Search found 12 matches

by Yury G.
Mon Aug 31, 2020 10:16 am
Forum: OpenSim
Topic: How to get body velocity and acceleration from InverseKinematicsSolver?
Replies: 4
Views: 573

Re: How to get body velocity and acceleration from InverseKinematicsSolver?

Hi, Ayman! Looking at this picture I thought that at least angular velocity and acceleration may be c...
by Yury G.
Fri Aug 28, 2020 6:26 am
Forum: OpenSim
Topic: How to get body velocity and acceleration from InverseKinematicsSolver?
Replies: 4
Views: 573

Re: How to get body velocity and acceleration from InverseKinematicsSolver?

Oh, and another thing I just tried is adding the following test function into file testIK.cpp and running it: void testAccelerationsFromInverseKinematicsSolverWithOrientation() { Model model("subject01_simbody.osim"); SimTK::State& s0 = model.initSystem(); MarkersReference mRefs{}; SimTK::Array_<Coo...
by Yury G.
Fri Aug 28, 2020 6:16 am
Forum: OpenSim
Topic: How to get body velocity and acceleration from InverseKinematicsSolver?
Replies: 4
Views: 573

How to get body velocity and acceleration from InverseKinematicsSolver?

Hi guys! I've reproduced OpenSense pipeline in real-time and get a decent skeleton motion (visualizer shows perfectly valid skeleton movements) from a set of IMU sensors by using IK solver in such a way: ... _solver = std::make_unique<OpenSim::InverseKinematicsSolver>(_model, mrefs, refs, coords, Si...
by Yury G.
Thu Jul 30, 2020 5:48 am
Forum: OpenSim
Topic: Using of EMG and MoCap data together
Replies: 2
Views: 318

Re: Using of EMG and MoCap data together

Thanks a lot! I'll read the paper and will get back on forum If I'll have any questions left.
by Yury G.
Wed Jul 29, 2020 1:55 pm
Forum: OpenSim
Topic: Using of EMG and MoCap data together
Replies: 2
Views: 318

Using of EMG and MoCap data together

Hi guys! We have a full-body suit with 14 IMU sensors and a bunch of electrodes for measuring EMG from major muscle groups. Currently, we get decent motion data by passing IMU readings into InverseKinematicsSolver() and looking forward to using EMG capabilities. So the question is what are typical u...
by Yury G.
Wed Sep 04, 2019 9:34 am
Forum: OpenSim
Topic: Change and show geometry color dynamically
Replies: 3
Views: 289

Re: Change and show geometry color dynamically

Thank for a quick reply, Ayman! So if I understood correctly calling m_model.updMultibodySystem().realizeModel(state); after making changes to a model should help, but it doesn't. Also maybe there is some more "right" path to follow here in order to dynamically visualize flashing spheres in OpenSim?...
by Yury G.
Tue Sep 03, 2019 9:51 am
Forum: OpenSim
Topic: Change and show geometry color dynamically
Replies: 3
Views: 289

Change and show geometry color dynamically

Hi! I have a loop in which I'd like to change a color of a geometry (after some conditions are met) and show it in visualizer. So I have something like this: while (true) { ... if (some condition) { auto& body = m_model.updBodySet().get("my_fancy_body"); auto& offsetFrame = body.updComponent<Physica...
by Yury G.
Thu Jun 06, 2019 8:56 am
Forum: OpenSim
Topic: If OpenSim suitable for IMU motion capture enhancement?
Replies: 6
Views: 741

Re: If OpenSim suitable for IMU motion capture enhancement?

Sure! If I succeed in creating desired model I'll be happy to share it here or, maybe, create a working example from it and put it in opensim-core sandbox.
by Yury G.
Mon Jun 03, 2019 10:16 am
Forum: OpenSim
Topic: If OpenSim suitable for IMU motion capture enhancement?
Replies: 6
Views: 741

Re: If OpenSim suitable for IMU motion capture enhancement?

Thanks for a prompt reply, James!
Indeed it does sounds interesting - signed up for the announcements!

And going back to my 2 original questions, does it sounds reasonable at all?
by Yury G.
Mon Jun 03, 2019 9:02 am
Forum: OpenSim
Topic: If OpenSim suitable for IMU motion capture enhancement?
Replies: 6
Views: 741

If OpenSim suitable for IMU motion capture enhancement?

Hi there! I'm working on an IMU-based motion capture system for rehabilitation and investigating whether I can use Simbody/OpenSim to improve current system. Current system is basically a mapping of 10 IMU quaternion orientations directly to a very simple human model in Unity. It suffers from usual ...