Search found 9 matches
- Wed Aug 17, 2011 1:01 am
- Forum: DireX - Conformational Sampling under Low Resolution Restraints
- Topic: why it happens?"DId not converge!"
- Replies: 1
- Views: 1471
RE: why it happens?"DId not converge!"
<t>Hi, <br/> <br/> did you read in the original model with the -pdb option for the minimization run?<br/> <br/> If you want to run several consecutive runs, the scheme looks like this:<br/> direx -pdb start.pdb -cur model1.pdb ...<br/> direx -pdb start.pdb -p model1.pdb -cur model2.pdb ...<br/> dire...
- Thu Jul 14, 2011 1:07 am
- Forum: DireX - Conformational Sampling under Low Resolution Restraints
- Topic: Heteroatoms
- Replies: 1
- Views: 7666
RE: Heteroatoms
<t>Hi Stephan, <br/> <br/> in general DireX should be able to deal with all kinds of ligands and ions, etc. It will however assign standard parameters (like van-der-Waals radii) to those atoms that it does not recognize. This could lead to some local distortions, which you could try to correct by a ...
- Tue Jul 12, 2011 1:30 am
- Forum: DireX - Conformational Sampling under Low Resolution Restraints
- Topic: Distance restrais directly from chimera
- Replies: 1
- Views: 1329
RE: Distance restrais directly from chimera
<t>Hi, <br/> <br/> there is no direct way to do this, but this is a good idea. Chimera writes out the list of distances in this format:<br/> <br/> Model #0 is snare.pdb<br/> <br/> Distance information<br/> 1 GLU 52 CD <-> ASP 41 CG: 15.672<br/> <br/> One would need to convert the atom identifiers to...
- Tue Feb 08, 2011 9:26 am
- Forum: DireX - Conformational Sampling under Low Resolution Restraints
- Topic: The structure seems to be exoploded
- Replies: 2
- Views: 1550
RE: The structure seems to be exoploded
<r>Hi Thomas, <br/> <br/> it seems like your structure does not overlap with the map, or at least DireX thinks it is not overlapping. There has been some problems with the interpretation of the MRC origin in the past. First of all make sure your model overlaps reasonably well with the map in Chimera...
- Tue Nov 09, 2010 3:03 pm
- Forum: DireX - Conformational Sampling under Low Resolution Restraints
- Topic: direX cannot open density map
- Replies: 9
- Views: 4091
RE: direX cannot open density map
Hi Katya,
where is your direx executable located and how do you start it?
You can copy the executable into your work folder, where the pdb and map are and try to run it then with:
$> ./direx -pdb ...
where is your direx executable located and how do you start it?
You can copy the executable into your work folder, where the pdb and map are and try to run it then with:
$> ./direx -pdb ...
- Tue Nov 09, 2010 4:46 am
- Forum: DireX - Conformational Sampling under Low Resolution Restraints
- Topic: direX cannot open density map
- Replies: 9
- Views: 4091
RE: direX cannot open density map
<t>Hi Ekaterina, <br/> <br/> sorry for not replying earlier, I had an important grant deadline which<br/> took all my time. <br/> <br/> Did you get it to run in the meantime?<br/> I really do not have a good idea what the problem could be.<br/> If you try to run direx without a map, just load the pd...
- Thu Nov 04, 2010 1:50 am
- Forum: DireX - Conformational Sampling under Low Resolution Restraints
- Topic: direX cannot open density map
- Replies: 9
- Views: 4091
RE: direX cannot open density map
the error message is produced when the file is not found. It is written at a point when the content of the file is not yet looked at yet. Are you sure the map is in the same directory, or the path that you are giving is correct?
the error message is produced when the file is not found. It is written at a point when the content of the file is not yet looked at yet. Are you sure the map is in the same directory, or the path that you are giving is correct?
- Wed Nov 03, 2010 6:57 am
- Forum: DireX - Conformational Sampling under Low Resolution Restraints
- Topic: direX cannot open density map
- Replies: 9
- Views: 4091
RE: direX cannot open density map
<t>Hi, <br/> <br/> does DireX write any error message? <br/> You could try <br/> <br/> $> direx -map input.mrc -oinmap output.mrc<br/> <br/> If direx writes the identical output.mrc map, then it might not be a problem with the map but maybe with the atomic model. If you generate a synthetic density ...
- Fri Sep 10, 2010 12:59 pm
- Forum: DireX - Conformational Sampling under Low Resolution Restraints
- Topic: Maintaining beta-sheet structures
- Replies: 1
- Views: 1125
RE: Maintaining beta-sheet structures
<t>Hi Takashi,<br/> <br/> make sure the den_strength is set to 0.4, den_gamm is zero, and lower the den_secstr_loop parameter carefully from 1.0 to maybe 0.2. In addition, try a weak map_strength (0.01 or 0.02); if the forces from the density map get too large, the structure will deform to much. If ...