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Add more DOF to default model

Posted: Tue Jul 23, 2019 12:18 pm
by davitor3
Recentlu I realised this software and want know if i can add more DOF and muscle groups to default models.
Thank you for you attention

Re: Add more DOF to default model

Posted: Thu Jul 25, 2019 4:59 am
by tgeijten
Welcome, David!

You can add as many DOFs and muscles to the models as you want -- any OpenSim model should work in SCONE as well. However, you may need to adjust the Controller depending on what task you are trying to achieve.

For instance, the Geyer & Herr gait controller that's included in the Tutorials is catered specifically for 9 DOF / 14 muscle planar models.

Re: Add more DOF to default model

Posted: Thu Jul 25, 2019 10:55 pm
by davitor3
Hi. Thank you for you answer
You can add as many DOFs and muscles to the models as you want any OpenSim model should work in SCONE as well. However, you may need to adjust the Controller depending on what task you are trying to achieve.
I get it your point. I had seen several opensim models but I was not sure.
For instance, the Geyer & Herr gait controller that's included in the Tutorials is catered specifically for 9 DOF / 14 muscle planar models.
Where can i found more information about it? I read Geyer & Heyer article and I understand the main idea of reflex controller but I think it is not enough

Thank you again

Re: Add more DOF to default model

Posted: Fri Jul 26, 2019 4:42 am
by tgeijten
If you want to know more about how models and controllers work in SCONE, check out:

It's also very helpful to try the SCONE tutorials (especially tutorial 4):

Let me know if you have any specific questions!