//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // File: StandingLegForVisualization.cpp // Class: None // Parent: None // Children: None // Purpose: Simulates a 2D human composed of 4 rigid bodies (foot, shank, thigh, HAT) //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // The following are standard C/C++ header files. // If a filename is enclosed inside < > it means the header file is in the Include directory. // If a filename is enclosed inside " " it means the header file is in the current directory. #include // Character Types #include // Mathematical Constants #include // Variable Argument Lists #include // Standard Input/Output Functions #include // Utility Functions #include // String Operations #include // Signals (Contol-C + Unix System Calls) #include // Nonlocal Goto (For Control-C) #include // Time and Date information #include // Verify Program Assertion #include // Error Codes (Used in Unix system()) #include // Floating Point Constants #include // Implementation Constants #include // Standard Definitions #include // Exception handling (e.g., try, catch throw) //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include "SimTKsimbody.h" #include "ScaledBodySegmentMassProperties.h" #include "UserForceControlJointTorques.h" using namespace SimTK; using namespace std; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Prototypes for local functions (functions not called by code in other files) //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool SimulateNewtons2DHuman( void ); bool WriteStringToFile( const char outputString[], FILE *fptr ) { return fputs( outputString, fptr ) != 0; } bool WriteStringToScreen( const char outputString[] ) { return WriteStringToFile( outputString, stdout ); } bool WriteDoubleToFile( double x, int precision, FILE *fptr ); FILE* FileOpenWithMessageIfCannotOpen( const char *filename, const char *attribute ); //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // The executable program starts here //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- int main( int numberOfCommandLineArguments, char *arrayOfCommandLineArguments[] ) { // Default value is program failed bool programSucceeded = false; // It is a good programming practice to do little in the main function of a program. // The try-catch code in this main routine catches exceptions thrown by functions in the // try block, e.g., catching an exception that occurs when a NULL pointer is de-referenced. try { // Do the required programming tasks programSucceeded = SimulateNewtons2DHuman(); } // This catch statement handles certain types of exceptions catch( const exception &e ) { WriteStringToScreen( "\n\n Error: Programming error encountered.\n The exception thrown is: " ); WriteStringToScreen( e.what() ); } // The exception-declaration statement (...) handles any type of exception, // including C exceptions and system/application generated exceptions. // This includes exceptions such as memory protection and floating-point violations. // An ellipsis catch handler must be the last handler for its try block. catch( ... ) { WriteStringToScreen( "\n\n Error: Programming error encountered.\n An unhandled exception was thrown." ); } // Give the user a chance to see a final message before exiting the program. WriteStringToScreen( programSucceeded ? "\n\n Program succeeded. Press Enter to finish: " : "\n\n Program failed. Press Enter to finish: " ); getchar(); // Keeps the screen displayed until the user presses the Enter (or Return) key. // The value returned by the main function is the exit status of the program. // A normal program exit returns 0 (other return values usually signal an error). return programSucceeded == true ? 0 : 1; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool SimulateNewtons2DHuman( void ) { // Declare a multibody system // Each multibody system contains at most one SimbodyMatterSubsytem (which inherits from MatterSubsystem - the ma in F=ma) // Each multibody system can contain 0, 1, 2, ... force subsystems (the F in F=ma) MultibodySystem mbs; SimbodyMatterSubsystem human; // Create a single matter sub-system (for the apple) // 0. The ground's right-handed, orthogonal x,y,z unit vectors are directed with x horizontally right and y vertically upward. // 1. Create a gravity vector that is straight down (in the ground's frame) // 2. Create a uniform gravity sub-system // 3. Add the gravity sub-system to the multibody system Vec3 gravityVector( 0, -9.8, 0 ); UniformGravitySubsystem gravity( gravityVector ); //mbs.addForceSubsystem( gravity ); // Create the mass, center of mass, and inertia properties for the book const Real subjectTotalMassInKG = 56.7; const Real subjectTotalHeightInMM = 1651; const bool subjectIsFemale = true; const char *segmentName[] = { "Head", "Trunk", "UpperArm", "ForeArm", "Hand", "Thigh", "Shank", "Foot" }; const Real segmentLengthInMM[] = { 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 }; Real segmentScaledLengthInM[] = { 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 }; Real segmentMassInKg[] = { 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 }; Real segmentMassCenterLength[] = { 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 }; Real segmentIxx[] = { 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 }; Real segmentIyy[] = { 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 }; Real segmentIzz[] = { 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 }; // Write out each of the resuls for( int i=0; i<8; i++ ) { const char *segmentNamei = segmentName[i]; const Real segmentLengthi = segmentLengthInMM[i]; // Get the standard body segment mass properties const StandardBodySegmentMassProperties* standardSegment = StandardBodySegmentMassProperties::getStandardHumanBodySegmentMassProperties( subjectIsFemale, segmentNamei ); if( !standardSegment ) return false; // Scale the properties with the given information const ScaledBodySegmentMassProperties scaledSegment( *standardSegment, subjectTotalMassInKG, subjectTotalHeightInMM, segmentLengthi ); // Store segment length and segment mass segmentScaledLengthInM[i] = scaledSegment.getSegmentLengthInMM()/1000.0; segmentMassInKg[i] = scaledSegment.getMassInKG(); // Get the segment's distance from its origin anatomical marker to its mass center distance segmentMassCenterLength[i] = scaledSegment.getMassCenterLengthInMM()/1000.0; // Get the segment x-radius of gyration about its mass center to the file // Calculate the segment x-moment of inertia about its mass center to the file Real kxx = scaledSegment.getXRadiusOfGyrationInMM()/1000.0; segmentIxx[i] = segmentMassInKg[i] * pow(kxx,2); // Get the segment y-radius of gyration about its mass center to the file // Calculate the segment y-moment of inertia about its mass center to the file Real kyy = scaledSegment.getYRadiusOfGyrationInMM()/1000.0; segmentIyy[i] = segmentMassInKg[i] * pow(kyy,2); // Get the segment z-radius of gyration about its mass center to the file // Calculate the segment z-moment of inertia about its mass center to the file Real kzz = scaledSegment.getZRadiusOfGyrationInMM()/1000.0; segmentIzz[i] = segmentMassInKg[i] * pow(kzz,2); } // Lump head, arms and torso together. Approximate COM as torso COM Real HATMass = segmentMassInKg[0]+segmentMassInKg[1]+segmentMassInKg[2]+segmentMassInKg[3]; Real adjustedHATIxx = segmentIxx[1]/segmentMassInKg[1]*HATMass; Real adjustedHATIyy = segmentIyy[1]/segmentMassInKg[1]*HATMass; Real adjustedHATIzz = segmentIzz[1]/segmentMassInKg[1]*HATMass; // Define segment halflengths for visualization purposes & also to make writing postion vectors from segment COM // to joint locations easier. Vec3 footHalfLengths( segmentScaledLengthInM[7]/2.0, segmentScaledLengthInM[7]/4.0, segmentScaledLengthInM[7]/4.0 ); Real shankHalfLength = segmentScaledLengthInM[6]/2.0; Real thighHalfLength = segmentScaledLengthInM[5]/2.0; Real HATHalfLength = segmentScaledLengthInM[1]/2.0; Real shankRadius = shankHalfLength/4.0; Real thighRadius = thighHalfLength/4.0; Real HATRadius = HATHalfLength/1.5; // The location of the segments' center of mass is a vector from the book's // origin expressed in the "x, y, z"' unit vectors fixed in the book's frame. // Example: The vector(0,0,0) locates the book's center of mass at the book's origin. // Example: The vector(1,0,0) locates the book's center of mass 1 unit in the "x" direction from the book's origin. const Vec3 footCenterOfMassLocation( 0, 0, 0); const Vec3 shankCenterOfMassLocation( 0, segmentScaledLengthInM[6]-segmentMassCenterLength[6], 0); const Vec3 thighCenterOfMassLocation( 0, segmentScaledLengthInM[5]-segmentMassCenterLength[5], 0); const Vec3 HATCenterOfMassLocation( 0, segmentScaledLengthInM[1]-segmentMassCenterLength[1], 0); // Create the segments' inertia matrix about its origin for the "x, y, z" unit vectors fixed in the book's frame. // Note: The 3x3 inertia matrix is symmetric - so only 6 elements need to be defined. // Ixx, Iyy, Izz are moments of inertia ( diagonal terms in the matrix) // Ixy, Ixz, Iyz are products of inertia (off-diagonal terms in the matrix) const Inertia footInertiaMatrix( segmentIxx[7], segmentIyy[7], segmentIzz[7] ); const Inertia shankInertiaMatrix( segmentIxx[6], segmentIyy[6], segmentIzz[6] ); const Inertia thighInertiaMatrix( segmentIxx[5], segmentIyy[5], segmentIzz[5] ); const Inertia HATInertiaMatrix( adjustedHATIxx, adjustedHATIyy, adjustedHATIzz ); // The MassProperties class holds the mass, center of mass, and inertia properties of a rigid body. // Although the next line creates an instance of the MassProperties class for each segment, // it does not get associated with the segment until the addRigidBody method. MassProperties footMassProperties( segmentMassInKg[7], footCenterOfMassLocation, footInertiaMatrix ); MassProperties shankMassProperties( segmentMassInKg[6], shankCenterOfMassLocation, shankInertiaMatrix ); MassProperties thighMassProperties( segmentMassInKg[5], thighCenterOfMassLocation, thighInertiaMatrix ); MassProperties HATMassProperties( HATMass, HATCenterOfMassLocation, HATInertiaMatrix ); // The motion of the segment is related to the motion of the ground via "mobilizers" // The "mobilizers" specify the allowable motion of the segment to the ground. // More specifically, the motion of an "outboard body" (e.g., the segment) // to its inboard body (e.g., the ground) is specified by first constructing: // 1. An "outboard frame" on the ground (which hooks to the "outboard body" - the segment ) // 2. An "inboard frame" on the segment (which hooks to the "inboard body" - the ground) // The orientation and position of the outboard frame from the ground's frame is specified below. // The outboard frame's axes are aligned with the ground's axes and its origin is coincident with the ground's origin. // In other words, for this simple problem the outboard frame and the ground frame are identical. //const Transform outboardFrameTransformFromGround; // The default constructor is the identity transform // Outboard frame for Foot to Ground Mobilizer //const Rotation outboardFrameOrientationInFoot; // ( 1,0,0, 0,1,0, 0,0,1 ); //const Vec3 outboardFrameOriginLocationFromFootOrigin( 0, 0, 0 ); //const Transform outboardFrameTransformFromFoot( outboardFrameOrientationInFoot, outboardFrameOriginLocationFromFootOrigin ); // Outboard frame for Shank to Ground Mobilizer const Rotation outboardFrameOrientationInShank; // ( 1,0,0, 0,1,0, 0,0,1 ); const Vec3 outboardFrameOriginLocationFromShankOrigin( 0, 0, 0 ); const Transform outboardFrameTransformFromShank( outboardFrameOrientationInShank, outboardFrameOriginLocationFromShankOrigin ); // Outboard frame for Thigh to Shank Mobilizer const Rotation outboardFrameOrientationInThigh; // ( 1,0,0, 0,1,0, 0,0,1 ); const Vec3 outboardFrameOriginLocationFromThighOrigin( 0, 0, 0 ); const Transform outboardFrameTransformFromThigh( outboardFrameOrientationInThigh, outboardFrameOriginLocationFromThighOrigin ); // Outboard frame for HAT to Thigh Mobilizer const Rotation outboardFrameOrientationInHAT; // ( 1,0,0, 0,1,0, 0,0,1 ); const Vec3 outboardFrameOriginLocationFromHATOrigin( 0, 0, 0 ); const Transform outboardFrameTransformFromHAT( outboardFrameOrientationInHAT, outboardFrameOriginLocationFromHATOrigin ); // The orientation and position of the inboard frame from the segment's frame is specified below. // The inboard frame's axes are aligned with the segment's axes and its origin is coincident with the segment's origin // In other words, for this simple problem the inboard frame and the segment frame are identical. // Although the inboard frame can be constructed in a simple manner analogous to the outboardFrameTransformFromGround (above) // it is worthwhile to look at the details of the rotation matrix and position vector in the transform: // a. The rotation matrix relating the InboardFrame's x,y,z axes to the SegmentFrame's x,y,z axes is specified InboardFrame_SegmentFrame. // b. The position of the InboardFrame's origin from the SegmentFrame origin, expressed in terms of the SegmentFrame's "x, y, z" unit vectors. //const Rotation inboardFrameOrientationInFoot; // ( 1,0,0, 0,1,0, 0,0,1 ); //const Vec3 inboardFrameOriginLocationFromFootOrigin( 0, 0, 0 ); //const Transform inboardFrameTransformFromFoot( inboardFrameOrientationInFoot, inboardFrameOriginLocationFromFootOrigin ); // Inboard frame for Ground to Shank Mobilizer const Rotation inboardFrameOrientationInGround; // ( 1,0,0, 0,1,0, 0,0,1 ); const Vec3 inboardFrameOriginLocationFromGroundOrigin( 0, 0, 0 ); const Transform inboardFrameTransformFromGround( inboardFrameOrientationInGround, inboardFrameOriginLocationFromGroundOrigin ); // Inboard frame for Shank to Thigh Mobilizer const Rotation inboardFrameOrientationInShank; // ( 1,0,0, 0,1,0, 0,0,1 ); const Vec3 inboardFrameOriginLocationFromShankOrigin( 0, segmentScaledLengthInM[6], 0 ); const Transform inboardFrameTransformFromShank( inboardFrameOrientationInShank, inboardFrameOriginLocationFromShankOrigin ); // Inboard frame for Thigh to HAT Mobilizer const Rotation inboardFrameOrientationInThigh; // ( 1,0,0, 0,1,0, 0,0,1 ); const Vec3 inboardFrameOriginLocationFromThighOrigin( 0, segmentScaledLengthInM[5], 0 ); const Transform inboardFrameTransformFromThigh( inboardFrameOrientationInThigh, inboardFrameOriginLocationFromThighOrigin ); // The model is a 2D simplification, with the rigid bodies moving in the saggital plane // so we specify planar mobilizers //Mobilizer footToGroundMobilizer = Mobilizer::Pin; //const BodyId footBodyId = human.addRigidBody( footMassProperties, inboardFrameTransformFromFoot, GroundId, outboardFrameTransformFromGround, footToGroundMobilizer ); Mobilizer shankToGroundMobilizer = Mobilizer::Pin; const BodyId shankBodyId = human.addRigidBody( shankMassProperties, outboardFrameTransformFromShank, GroundId, inboardFrameTransformFromGround, shankToGroundMobilizer ); Mobilizer thighToShankMobilizer = Mobilizer::Pin; const BodyId thighBodyId = human.addRigidBody( thighMassProperties, outboardFrameTransformFromThigh, shankBodyId, inboardFrameTransformFromShank, thighToShankMobilizer ); Mobilizer HATToThighMobilizer = Mobilizer::Pin; const BodyId HATBodyId = human.addRigidBody( HATMassProperties, outboardFrameTransformFromHAT, thighBodyId, inboardFrameTransformFromThigh, HATToThighMobilizer ); mbs.setMatterSubsystem( human ); // Add the matter sub-system to the system. // Add an horizontal force sub-system to this multi-body system. GeneralForceElements userForceElements; mbs.addForceSubsystem( userForceElements ); // Although "new" was used to allocate this UserForce, do not "delete it. // this bug will be fixed in the next version of Simbody so it can take an object from the stack or heap. // For now, addUSerForce takes ownership of the allocated item and takes care of deleting it at the end. // Control Force UserForceControlJointTorques *computedTorque = new UserForceControlJointTorques( shankBodyId, thighBodyId, HATBodyId, 1.0, 10.0 ); userForceElements.addUserForce( computedTorque ); // Create a state for this system. // Define appropriate states for this multi-body system. // Set the initial time to 0.0 State s; mbs.realize( s ); s.setTime( 0.0 ); // Set the initial values for the configuration variables (x,y,z) human.setMobilizerQ( s, shankBodyId , 0, -30.0*3.14/180.0 ); human.setMobilizerU( s, shankBodyId , 0, 0.0 ); human.setMobilizerQ( s, thighBodyId , 0, 60.0*3.14/180.0 ); human.setMobilizerU( s, thighBodyId , 0, 0.0 ); human.setMobilizerQ( s, HATBodyId , 0, -30.0*3.14/180.0 ); human.setMobilizerU( s, HATBodyId , 0, 0.0 ); // Create a study using the Runge Kutta Merson integrator (alternately use the CPodesIntegrator) RungeKuttaMerson myStudy( mbs, s ); // Set the numerical accuracy for the integrator myStudy.setAccuracy( 1.0E-7 ); // The next statement does lots of accounting myStudy.initialize(); // Open a file to record the simulation results (they are also displayed on screen) FILE *outputFile = FileOpenWithMessageIfCannotOpen( "MipsiResults.txt", "w" ); WriteStringToFile( "time wx wy wz Hx Hy Hz Htotal KE \n", outputFile ); WriteStringToScreen( "time wx wy wz Hx Hy Hz Htotal KE \n" ); // Visualize results with VTKReporter VTKReporter animationResults( mbs ); // For visualization purposes only, create a red brick with side equal to segment length // located at the origin for now DecorativeBrick footBrick = DecorativeBrick(footHalfLengths); footBrick.setColor(Blue); // Can also specify a Vec3 with rgb which scale from 0 to 1 footBrick.setOpacity(0.0); // 0.0 is solid and 1.0 is transparent DecorativeCylinder shankCylinder = DecorativeCylinder(shankRadius,shankHalfLength); shankCylinder.setColor(Blue); // Can also specify a Vec3 with rgb which scale from 0 to 1 shankCylinder.setOpacity(0.0); // 0.0 is solid and 1.0 is transparent DecorativeCylinder thighCylinder = DecorativeCylinder(thighRadius,thighHalfLength); thighCylinder.setColor(Red); // Can also specify a Vec3 with rgb which scale from 0 to 1 thighCylinder.setOpacity(0.0); // 0.0 is solid and 1.0 is transparent DecorativeCylinder HATCylinder = DecorativeCylinder(HATRadius,HATHalfLength); HATCylinder.setColor(Green); // Can also specify a Vec3 with rgb which scale from 0 to 1 HATCylinder.setOpacity(1.0); // 0.0 is solid and 1.0 is transparent // Decorate the segment with the red sphere at the segment's origin const Rotation segmentToCylinderOrientation; //( 1,0,0, 0,1,0, 0,0,1 ); const Vec3 shankOriginToShankCylinderOriginLocation( 0, shankHalfLength, 0 ); const Transform segmentToShankCylinderTransform( segmentToCylinderOrientation, shankOriginToShankCylinderOriginLocation ); const Vec3 thighOriginToThighCylinderOriginLocation( 0, thighHalfLength, 0 ); const Transform segmentToThighCylinderTransform( segmentToCylinderOrientation, thighOriginToThighCylinderOriginLocation ); const Vec3 HATOriginToHATCylinderOriginLocation( 0, HATHalfLength, 0 ); const Transform segmentToHATCylinderTransform( segmentToCylinderOrientation, HATOriginToHATCylinderOriginLocation ); // animationResults.addDecoration( footBodyId, segmentToRedBrickTransform, footBrick ); animationResults.addDecoration( shankBodyId, segmentToShankCylinderTransform, shankCylinder ); animationResults.addDecoration( thighBodyId, segmentToThighCylinderTransform, thighCylinder ); animationResults.addDecoration( HATBodyId, segmentToHATCylinderTransform, HATCylinder ); // Set the numerical integration step and the time for the simulation to run const Real dt = 0.001; const Real finalTime = 15.0; // Run the simulation and print the results while( 1 ) { // Query for results to be printed Real time = s.getTime(); Real kineticEnergy = mbs.getKineticEnergy(s); Real uniformGravitationalPotentialEnergy = mbs.getPotentialEnergy(s); Real mechanicalEnergy = kineticEnergy + uniformGravitationalPotentialEnergy; // Locate the book origin's from the ground's origin, expressed in terms of the ground's "x,y,z" unit vectors. // Extract the book's y-location from this vector. const Vec3 bookLocation = human.calcBodyOriginLocationInBody( s, thighBodyId, GroundId ); Real yLocation = bookLocation[1]; //// Get the book origin's angular velocity in ground, expressed in terms of the ground's "x,y,z" unit vectors. //// Extract the book's wx, wy, wz velocites from this vector. //const Vec3 bookAngularVelocityGround = human.calcBodyAngularVelocityInBody( s, footBodyId, GroundId ); // //// Get rotation matrix from Ground to Book and calculate angular velocity in book frame. //const Rotation groundToBookRotationMatrix = human.getBodyRotation( s, footBodyId ); //const InverseRotation bookToGroundRotationMatrix = groundToBookRotationMatrix.invert(); //const Vec3 bookAngularVelocityInBook = bookToGroundRotationMatrix*bookAngularVelocityGround; //Real xAngularVelocityInBook = bookAngularVelocityInBook[0]; //Real yAngularVelocityInBook = bookAngularVelocityInBook[1]; //Real zAngularVelocityInBook = bookAngularVelocityInBook[2]; //// Get the book angular Momentum about the body origin in ground, expressed in terms of the ground's "x,y,z" unit vectors. //// Extract the book's Hx, Hy, Hz velocites from this vector. //const SpatialVec bookMomentum = human.calcBodyMomentumAboutBodyOriginInGround( s, footBodyId ); ////Real xAngularMomentum = bookMomentum[0][0]; ////Real yAngularMomentum = bookMomentum[0][1]; ////Real zAngularMomentum = bookMomentum[0][2]; ////Real totalAngularMomentum = sqrt(dot(bookMomentum[0],bookMomentum[0])); //Real xAngularMomentum = xAngularVelocityInBook*segmentIxx; //Real yAngularMomentum = yAngularVelocityInBook*segmentIyy; //Real zAngularMomentum = zAngularVelocityInBook*Isegmentzz; //Real totalAngularMomentum = sqrt(pow(xAngularVelocityInBook*Ixx,2)+pow(yAngularVelocityInBook*Iyy,2)+pow(zAngularVelocityInBook*Izz,2)); //// Print results to screen WriteDoubleToFile( time, 2, stdout ); WriteDoubleToFile( yLocation, 4, stdout ); //WriteDoubleToFile( yAngularVelocityInBook, 4, stdout ); //WriteDoubleToFile( zAngularVelocityInBook, 4, stdout ); //WriteDoubleToFile( xAngularMomentum, 4, stdout ); //WriteDoubleToFile( yAngularMomentum, 4, stdout ); //WriteDoubleToFile( zAngularMomentum, 4, stdout ); //WriteDoubleToFile( totalAngularMomentum, 4, stdout ); //WriteDoubleToFile( kineticEnergy, 7, stdout ); WriteStringToScreen( "\n" ); //// Print results to file //WriteDoubleToFile( time, 2, outputFile ); //WriteDoubleToFile( xAngularVelocityInBook, 4, outputFile ); //WriteDoubleToFile( yAngularVelocityInBook, 4, outputFile ); //WriteDoubleToFile( zAngularVelocityInBook, 4, outputFile ); //WriteDoubleToFile( xAngularMomentum, 4, outputFile ); //WriteDoubleToFile( yAngularMomentum, 4, outputFile ); //WriteDoubleToFile( zAngularMomentum, 4, outputFile ); //WriteDoubleToFile( totalAngularMomentum, 4, outputFile ); //WriteDoubleToFile( kineticEnergy, 7, outputFile ); //WriteStringToFile( "\n", outputFile ); // Animate the results for this step animationResults.report(s); // Check if integration has completed if( time >= finalTime ) break; // Increment time step myStudy.step( time + dt); } // Simulation completed properly return true; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- FILE* FileOpenWithMessageIfCannotOpen( const char *filename, const char *attribute ) { // Try to open the file FILE *Fptr1 = fopen( filename, attribute ); // If unable to open the file, issue a message if( !Fptr1 ) { WriteStringToScreen( "\n\n Unable to open the file: " ); WriteStringToScreen( filename ); WriteStringToScreen( "\n\n" ); } return Fptr1; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool WriteDoubleToFile( double x, int precision, FILE *fptr ) { // Ensure the precision (number of digits in the mantissa after the decimal point) makes sense. // Next, calculate the field width so it includes one extra space to the right of the number. if( precision < 0 || precision > 17 ) precision = 5; int fieldWidth = precision + 8; // Create the format specifier and print the number char format[20]; sprintf( format, " %%- %d.%dE", fieldWidth, precision ); return fprintf( fptr, format, x ) >= 0; }