I am pretty new to molecular dynamics and wanted to ask a question about protein location. I do a simulation of a protein in water (a little modification of the tutorial - a merge of TeachOpenCADD and the tutorial) and visualize the results. What struck me is that the protein is at the brink of a cube that is created of water molecules. The visualization image:
The code:
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import openmm
import openmm as mm
from openmm import app
from openmm import unit
import mdtraj as md
import pdbfixer
def prepare_protein(
pdb_file, ignore_missing_residues=True, ignore_terminal_missing_residues=True, ph=7.0
Use pdbfixer to prepare the protein from a PDB file. Hetero atoms such as ligands are
removed and non-standard residues replaced. Missing atoms to existing residues are added.
Missing residues are ignored by default, but can be included.
pdb_file: pathlib.Path or str
PDB file containing the system to simulate.
ignore_missing_residues: bool, optional
If missing residues should be ignored or built.
ignore_terminal_missing_residues: bool, optional
If missing residues at the beginning and the end of a chain should be ignored or built.
ph: float, optional
pH value used to determine protonation state of residues
fixer: pdbfixer.pdbfixer.PDBFixer
Prepared protein system.
fixer = pdbfixer.PDBFixer(str(pdb_file))
fixer.removeHeterogens() # co-crystallized ligands are unknown to PDBFixer
fixer.findMissingResidues() # identify missing residues, needed for identification of missing atoms
# if missing terminal residues shall be ignored, remove them from the dictionary
if ignore_terminal_missing_residues:
chains = list(fixer.topology.chains())
keys = fixer.missingResidues.keys()
for key in list(keys):
chain = chains[key[0]]
if key[1] == 0 or key[1] == len(list(chain.residues())):
del fixer.missingResidues[key]
# if all missing residues shall be ignored ignored, clear the dictionary
if ignore_missing_residues:
fixer.missingResidues = {}
fixer.findNonstandardResidues() # find non-standard residue
fixer.replaceNonstandardResidues() # replace non-standard residues with standard one
fixer.findMissingAtoms() # find missing heavy atoms
fixer.addMissingAtoms() # add missing atoms and residues
fixer.addMissingHydrogens(ph) # add missing hydrogens
return fixer
# protein = prepare_protein("inputs/8aen_Achain.pdb", ignore_missing_residues=False)
protein = prepare_protein("inputs/3poz_cleaned.pdb", ignore_missing_residues=False)
forcefield = app.ForceField('amber14-all.xml', 'amber14/tip3pfb.xml')
modeller = app.Modeller(protein.topology, protein.positions)
modeller.addSolvent(forcefield, padding=2.0 * unit.nanometers)
# modeller.addSolvent(forcefield, padding=1.0 * unit.nanometers, ionicStrength=0.15 * unit.molar)
system = forcefield.createSystem(modeller.topology, nonbondedMethod=app.PME)
integrator = mm.LangevinIntegrator(
300 * unit.kelvin, 1.0 / unit.picoseconds, 2.0 * unit.femtoseconds
simulation = app.Simulation(modeller.topology, system, integrator, openmm.Platform.getPlatformByName('CUDA'))
with open("protein_water_outputs/topology_with_solvent.pdb", "w") as pdb_file:
# simulation.context.getState(getPositions=True, enforcePeriodicBox=True).getPositions(),
with open("protein_water_outputs/topology2.pdb", "w") as pdb_file:
# simulation.context.getState(getPositions=True, enforcePeriodicBox=True).getPositions(),
simulation.reporters.append(app.PDBReporter('protein_water_outputs/trajectory2.pdb', 1000))
simulation_time = 20 * unit.picoseconds
timestep = 2.0 * unit.femtoseconds
output_interval = 1000
print('Running simulation...')
simulation.context.setVelocitiesToTemperature(300 * unit.kelvin)
simulation.step(int(simulation_time / timestep))
print('Simulation complete!')