muscle metabolic rate

SCONE is a software tool for predictive simulations of biomechanical movement. It uses OpenSim for modeling and simulation, and performs optimization using various control strategies, including feed-forward control, proprioceptic feedback control, and bal
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Samane Amini
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muscle metabolic rate

Post by Samane Amini » Fri Nov 11, 2022 12:17 pm

Hello guys

I would like to measure muscle metabolic rate of each muscles in a cycle. I wondering if which item in Analysis box shows muscle metabolic rate. So I want to know how to get it or even how to script muscle metabolic cost function.

Thank you in advance

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Thomas Geijtenbeek
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Re: muscle metabolic rate

Post by Thomas Geijtenbeek » Mon Nov 14, 2022 4:02 am

The result from the EffortMeasure only outputs the total metabolic energy expenditure. If you wish to get the data for each individual muscle, you can build something using the ScriptMeasure.