<t>Hi Sherm, thanks a lot for the support. I have reproduce the bug by doing this:<br/> <br/> #include "SimTKsimbody.h" //SimTK principal Library<br/> <br/> using namespace SimTK;<br/> <br/> int main() <br/> {<br/> <br/> MultibodySystem system;<br/> SimbodyMatterSubsystem matter(system); //Subsystem...
<r>Hi, I've try the class and I like it <E>:)</E>. I have a problem tought. I get vector subscript out of range exception at line 252 of ObservedPointFitter.cpp<br/> if (currentBodyIndex == (int) originalBodyIxs.size()-1 && stations[bodyIndex[id]].size() == 0. I have a system with a welded b...
Wow ! Thanks a lot, this class seems to do more than we could have ever dreamed off ! There are a lot of hidden gems in SimTK ! We will try it and give you feedback. Thanks again !
<t>Hi, I'm trying to do Inverse Kinematics with SimTK and I would like to know the best way to achieve what I want. I have the start position of the bodies in the system (an arm for example) and I have the final position of the hand and I want to know the position and orientation of the joints. I ha...
<r>Hi Tom, for the pthread file (at least for windows), you can get it at: <URL url="ftp://sourceware.org/pub/pthreads-win32/">ftp://sourceware.org/pub/pthreads-win32/</URL>, download an run "pthread-w32-v-v-v-release.exe"<br/> <br/> This will extract all the pthread include and lib you might need.<...
<t>Hi Sherman, first I want to thank you for the great help you have provided me with my other problems. It is really appreciated. I have a really recurrent assert in RungeKuttaMersonIntegratorRep::attemptAStep. It is this line: assert(t1 > t0); (t1 seems to be equal to t0). In this case, I have a a...
<t>Oups, you're right. It works now. I was wondering, what would be the best to set a range to a mobilizer ? For example, I have a MobilizerBody::Ball that I only want to move on 180 degrees (Half-Ball). Or for instance, I have a pin and I want to allow the motion on only 90 degrees. Is there an eas...
<t>Hi Peter, actually, I have achieved to make it work with a polygonal mesh. I can only make them work if they Pin. Free body doesn't seems to collide. <br/> For the HalfSpace ContactGeometry, I still get this compilation error:<br/> error C2664: 'SimTK::GeneralContactSubsystem::addBody' : cannot c...