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Two models simulating

Posted: Sun Jul 16, 2023 3:36 am
by amini_opensim
Dear all

I have two models in my project. First, I simulate model 1 and save the results (muscle forces). Then, I simulate model 2 by a controller that use recorded data of model 1. This process takes a lot time and I want to do the process at the same time. Is there any way to simulate two models in a same function? I mean I script a function that simulate the model 1 and get online feedback of model 1 data for the controller of model 2? How can I script this kind of function?

Thanks for helping


Re: Two models simulating

Posted: Sun Jul 16, 2023 12:27 pm
by tgeijten
I am not sure I understand what you are trying to accomplish, but no, you cannot use the SCONE API to communicate between different simulations or optimizations.