Dear Adam,
As of now there isn't a way for OpenSim to report/plot joint contact forces to users. We understand it's an important functionality and we hope to implement this feature in the near future.
Best regards,
Search found 2255 matches
- Tue Jan 15, 2008 3:30 pm
- Forum: OpenSim
- Topic: Joint Reaction and Contact Forces
- Replies: 13
- Views: 4029
RE: MarkerSet
<r><br/> I went ahead and uploaded the files provided by Daniel to the opensim-utils project. They should be accessible at the URL below so that other users can try them out. <br/> <br/> <URL url=""><L...
- Fri Dec 14, 2007 10:47 am
- Forum: OpenSim
- Topic: installation of OpenSim 1.1
- Replies: 3
- Views: 490
RE: installation of OpenSim 1.1
<t>So, did you try the solution I proposed earlier? <br/> <br/> I've seen a case where the installer didn't end up adding the OpenSim installation directory to the PATH because of a user PATH that was very long, or had some unusual characters. <br/> <br/> You can always check if it's a path problem ...
RE: MarkerSet
Hi Daniel,
Do you mind sharing the file you created? Other users may find it useful.
Do you mind sharing the file you created? Other users may find it useful.
- Tue Dec 11, 2007 12:55 pm
- Forum: OpenSim
- Topic: installation of OpenSim 1.1
- Replies: 3
- Views: 490
RE: installation of OpenSim 1.1
<t>Dear Carrie,<br/> <br/> Please report any prior installations of OpenSim on the machine you're installing OpenSim on. In general you should:<br/> 1. Uninstall previous versions of OpenSim (using <br/> All Programs -> OpenSim 1.0 -> Uninstall)<br/> 2. Make sure you select the radio button to<br/> ...
- Mon Dec 10, 2007 12:31 pm
- Forum: OpenSim
- Topic: Problem with actuation_speed.sto output
- Replies: 3
- Views: 1184
RE: Problem with actuation_speed.sto output
Dear Daniel,
Can you please explain the context? It's a bit hard to check/debug a problem where we don't have the model/data files.
A simplified model, or trying to reproduce the problem using our examples/data-files would be best.
Good luck,
Can you please explain the context? It's a bit hard to check/debug a problem where we don't have the model/data files.
A simplified model, or trying to reproduce the problem using our examples/data-files would be best.
Good luck,
- Fri Nov 30, 2007 5:27 pm
- Forum: OpenSim
- Topic: src repository
- Replies: 1
- Views: 697
RE: src repository
Dear Dana,
The source is not publicly available yet. Sorry if that wasn't clear from the website. We'll have a public API next summer after the code/API stabilizes.
The source is not publicly available yet. Sorry if that wasn't clear from the website. We'll have a public API next summer after the code/API stabilizes.
- Thu Nov 29, 2007 9:47 am
- Forum: OpenSim
- Topic: enlarging the time nterval
- Replies: 2
- Views: 764
RE: enlarging the time interval
<t>Dear Dana,<br/> <br/> Can you please clarify the context: what model, data files you're trying to use? <br/> The Tutorial assumes some model and data files that we distribute. The data files have actual motion data from 0. to 4. secs. I'm not sure what are the 14 and 30 secs you're referring to b...
RE: emg data
<t>Dan,<br/> <br/> Confirmed, though I have to say that the contribution of the display overhead is minmal probably except during "forward".<br/> <br/> You can also run the tools using command line version without even having to open the GUI. The GUI saves you creating the "setup" files by hand but ...
- Mon Nov 26, 2007 3:50 pm
- Forum: OpenSim
- Topic: Muscle-tendon length data from simulations
- Replies: 2
- Views: 770
RE: Muscle-tendon length data from simulation
<t>Dear Dan,<br/> <br/> You can plot muscle-tendon length for muscles in the current model during any motion (doesn't have to be a simulation) in the plot tool by picking <br/> - muscle-tendon length for Y-Quantity, <br/> - the motion of interest in the X-Quantity <br/> - select the muscles you care...