Search found 4 matches

by Shima Mesbah
Mon Dec 04, 2023 1:56 pm
Forum: OpenSim Moco
Topic: use MOCO in opensim 4.4 in gait analysis
Replies: 2
Views: 326

Re: use MOCO in opensim 4.4 in gait analysis

Thank you very much nick
Best regards ;)
by Shima Mesbah
Mon Dec 04, 2023 5:48 am
Forum: OpenSim Moco
Topic: use MOCO in opensim 4.4 in gait analysis
Replies: 2
Views: 326

use MOCO in opensim 4.4 in gait analysis

Hello, I am interested in working with MOCO to analyze gait, and I have some experimental data such as marker data, GRF and EMG. I would like to know how I can use the features of MOCO such as mocoInverse and mocoTrack in OpenSim version 4.4 to analyze my model. I have already analyzed my musculoske...
by Shima Mesbah
Fri Aug 26, 2022 1:44 am
Forum: OpenSim
Topic: bone display
Replies: 0
Views: 79

bone display

when I open the model, bones are not displayed. I checked it with both versions of 4.2 and 4.4 in my laptop.
by Shima Mesbah
Fri Aug 26, 2022 1:31 am
Forum: OpenSim
Topic: bone display
Replies: 0
Views: 171

bone display

when I open the model, the bones are not displayed. I checked it in both version of 4.2 and 4.4 in my laptop.