Search found 7 matches
- Sat Dec 04, 2021 6:55 am
- Forum: SimVascular: Cardiovascular Modeling and Simulation Application
- Topic: Jump in Wss contour
- Replies: 12
- Views: 688
Re: Jump in Wss contour
Dear Dr. David Parker, Thanks for your repose and running the simulation files. I am using the SV to convert the files. I have attached the file related to converting the results. I can see some errors here when the results are converted. I think you are right that one of CPU went down, because when...
- Wed Dec 01, 2021 5:33 am
- Forum: SimVascular: Cardiovascular Modeling and Simulation Application
- Topic: Jump in Wss contour
- Replies: 12
- Views: 688
Re: Jump in Wss contour
Dear Dr. David Parker, Thanks for your response. I have uploaded in Google Drive and sent the files to your email with this subject: Ezat Shokrani-Blood flow simulation files . The simulation time is too long. Therefore, I have uploaded some restart files there. You should run it using the Restart f...
- Sun Nov 28, 2021 6:14 am
- Forum: SimVascular: Cardiovascular Modeling and Simulation Application
- Topic: Jump in Wss contour
- Replies: 12
- Views: 688
Re: Jump in Wss contour
Dear Dr. David Parker and Hadi Wiputra, Thanks for your responses. Unfortunately, because there are a lot of files, it is difficult to me to upload all the files. In fact, I have other similar case studies like this and get good results from them from the first to the end of solution time and theref...
- Thu Oct 28, 2021 11:44 pm
- Forum: SimVascular: Cardiovascular Modeling and Simulation Application
- Topic: mpi Error
- Replies: 3
- Views: 347
Re: mpi Error
Dear Dr. David Parker, Thanks for your response. I have encountered some questions regarding parallel computing. I would be wondering if you could guide me. Firstly, I do not know how many cores are optimized in order to run my case study on a virtual machine and whether or not there are any limitat...
- Tue Oct 26, 2021 8:32 am
- Forum: SimVascular: Cardiovascular Modeling and Simulation Application
- Topic: mpi Error
- Replies: 3
- Views: 347
mpi Error
Dear SimVascular developers, I have installed the previous versions of the SimVascular and svsolver (SimVascular-linux-x64-2021.06.15.deb & svsolver-linux-x64-2021.06.15.deb) on a virtual machine and Ubuntu 18.04 platform. I set up my case completely. However, when I pressed the "run simulation" but...
- Fri Oct 01, 2021 10:04 pm
- Forum: SimVascular: Cardiovascular Modeling and Simulation Application
- Topic: Jump in Wss contour
- Replies: 12
- Views: 688
Jump in Wss contour
Dear SimVascular developers, I am going to simulate the blood flow in an idealized case. I am using a unsteady inflow waveform as an inlet and zero pressure as an outlet. I have simulated this case for three cardiac cycle. I am using a boundary layer mesh to compute the Wss more accurately on the wa...
- Mon Aug 16, 2021 12:26 am
- Forum: SimVascular: Cardiovascular Modeling and Simulation Application
- Topic: Setting Tolerance for basic equations
- Replies: 2
- Views: 240
Setting Tolerance for basic equations
Dear SimVascular developers, I am validating the results of blood flow simulation for an idealized pulsatile case. During that, I have encountered some problems related to setting some below parameters (with their default amounts): 1-Tolerance on Momentum Equations: 0.05 2-Tolerance on Continuity Eq...