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Ligand FEP and Zephyr in the future

Posted: Wed Dec 01, 2010 8:00 am
by ssray2000
First of all, Zephyr is a very nice interface to carry out simple MD simulations. I was wondering if a ligand mutation FEP interface will eventually be developed for Zephyr.
This would be high value. Most FEP methods either have an easy to use interface like Desmond/Maestro but can't use CUDA or others can use CUDA like NAMD but real pain to setup.
Any thought?

RE: Ligand FEP and Zephyr in the future

Posted: Wed Dec 01, 2010 12:07 pm
by peastman
We don't currently have any plans to add FEP to Zephyr, but go ahead and enter it in the feature request tracker: ... unc=browse
