[Population Modeling] Introduction

Paudel, Bishal bishal.paudel at vanderbilt.edu
Fri Mar 25 18:01:19 PDT 2016

Hi all,

I'm a doctoral student in Dr. Vito Quaranta's group at Vanderbilt University. I am using a systems biology approach to understand how cancer cells respond to therapies. For now, I have used BRAF-mutated melanoma as a model system and looked at their response dynamics in different targeted, and chemo therapies, and have found the drug response behavior of these cells are complex and non-linear. We then developed a high -throughput assay to dissect the non-linearity in response dynamics and attribute it to non-genetic heterogeneity present within cell lines. Our recent data suggest cells might be rapidly switching between different epigenetic states to evade the apoptosis, and eventually develop resistance. To understand the phenotypic state transitions, we have developed a simple three-state model to describe the response dynamics we see in experimental data. We are in the process of identifying molecular signatures of such states, with a hope to calibrate the model, and be able to predict cancer cells response dynamics before they eventually develop some sort of resistance.

Our recent publications on quantifying heterogeneity and dynamics of fitness in response to perturbations,
Descriptions of our research interests here at Quaranta Lab (Vanderbilt University)

Bishal Paudel | PhD Candidate | Vanderbilt University
Chemical & Physical Biology Program (CPBP)
Fellow | Vanderbilt International Scholars Program (VISP)
2220 Pierce Ave--PRB 448 | Nashville | TN | 37232

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