Search found 31 matches

by Burak Kula
Mon Feb 01, 2021 12:59 pm
Forum: OpenSim Moco
Topic: Minimization of CoP - Custom Goal
Replies: 4
Views: 715

Minimization of CoP - Custom Goal

Hello Everyone, Recently I am working on minimization of oscillations of CoP. As far as I realized, in Moco there no built-in codes for this task so I am planing to use a specific goal. But I faced with a problem that even if I am able to find CoP, I don't know how can I implement them with moco pro...
by Burak Kula
Fri Jan 15, 2021 6:23 am
Forum: OpenSim Moco
Topic: Custom Center of Pressure Minimization Goal...
Replies: 1
Views: 215

Custom Center of Pressure Minimization Goal...

Hello Moco Users, Currently I am trying to minimize oscillations of center of pressure during a gait in MATLAB. To do so, I used "examplePrototypeCustomGoal.m". I can run the code without any error or warning but I am not sure it works properly. Also I am not sure that minimization works. I am going...
by Burak Kula
Thu Jan 14, 2021 1:58 am
Forum: OpenSim Moco
Topic: Moco GRF_Solution Points are Zero...
Replies: 4
Views: 360

Re: Moco GRF_Solution Points are Zero...

Hello Nicholas,

Again, thank you very much for your reply and recommendation about calculation of CoP but more specifically I am looking for a code to implement this CoP calculation into Moco.

All the best,
by Burak Kula
Wed Jan 13, 2021 6:26 am
Forum: OpenSim Moco
Topic: Moco GRF_Solution Points are Zero...
Replies: 4
Views: 360

Re: Moco GRF_Solution Points are Zero...

Hi Nicholas,
Thank you for your reply.

I want to ask that are there any method to find these px, py and pz values ? For examle an extra code or extra goal perhaps.

Best Regards,
Burak KULA.
by Burak Kula
Sun Jan 10, 2021 6:01 am
Forum: OpenSim Moco
Topic: Moco GRF_Solution Points are Zero...
Replies: 4
Views: 360

Moco GRF_Solution Points are Zero...

Hi Everyone, For a while I am studying with Moco and I was using Moco ContactTrackingGoal to track GRF force of the simulation, but I realized that in GRF_solution.sto file point values "px, py and pz" are zero. My MATLAB codes are as given below. % GRF tracking contactTracking = MocoContactTracking...
by Burak Kula
Thu Jan 07, 2021 1:51 am
Forum: OpenSim Moco
Topic: Center of Pressure's Optimization in Moco
Replies: 3
Views: 255

Re: Center of Pressure's Optimization in Moco

Hello Nicholas,

Thank you for your reply. As far as I know, "MocoContactTrackingGoal" is not manipulatable. How can I manipulate or modify it as I want?

Best Regards,
by Burak Kula
Mon Jan 04, 2021 2:22 am
Forum: OpenSim Moco
Topic: Center of Pressure's Optimization in Moco
Replies: 3
Views: 255

Center of Pressure's Optimization in Moco

Hello Everyone, I am trying to optimize the center of pressure (CoP) during gait of a subject in my project. As far as I researched, there is not any function in Moco to do that. Therefore I think that I need to prepare my own custom goal of Moco. Are there any people to give me some tips about it ?...
by Burak Kula
Thu Dec 10, 2020 1:54 am
Forum: OpenSim Moco
Topic: Duration Problem
Replies: 4
Views: 309

Re: Duration Problem

Hello Ross,
Thank you for your reply.

When I run the script like this, it makes iterations.
problem.setTimeBounds(0, [0.4, 06]);

But when I run the script like this, it did not make iterations.
problem.setTimeBounds(0, [0, 0.47]);

How can I determine this time range ?

Best Regards,
Burak KULA.
by Burak Kula
Sat Dec 05, 2020 1:06 pm
Forum: OpenSim
Topic: Google Colab & MATLAB & OpenSim 4.1
Replies: 1
Views: 1149

Google Colab & MATLAB & OpenSim 4.1

Hello Everyone, I am dealing with some OpenSim analysis via MATLAB, but generally I obtain my result after 24 or more hours. I've heard about Google Colab and it can be used with Python easily. Then I tried to load my MATLAB script but I had an loading error. Also if I copy &paste my codes to Google...
by Burak Kula
Sat Dec 05, 2020 3:06 am
Forum: OpenSim Moco
Topic: Duration Problem
Replies: 4
Views: 309

Duration Problem

Hello Everyone, I have a question about the duration of visualizer's output. In my MATLAB script I make tracking and than prediction as everyone does. At the beginning of the tracking part I designate my reference data's time duration (like in example2DWalking.cpp, starting: 0.00, ending: 0.47 etc.)...