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- Thu Aug 01, 2013 8:43 pm
- Forum: Credible Practice of Modeling & Simulation in Healthcare
- Topic: Need for the committee
- Replies: 4
- Views: 4651
Re: Need for the committee
Another important reason for the need of credible practice guide is the alternative of not having one. Without credible practice guidelines models will have adoptions issues. If there is no set standard, good models may be rejected because of novelty. Moreover early technology adopters who experienc...
- Tue Jul 02, 2013 1:16 am
- Forum: Credible Practice of Modeling & Simulation in Healthcare
- Topic: Review of summary document providing Committee overview
- Replies: 54
- Views: 36751
New wiki holds summary document - please use and make change
As Tony pointed out, it was hard to vote on the changes in the format presented in this forum. Yet Ahmet upgraded the committee web site to include a wiki. Here is a link to it: I took the time to upload the entire presentation to the wiki under the first link. You will f...
- Mon Jun 10, 2013 2:15 pm
- Forum: Credible Practice of Modeling & Simulation in Healthcare
- Topic: Link between credibility and statements of model uses
- Replies: 3
- Views: 2799
Re: Link between credibility and statements of model uses
Hi Tony, You have my support for this. And may I add that software and documentation will include examples of use that will be shipped with the implementation to demonstrate abilities and contribute to credibility? In other words, I suggest promoting credibility by example of immediate applications....
- Mon Jun 10, 2013 1:59 pm
- Forum: Credible Practice of Modeling & Simulation in Healthcare
- Topic: Review of summary document providing Committee overview
- Replies: 54
- Views: 36751
Re: Review of summary document providing Committee overview
Hi Joy, Hi Ahmet, First Joy - if you want additional reasoning for joining the committee, please look at the discussion thread "need for the committee". And thank you for the fascinating article. It does explain the resistance to new technology very well. This is why I am trying to emphasize the nee...
- Sun Jun 09, 2013 9:48 pm
- Forum: Credible Practice of Modeling & Simulation in Healthcare
- Topic: Review of summary document providing Committee overview
- Replies: 54
- Views: 36751
Re: Review of summary document providing Committee overview
Please vote on changes to the committee document Hello to all, Can you please vote on the changes to the committee document. So far only Martin and Lealem have provided responses after my request. Recall that we should have a meeting, most likely this week, and if you do not vote it will be assumed ...
- Thu Jun 06, 2013 11:27 pm
- Forum: Credible Practice of Modeling & Simulation in Healthcare
- Topic: Need for the committee
- Replies: 4
- Views: 4651
The Government Thinks Modeling and Simulation is Important
One visible title in the MODSIM world conference was: U.S. Congress has declared M&S a National Critical Technology . See: This title came from legislation that was produced by the modeling and simulation caucus. Here is a link to the web site: http://forbes.hou...
- Wed Jun 05, 2013 1:03 pm
- Forum: Credible Practice of Modeling & Simulation in Healthcare
- Topic: Definitions: Building a Glossary
- Replies: 13
- Views: 7827
Re: Definitions: Building a Glossary
Thanks Martin, This is another good source. Why not mix and match per definition? We can adopt the best fitting definition from any source and link to it. For example: Definition X: see ACM dictionary - hyperlink Definition Y: see DoD dictionary - hyperlink Definition Z : our own definition If we li...
- Wed Jun 05, 2013 6:00 am
- Forum: Credible Practice of Modeling & Simulation in Healthcare
- Topic: Definitions: Building a Glossary
- Replies: 13
- Views: 7827
Re: Definitions: Building a Glossary
Hi Ahmet, To your question, my opinion is: 1. Use Phrases or words 2. If good definition exists already - adopt and link to existing text. 3. Only if necessary - add clarification to fit our agenda We may have no time for anything more deep with the men power and time we have - unless of course you ...
- Tue Jun 04, 2013 4:00 pm
- Forum: Credible Practice of Modeling & Simulation in Healthcare
- Topic: Definitions: Building a Glossary
- Replies: 13
- Views: 7827
Re: Definitions: Building a Glossary
Hi Ahmet, John Rice from the Society for Simulation in Healthcare (SSH) sent me the link to Verification Validation & Accreditation Recommended Practice Guide (VVA RPG) from the Modeling & Simulation Coordination Office (MSCO) at DoD. Specifically, it contains a long...
- Tue Jun 04, 2013 11:37 am
- Forum: Credible Practice of Modeling & Simulation in Healthcare
- Topic: Need for the committee
- Replies: 4
- Views: 4651
The Need observed from the DDMoRe publication
With regards to the need and importance of this committee your attention is drawn towards the following paper: White Paper: Landscape on Technical and Conceptual Requirements and Competence Framework in Drug/Disease Modeling and Simulation ...