I am, however, using Opensim 4.0 which the 'file' tab does not provide the option 'Import SIMM'.
How can I Load the model in Opensim 4.0 GUI under this situation?
How can I view the Upper Extremity Model https://simtk.org/projects/up-ext-model in Opensim 4.0?
I don't see the downloaded Zip file from the above link contains a '.osim' file...
Hi, I would like to know how the Custom Joint relating to Spacial transform in terms of formulation . Is there any paper talking about that? In Opensim GUI, I found that a coordinate(elv_angle) is trying to Rotate the axis of another coordinate(shoulder_elv). When I read the attached .osim file, I c...
Hi, Thanks for the reply. I have read the paper above. I would like to ask 1) Is 'Mobilizer coordinates (q)' means the parameters that we can tune in the Opensim GUI 'Coordinates' tap? eg. Shoulder flexion/ shoulder elevation. 2) How can I know the numerical/analytical relationship between the Euler...
In opensim, we can use the slide bar in the Coordinate Tap to change the Coordinate values. How the changes of these values relates to rotations(rotate about which frame for how many degree)?
Hi, Thanks for the reply! I have tried the following: dsrFrame = osimModel.getGround(); body = osimModel.getBodySet().get(0) transform = body.findTransformBetween(state,dsrFrame) what I get in Matlab is: transform = org.opensim.modeling.Transform@2676dc05 I would like to know how can I convert the v...
How can I know the Transformation matrix between 2 Body frames at certain State? (eg. between the humerus frame and clavicle frame or even ground frame) Are there any codes that I can use in Matlab to extract the Transformation relationship?
Thanks for your reply! After changing the new PathPoint frame, I would like to get the updated PathPoint Location with respected to the newly assigned frame. In the p = PathPoint.safeDownCast(pp) function, p becomes an empty set if pp is a MovingPathPoint. I ran the code below in Matlab to update th...
Hi, I am trying to use the function below from the Opensim API in Matlab. updateFromXMLNode (SimTK::Xml::Element & aNode, int versionNumber) I would like to change the frame of an Abstract PathPoint and get an update of its point coordinate. I am wondering what should be the inputs for the above fun...