[Dissemination-aoi] Simbios Dissemination Update

Joy P. Ku joyku at stanford.edu
Fri Feb 20 17:50:22 PST 2009

Note:  I will be sending these updates out via the dissemination-aoi
mailing list from now on, so that other interested parties can also get
the information.




Dissemination Update

Week of February 15, 2009




                *Continue to see good activity (e.g., page hits,
downloads) on the project, though not as active as last week's all-time

                *About 1/3 of workshop participants have responded to

                *Look for story about OpenMM in next week's issue of

                *Gathered information for Blanca to post workshop
materials on-line


                *To be done next week:

                                --Follow-up with workshop survey and
summarize results

                                --Put together example file for users to
use to test OpenMM installation (eventually put up as part of a
publication project)



OpenMM Zephyr:

                 *To be done next week:

                                --No activity planned




                *Drafted abstract for IMAG/MSM teleconference on OpenSim
on March 3rd.


                *To be done next week:

                                --Compilation of survey results from
January OpenSim Jamboree

                                --Set up a gallery of OpenSim examples via



RNA Workshop:

                *Planned for RNA workshop

                *Worked with Sam on draft of abstract to be submitted
Monday to RNA Society


*To be done next week:

                                --Identify and set deadlines for tasks
that need to be completed for workshop 

                                                (e.g., testing software
packages, identifying example molecules to be used, writing manuals)



Collaboration with the Physiome project:

                *To be done next week:

                                --Review collaboration proposal that was
sent out




                *Edited 2nd feature story & news bytes 

                *Conducted interviews and wrote Simbios News story (on


*To be done next week:

                                --Any last minute editing that's needed



Simbios website:

                *Updated News section


                *To be done next week:

                                --Investigate implementation of RSS feed

                                --Update the Peoples page



Cross-NCBC activities:

                *Coordinated cross-NCBC calendar & RSS feed projects with
NIH's Zohara Cohen's NCBC dissemination listserv for broader NIH community

                *Got feedback from all other NCBCs and have established
means to populate the cross-NCBC calendar for all centers


                *To be done next week:

--Establish wiki for cross-NCBC dissemination 

                                --Work with Aaron on final changes to
cross-NCBC calendar and hopefully have it go live at the end of next week



Testimonial letters:

                 *To be done next week:

                                --Collect list of names of targets for
testimonial letters



Metrics & dissemination strategy:

                *To be done next week:

                                --Update metrics

                                --Review dissemination plans for next few



Joy P. Ku

Director of Dissemination

Simbios, Stanford University


(W) 650.736.8434 

(F) 650.723.7461

Email:  joyku at stanford.edu

Website:  http://simbios.stanford.edu


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