Hello guys! Thanks a lot and congratulations to all the members of the developing team for the huge amount of work. I am really excited about exploring the new possibilities Moco provides! As mentioned during the webinar, I will first try to run the examples in Matlab before going a bit deeper with ...
Actually that was the case, I had multiple versions of 4.0 so I uninstalled all and re-installed the latest, and now it's working (at least for Windows)
Hello everybody! Thanks for your answers and thank you Ajay for the availability of the plugin. I downloaded the .dll and pasted it in the "plugins" folder of my OpenSim 4.0 directory and then saw it appear in the Tools>User Plugins menu. But then when I click, I receive an information pop-up mentio...
Hi everyone, I am currently using various musculoskeletal models to describe the manual wheelchair locomotion task. When using the upper extremity dynamic model (Saul & Murray, https://simtk.org/projects/upexdyn ) I get unrealistic values from inverse dynamics for shoulder moments (which I don't get...
Hi James, Thanks for your answer! Actually in our case, the .mot file containing generalized coordinates from IK is written in the directory specified in the .xml setup file, whereas the ik_model_marker_locations.sto files is not written. Could that be something else than a path issue? I have attach...
Hi ! We are using OpenSim for different applications, including wheelchair propulsion and golf swing. We use a custom bilateral model derived from the right-handed scapulothoracic joint model (Seth et al.). To compute the mean square error for each marker, we add the <report_marker_locations> line o...
In fact my problem is not 100% solved :/ Because when I enable the <report_marker_locations> in the xml setup file, I get the "ik_model_marker_locations.sto" output file only when I launch the IK computation from the GUI, but not when I run it through the Matlab command line (with the exact same xml...
I found another solution, which is to include the <report_marker_locations>true</report_marker_locations> line in the setup XML file for inverse kinematics. I did not have the good syntax earlier (I just tried <include_markers>) so it did not work.
Actually I am not using C++ API, only running the OS tools from Matlab. I have to admit that I am not familiar with C++.. Do I have to build a .dll library from the files you sent, in order to use it as plug-in ? Is there a particular procedure to do so ?