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by giulia mantovani
Wed Apr 04, 2012 7:10 am
Forum: OpenSim
Topic: Modified PiG markerset in OpenSim for static optimization
Replies: 3
Views: 697

Re: Modified PiG markerset in OpenSim for static optimizatio

Thank you for your suggestion! Yes, I did scale the model but, probably, I still have some adjustments to make in terms of filtering and other IK parameters. No, BodyBuilder does not give residuals. I will implement the first solution, then. Anyway, where can I find info about which joint definition...
by giulia mantovani
Fri Mar 30, 2012 11:16 am
Forum: OpenSim
Topic: Modified PiG markerset in OpenSim for static optimization
Replies: 3
Views: 697

Modified PiG markerset in OpenSim for static optimization

Hello, I am an OpenSim new user. I have data collected in Vicon according to a modified version of Plug-in-Gait (namely UOMAM) that has extra markers on the medial knee condyles and medial malleoli for the calculation of the knee and ankle joint centers. My purpose is estimating muscle forces . I wa...