Search found 6 matches

by Roger Pallarès López
Mon Feb 25, 2019 2:05 am
Forum: OpenSim
Topic: Compute the total angular momentum of a model
Replies: 1
Views: 216

Compute the total angular momentum of a model

Hello all, I'm working with OpenSim API 3.3 to perform simulations in an optimal control algorithm. I wanted to compute the total angular momentum about the COM of the model. For now I found the function calcBodyMomentumAboutBodyMassCenterInGround() that calculates the angular and linear momenta abo...
by Roger Pallarès López
Thu Nov 09, 2017 5:48 am
Forum: OpenSim
Topic: inverseDynamicsSolver - appliedBodyForces
Replies: 2
Views: 1188

Re: inverseDynamicsSolver - appliedBodyForces

Thank you very much for your help. I didn't think about modifying the model and actually it's a good and fast way to solve the problem. Also, I will try to do it using this SimbodyEngine class you mentioned. Thank you so much again!
by Roger Pallarès López
Tue Nov 07, 2017 9:48 am
Forum: OpenSim
Topic: inverseDynamicsSolver - appliedBodyForces
Replies: 2
Views: 1188

inverseDynamicsSolver - appliedBodyForces

Hi all, I'm using OpenSim libraries in MATLAB to perform an inverse dynamic analysis. I'm using the inverseDynamicsSolver class. I realized I have an issue with appliedBodyForces when I'm performing the analysis. When I introduce the external forces to the appliedBodyForces spatial vector, I find ou...
by Roger Pallarès López
Mon Oct 23, 2017 9:03 am
Forum: OpenSim
Topic: Problems with memory using mexFiles and OpenSim API
Replies: 0
Views: 402

Problems with memory using mexFiles and OpenSim API

Hi all, I'm using a MEXfile C++ code for an optimization task using GPOPS in MATLAB and programming OpenSim libraries with C++. I noticed that memory is not freed at each iteration of the optimization, so after a number of iterations MATLAB crashes due to a no memory space error (RAM memory in Task ...
by Roger Pallarès López
Wed May 24, 2017 9:15 am
Forum: OpenSim
Topic: Problems using InverseDynamicsSolver function
Replies: 3
Views: 878

Re: Problems using InverseDynamicsSolver function

It looks like you mostly know what you are doing! It is great that you are trying to use the implicit form of the dynamics for your optimal control problem. It seems that you are using GPOPS. Consider looking at the code from Andrew Meyer and B.J. Fregly for using OpenSim with GPOPS-II: https://sim...
by Roger Pallarès López
Mon May 22, 2017 12:05 pm
Forum: OpenSim
Topic: Problems using InverseDynamicsSolver function
Replies: 3
Views: 878

Problems using InverseDynamicsSolver function

Hello, I am using the OpenSim API in MATLAB to solve an Inverse Dynamics analysis for a skeletal model of 10 DOF. Since I am implementing an optimal control algorithm I need to introduce generalized coordinates, velocities and accelerations to the solver. Thus, I cannot use the ‘InverseDynamicsTool’...