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Using Scone from Command prompt for batch processing

Posted: Tue Mar 17, 2020 8:45 am
by mritula
Dear Thomas,
I have to batch process simulations in Scone, i.e passing varied maximum and minimum speeds for almost 700 trials. Can you kindly let me know how am I to do this via command prompt and syntax for using scone.exe via command prompt?

Thanks & Regards,

Re: Using Scone from Command prompt for batch processing

Posted: Wed Mar 18, 2020 3:09 am
by mritula
I am trying to execute command line scone as follows, kindly let me know how to overcome this

1. I navigated to the address of Scone exe file: .. SCONE\bin
2. I tried the following command
a. >>sconecmd.exe {-o D:\Gait_Recognition_Mritula\SCONE\Tutorials\Tutorial4aGait.scone|-e data/InitStateGait10.sto}
3. I am getting the error as follows
a. '-e' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.


Re: Using Scone from Command prompt for batch processing

Posted: Wed Mar 18, 2020 8:04 am
by tgeijten
When using the command line interface (sconecmd.exe), you should use either -o or -e:
  • -o is to optimize a .scone file (which seems to be what you want)
  • -e is if you want to evaluate a .par file from an existing optimization and generate a .sto file.
If you want to change a setting from the .scone scenario via the command line, you can use the key=value syntax, with dots to indicate child sections in the scone file. This can be a little tricky because you need to get all the names right.

For example, to run the gait tutorial optimization, but with the min_velocity of the GaitMeasure set to 1.5, enter the following command (after adjusting the path):

Code: Select all

sconecmd.exe -o  "...\Tutorials\Tutorial 4a - Gait.scone" CmaOptimizer.SimulationObjective.CompositeMeasure.GaitMeasure.min_velocity=1.5
You can add as many additional key=value pairs as you like (the names will get pretty long though).

Hope this helps!

Re: Using Scone from Command prompt for batch processing

Posted: Wed Mar 18, 2020 10:15 am
by mritula
Thanks,Thomas. It works now.
