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Asking about the defination of score and P value

Posted: Sun Oct 17, 2021 10:53 pm
by marcohan98
I'm new to the SCONE and after I run the tutorials of jump and also the Pathological Gait, I find in jump tutorial, the bigger the score is, the better performance the model will have, while it's opposite in the pathological gait.
So I'd like to know about the maths behind this two parameters.

Best regard!

Re: Asking about the defination of score and P value

Posted: Mon Oct 18, 2021 2:54 am
by tgeijten
Optimizers in SCONE can both minimize and maximize an objective function. By default, an objective is minimized, but you can specify "minimize = 0" to make the optimizer maximize the objective instead. This is the case in the jumping tutorial, where the objective is the jumping height, which needs to be maximized.

Re: Asking about the defination of score and P value

Posted: Mon Oct 18, 2021 3:36 am
by marcohan98
Well noted!
I listened to your webinar on youtube and if solved my problem. Thank you so much for your kindly reply!

Best regard,