Code: Select all
energy_function = '(1/N)*(1/(1+exp(beta*(r-lambda*r0))))'
Qf = CustomBondForce(energy_function)
Then, I am passing this object as a collective variable (scalar) to a CustomCVForce using an Umbrella potential to restraint the Qf value as:
Code: Select all
QfCV = CustomCVForce('0.5*k*(Qf-Qf0)^2')
Just before crashing, I see the kinetic energy of the system getting very high and, in the trajectory, atoms are flying away in specific segments. I am not sure how the CustomCVForce object calculates the vectorial component of the force, mainly because it uses a scalar number as the driving force. But I am guessing that the problem is that the force applied is not restorative of the fraction of native contacts; kinetic energy is getting accumulated while the configuration stays far from the restrained Qf0 value.
Does anyone know how to deal with such a scenario, or maybe, has an alternative on how to implement this specific force?