Number of relevant atoms in .pdb file: 1198 System mass (in AMU): 8.40484E+003 System center of mass position from point O (in Angstroms): -2.88959E-001 -7.36339E-001 9.00054E-002 System inertia matrix about laboratory origin (in AMU * Angstrom^2): 8.31929E+005 -6.45601E+004 3.70604E+004 -6.45601E+004 8.87808E+005 -3.15444E+004 3.70604E+004 -3.15444E+004 7.97095E+005 System inertia matrix about system's center of mass (in AMU * Angstrom^2): 8.27304E+005 -6.27717E+004 3.68418E+004 -6.27717E+004 8.87038E+005 -3.21015E+004 3.68418E+004 -3.21015E+004 7.91836E+005 Bounding box volume: 4.63353E+004