Hi All,
I still have the mentioned problem. It would be great if someone could help me!!
Search found 99 matches
- Thu Jul 28, 2011 7:24 pm
- Forum: OpenSim
- Topic: InitialStates in FD
- Replies: 2
- Views: 685
- Sun Jul 17, 2011 9:04 pm
- Forum: OpenSim
- Topic: InitialStates in FD
- Replies: 2
- Views: 685
InitialStates in FD
<t>Hi All,<br/> I have a simple 2DOF pendulum model and I want to input different "initialstates" to FD.<br/> As it is obvious, I have only 4 state. This is my initial states file:<br/> <br/> S26pre_CMC_states <br/> nRows=1 <br/> nColumns=4 <br/> endheader <br/> time r1_x r1_z r1_x_u r1_z_u<br/> 0 0...
- Tue Jul 12, 2011 11:39 pm
- Forum: OpenSim
- Topic: Forces between segments- inverse dynamic
- Replies: 1
- Views: 241
Forces between segments- inverse dynamic
Hi all,
I was wondering why opensim does not report the inter-segment forces when I perform an "Inverse dynamic" or "RRA" on my data? The output *.sto file only has values of torques at each joint, but not the forces.
I was wondering why opensim does not report the inter-segment forces when I perform an "Inverse dynamic" or "RRA" on my data? The output *.sto file only has values of torques at each joint, but not the forces.
- Tue Jul 05, 2011 9:42 pm
- Forum: OpenSim
- Topic: HuntCrossleyForce: Orientation of sphere
- Replies: 1
- Views: 221
HuntCrossleyForce: Orientation of sphere
Hi all;
To define a HuntCrossleyForce, we have to first define a contact sphere on a body by indicating its radius, location and orientation.I was wondering what does orientation of contact sphere mean?
To define a HuntCrossleyForce, we have to first define a contact sphere on a body by indicating its radius, location and orientation.I was wondering what does orientation of contact sphere mean?
- Mon Jul 04, 2011 8:23 pm
- Forum: OpenSim
- Topic: Forward dynamic tool and force reporter
- Replies: 3
- Views: 347
RE: Forward dynamic tool and force reporter
<t>Hi Aymen,<br/> Thanks, It's a handy feature. thanks.<br/> Just one question. To enable the ForceReporter analysis I did this:<br/> <br/> <ForceReporter name="Force_Reporter"><br/> <on>True</on><br/> <br/> which did not work. I replaced "<on>True</on>" with "<on> true </on>" and it worked.<br/> <b...
- Sun Jul 03, 2011 10:12 pm
- Forum: OpenSim
- Topic: Forward dynamic tool and force reporter
- Replies: 3
- Views: 347
Forward dynamic tool and force reporter
<t>Hi All,<br/> I was wondering if there is a way to run "force reporter analysis" within the "Forward dynamic tool"?<br/> I have an *.OSIM file which has ground-foot contact and I am looking for a *.sto file which has ground contact forces at each time step. Right now, I perform the forward dynamic...
- Wed Jun 29, 2011 9:43 pm
- Forum: OpenSim
- Topic: Implementig Hunt Crossley Contact Model
- Replies: 3
- Views: 592
RE: Implementig Hunt Crossley Contact Model
<t>Thanks Joana<br/> It was really helpful. just two more questions:<br/> 1- How should I specify contact parameters? Such as stiffness of contact bodies, friction coefficients etc.<br/> 2- If I want to use "elastic foundation force", should I define a half space again?<br/> <br/> Cheers<br/> Sina<b...
- Tue Jun 28, 2011 5:13 pm
- Forum: OpenSim
- Topic: Implementig Hunt Crossley Contact Model
- Replies: 3
- Views: 592
RE: Implementig Hunt Crossley Contact Model
Hi Joana
I have the same problem, if you have solved your problem, it would be great if you could update this post.
I have the same problem, if you have solved your problem, it would be great if you could update this post.
- Tue Jun 28, 2011 4:44 pm
- Forum: OpenSim
- Topic: Center of Pressure from Elastic Foundation
- Replies: 1
- Views: 508
RE: Center of Pressure from Elastic Foundation
<t>HI Michele<br/> I want to use "elastic foundation force" to model ground - foot contact. But I have some problems. It seems that you have done it before. it would be great if you could help me.<br/> <br/> In order to add "elastic foundation force" to my OSIM file, I added this to my osim file, wi...
- Wed Jun 22, 2011 9:18 pm
- Forum: OpenSim
- Topic: Some problems with HuntCrossleyForce
- Replies: 0
- Views: 229
Some problems with HuntCrossleyForce
<t>Hi All,<br/> I am trying to use "Hunt Crossley Force" to model foot-ground contact. I added this to my osim file, within my forceset tag:<br/> <ForceSet name=""><br/> <objects><br/> ...<br/> <HuntCrossleyForce name = "PLEASE"><br/> <isDisabled> False </isDisabled><br/> <contact_parameters><br/> <...