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Posted: Mon May 06, 2024 2:54 am
by m.kamal

I'm a student interested in using SconePy to simulate the Healthy Gait, as described in this tutorial: Healthy Gait Simulation.

I'd like to know how I can incorporate the optimizer (Tutorial 4a - Gait - OpenSim.scone) with the specified controller (ControllerGH2010.scone) and objective (MeasureGait10.scone) into the script to simulate a walking model. Are there specific functions in SconePy for loading controllers and objectives, similar to how sconepy.load_model() is used to load a model?

Any guidance on this would be greatly appreciated!

Thank you in advance for your help.

Re: SconePy

Posted: Mon May 06, 2024 6:05 am
by tgeijten
It is currently not possible to do these things via the SconePy interface, only through .scone files and/or via the SCONE Studio interface.

Any specific reason you want to do this via SconePy instead of the SCONE Studio interface?

Re: SconePy

Posted: Tue May 07, 2024 1:07 am
by m.kamal
Thank you for your prompt response.

The reason is that I'm just interested in learning how to work with SconePy. Given that SconePy won't work for this, could you shortly explain how I can achieve the same results using .scone files? Id appreciate any help to understand the necessary steps and functions for setting up the simulation through the .scone files. Specifically, Im unsure how to implement a controller and measurements into to simulate a healthy gait. The simulation results I'm getting, letting SCONE replaying the saved .sto file, show the model collapsing right away.

Thanks again for your help!

Re: SconePy

Posted: Tue May 07, 2024 2:00 am
by tgeijten
You can open and optimize the .scone files directly in SCONE Studio. The whole process is explained in these tutorials:

In addition, you can also open the .scone files in the Examples folder.