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by Lealem Mulugeta
Tue Sep 17, 2013 10:18 pm
Forum: Credible Practice of Modeling & Simulation in Healthcare
Topic: Ten Simple Rules – Practice Standard and Guidelines team
Replies: 10
Views: 4441

Ten Simple Rules – Practice Standard and Guidelines team

In an effort to narrow down the Ten Simple Rules of Credible Practice of M&S in Healthcare as seen by the "Practice Standards and Guidelines" community, I propose the following steps: 1. Start by providing a 1-3 sentence description of what the following list of rules mean to us. You are not require...
by Lealem Mulugeta
Wed Jun 05, 2013 10:31 pm
Forum: Credible Practice of Modeling & Simulation in Healthcare
Topic: Review of summary document providing Committee overview
Replies: 54
Views: 35777

Re: Changes to the summary document providing Committee over

Slide 7: Need, under Clinical Urgency: - Change the first bullet From: * There is a pressing need to utilize computational modeling & simulation to support clinical research and decision making in healthcare. To : * Modeling and simulation offers the capabilities to potentially expedite and increas...
by Lealem Mulugeta
Wed Jun 05, 2013 9:52 pm
Forum: Credible Practice of Modeling & Simulation in Healthcare
Topic: Review of summary document providing Committee overview
Replies: 54
Views: 35777

Re: Review of summary document providing Committee overview

Jacob, Thanks a lot for taking the point on this. See below for my concurrences, reservations, and recommended alternative changes. Slide 7: add Engineering before mathematical Slide 8: add especially before complicated Agreed these two changes Slide 8: extend uncertainty estimation by adding and pr...
by Lealem Mulugeta
Wed Jun 05, 2013 3:20 pm
Forum: Credible Practice of Modeling & Simulation in Healthcare
Topic: Review of summary document providing Committee overview
Replies: 54
Views: 35777

Re: Review of summary document providing Committee overview

Definition for "multiscale model." Is there some papers or reference information on this topic? ... perhaps that justify having various levels of abstraction in M&S? Multiscale modeling has become pretty common thing these days. In fact Digital Astronaut and a few other groups within NASA have been...
by Lealem Mulugeta
Wed Jun 05, 2013 2:47 pm
Forum: Credible Practice of Modeling & Simulation in Healthcare
Topic: Definitions: Building a Glossary
Replies: 13
Views: 7651

Re: Definitions: Building a Glossary

Hi all, Regarding individual entries vs phrases, I like the Jacob's three step process and I agree with Martin that relying only definition of individual words can lead to people inferring their own definition. So I am also in favor of clearly defining phrases as well as individual words. I think th...
by Lealem Mulugeta
Wed Jun 05, 2013 12:09 am
Forum: Credible Practice of Modeling & Simulation in Healthcare
Topic: Definitions: Building a Glossary
Replies: 13
Views: 7651

Re: Definitions: Building a Glossary

Ahmet, Martin Steel posed a good question that prompted me to suggest that we define Multiscale Model or Multiscale Modeling so that we are all on the same page. I think a good place to start is with the definition IMAG uses: "Multiscale biomedical modeling uses mathematics and computation to repres...
by Lealem Mulugeta
Wed Jun 05, 2013 12:05 am
Forum: Credible Practice of Modeling & Simulation in Healthcare
Topic: Review of summary document providing Committee overview
Replies: 54
Views: 35777

Re: Review of summary document providing Committee overview

Hi Martin, I just noticed that I had forgotten to the following questions. Can we get this document to assist/inform our purpose? It is not available for wider distribution yet. But I will make sure you get a copy as soon as it is. It would be helpful to see a definition for this term "multiscale mo...
by Lealem Mulugeta
Sat Jun 01, 2013 12:46 pm
Forum: Credible Practice of Modeling & Simulation in Healthcare
Topic: Definitions: Building a Glossary
Replies: 13
Views: 7651

Re: Definitions: Building a Glossary

Hi Ahmet, This is a great list you and Gary have started. I have learned that some confusions can arise when suing the flowing terms. Qualitative and Quantitative - fore example quantitative vs qualitative V&V Formal and Informal - fore example formal vs informal uncertainty quantification First pri...
by Lealem Mulugeta
Thu May 16, 2013 1:17 am
Forum: Credible Practice of Modeling & Simulation in Healthcare
Topic: Review of summary document providing Committee overview
Replies: 54
Views: 35777

Re: Review of summary document providing Committee overview

Jeff, RE: distinguish the deliverables from similar deliverables that are out there already or are under preparation by other groups with similar interests (ASME V&V40, for example). Although there might be some overlaps between ASME and CPMS deliverable, the deliverable of this CPMS will be differe...
by Lealem Mulugeta
Wed May 01, 2013 5:15 am
Forum: Credible Practice of Modeling & Simulation in Healthcare
Topic: Review of summary document providing Committee overview
Replies: 54
Views: 35777

Re: Review of summary document providing Committee overview

"in-silico"? This is the 1st time I'm exposed to this word - makes me think we're growing something in a petri dish with a silicon base (ever here of a Horta?) To be technically accurate, I'd want to avoid this term, which means it will probably ... (insert biological-humor sub-routine) ... go vira...