #ifdef __cplusplus
00239 }
00240 #endif
00242 #endif

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