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Getting Started with SconePy and SCONEgym - Seeking Resources

Posted: Thu Apr 04, 2024 9:36 am
by ali_fo

I'm interested in using SconePy and SCONEgym for reinforcement learning research in the domain of biomechanical simulation. My goal is to model realistic biological motion and train RL agents for various control tasks.

To get up and running, I'd appreciate resources on the following:

SconePy: Examples demonstrating how to use the Python API to control simulations, define actions relevant to biomechanics, and access simulation state information.

SCONEgym: Basic usage of SCONEgym environments for biomechanics, including how to set up scenarios, train basic RL agents, and visualize results.
I'm particularly interested in learning how SCONEgym was used to develop the depRL control strategy.

Any official documentation, tutorials, code examples, relevant research papers, or insights from those experienced with these tools would be fantastic.

Thank you!

Re: Getting Started with SconePy and SCONEgym - Seeking Resources

Posted: Fri Apr 05, 2024 1:22 am
by tgeijten
Currently, the only documentation for SconePy is:

For sconegym, there are installation instructions on the GitHub: