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GBSAObc setup question

Posted: Wed Oct 06, 2010 11:55 am
by sshrinivasan
I am trying to lay around with the implicit solvent model, and have a few questions about the specific parameters in the API

1. To get the radii, we need to obtain this from some file containing a mapping between AMBER atomtypes and radii. In the Gromacs example, there is a params.agb file that has this mapping. But for a non-Gromacs application, how would I go about getting these radii? I assume that in this params.agb file the "amber99_0, amber99_2" are codes for AMBER atomtypes. Is there a reference I can use to get these values for my application?

2. For the scale factors, it seems like the mapping is
H = 0.85
C = 0.72
N = 0.79
O = 0.85
S = 0.96
Is this standard for all atom AMBER?

RE: GBSAObc setup question

Posted: Wed Oct 06, 2010 4:06 pm
by friedrim
Hi Siddharth,

My understanding is that the OBC parameters (radii in the params.agb file and the hardwired scale factors in Gromacs-OpenMM) are based on Amber force-field parameterizations. We have radii for protein atom types for Amber94 and Amber99 -- I can pass these on if it would help. The scale factors are the same for these two force fields. If you are using a different (i.e, non-Amber) force field, then these parameters may not be appropriate. I will check w/ members of the Pande group to see if any of them are aware of other OBC parameters sets.


RE: GBSAObc setup question

Posted: Thu Oct 07, 2010 9:09 am
by sshrinivasan
Thanks for the reply, Mark. I am using the standard Amber99 force field, so if you can pass the radii sets to me, or point me to the reference, that would be excellent. My email is, or this forum thread is fine too.