Recalculate forces on atoms
Posted: Thu Jan 25, 2024 12:53 pm
I am trying to recalculate the forces acting on each atom of my system. I am combining OpenMM and MDTraj to 1) build the System, 2) loop over the trajectory frames and 3) extract the array of Forces and slice it to get only a few atoms of interest. Here is my current code for a single frame:
The thing is, the forces are different from what CHARMM provides me:
I can understand the negative/positive force convention, but I don't understand the difference in a factor of 10. Does anyone have any clue? Am I missing something in my code?
I am trying to recalculate the forces acting on each atom of my system. I am combining OpenMM and MDTraj to 1) build the System, 2) loop over the trajectory frames and 3) extract the array of Forces and slice it to get only a few atoms of interest. Here is my current code for a single frame:
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print("\n> Setting the system:\n")
print("\t- Reading force field directory...")
charmm_params = (toppar_files_here)
# reading and parsing topology and coordinates
psf = CharmmPsfFile(my_psf_file)
crd = CharmmCrdFile(my_crd_file)
print("\t- Setting box (using user's information)...")
box = 67.160261399015955*angstrom
psf.setBox(box, box, box)
print("\t- Creating system and setting parameters...")
system = psf.createSystem(charmm_params, nonbondedMethod=PME, nonbondedCutoff=1.2*nanometers, switchDistance=1.0*nanometer, ewaldErrorTolerance = 0.0005, constraints=HBonds)
# making sure each ForceGroup has its own index
forcegroups = {}
for i, force in enumerate(system.getForces()):
forcegroups[force.getName()] = i
integrator = LangevinIntegrator(temperature, 1/picosecond, dt)
simulation = Simulation(psf.topology, system, integrator)
# Calculating Energies for entire trajectory
traj = md.load(my_pdb_file, top=my_psf_file)
top = traj.topology
ligand ="resname LYS and residue 1")
print("\nAtom IDs of selection:", ligand)
forces_dict = {}
print("\n>>> Reading and Calculating:")
# update simulation context with new positions
# update simulation context with new box vectors
#a, b, c = traj.unitcell_vectors[frame]
# get updated energies
energy = simulation.context.getState(getEnergy=True).getPotentialEnergy()
energy = energy.value_in_unit(kilocalories_per_mole) # remove unit
forces = simulation.context.getState(getForces=True).getForces(asNumpy=True)
forces = forces.value_in_unit(kilocalorie/(nanometer*mole))
for id in ligand:
atomname = top.atom(id).name
resname = top.atom(id)
globalresid = top.atom(id).residue.index + 1
identifier = resname + "_" + str(globalresid) + "_" + atomname
print(identifier, forces[id])
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Fx Fy Fz
OpenMM 327.441942 174.08579 -1.07871011
CHARMM -32.745453 -17.41029 0.10701801
OpenMM -103.377675 -37.89938 54.70902991
CHARMM 10.332535 3.79285 -5.47057189