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Particle position is NAN error
Posted: Tue Jun 18, 2013 1:07 pm
by bgeiss
I recently upgraded to OpenMM 5.1 and am running it on my Windows 7 PC with a Nvidia GTX 580. I have been running implicit solvent simulations (amber99sb) of a 265 amino acid protein using a script modified from the OpenMM script builder (OpenCL or CUDA, single precision). I can start the simulation, but about 1600000 steps into the run it aborts and gives me the following error:
Running Production...
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 49, in <module>
File "C:\Python26\lib\site-packages\simtk\openmm\app\", line 127,
in step, state)
File "C:\Python26\lib\site-packages\simtk\openmm\app\", line 78,
in report
PDBFile.writeModel(simulation.topology, state.getPositions(), self._out, sel
File "C:\Python26\lib\site-packages\simtk\openmm\app\", line 258, in
raise ValueError('Particle position is NaN')
ValueError: Particle position is NaN
I ran similar simulations with these input files using OpenMM 4.1 with no issues. Do you have any ideas about what may be happening?
Thank you for your time.
Re: Particle position is NAN error
Posted: Thu Jun 20, 2013 11:30 am
by peastman
Hi Brian,
This means your simulation has blown up, but it's hard to say why. There are many different things that can cause that to happen, such as using a time step that's too large or having inappropriate parameter values for the system you're simulating. Since it ran for quite a while before this happened, it's likely to be something subtle.
Is this problem reproducible? Does it always fail like this, or did it just happen once? If it's reproducible, how much variation is there in the number of time steps it gets through before the error occurs?
Can you post your files (your script and, if possible, your input files) so I can take a look at them and try to reproduce the problem?
Re: Particle position is NAN error
Posted: Sat Jun 22, 2013 12:36 pm
by bgeiss
Hi Peter,
I've been having this problem for the last month when trying to run simulations, and I haven't been able to run past ~1.5ns on any simulation. I've attached the scripts below I use to set up the system and to run the simulation below. Both were derived from the user guide.
Another possible problem may be the GPU itself. Since posting I've run the script a number of times and sometimes get a positive results for CUDA and OpenCL, and other times can only get a result for the reference platform. I've also seen clFlush exceptions that abort the simulation. The GTX 580 I'm using has been working fairly hard for the last 2 years, so it's possible it's crapping out after running a simulation for a certain period of time due to memory errors or an inability to clear GPU memory effectively. I have ordered a new card and will be testing it next week.
#Setup Script
from import *
from simtk.openmm import *
from simtk.unit import *
pdb = PDBFile('WT.pdb')
forcefield = ForceField('amber99sb.xml', 'amber99sb_obc.xml')
modeller = Modeller(pdb.topology, pdb.positions)
print('Adding hydrogens...')
modeller.addHydrogens(forcefield, pH=7.0)
system = forcefield.createSystem(modeller.topology, nonbondedMethod=CutoffNonPeriodic)
integrator = VerletIntegrator(0.001*picoseconds)
simulation = Simulation(modeller.topology, system, integrator)
positions = simulation.context.getState(getPositions=True).getPositions()
PDBFile.writeFile(simulation.topology, positions, open('WT_Fixed.pdb', 'w'))
#Production Script
from __future__ import print_function
from import *
from simtk.openmm import *
from simtk.unit import *
from sys import stdout
pdb = PDBFile('WT_Fixed.pdb')
forcefield = ForceField('amber99sb.xml', 'amber99sb_obc.xml')
system = forcefield.createSystem(pdb.topology, nonbondedMethod=PME, nonbondedCutoff=1*nanometer,
constraints=HBonds, rigidWater=True)
integrator = LangevinIntegrator(310*kelvin, 1.0/picoseconds, 2.0*femtoseconds)
platform = Platform.getPlatformByName('OpenCL')
properties = {'OpenCLPrecision': 'single'}
simulation = Simulation(pdb.topology, system, integrator, platform, properties)
simulation.reporters.append(PDBReporter('WT_Output.pdb', 10000))
simulation.reporters.append(StateDataReporter(stdout, 10000, step=True, potentialEnergy=True, temperature=True))
simulation.reporters.append(StateDataReporter('WT_Data', 10000, step=True,
time=True, potentialEnergy=True, kineticEnergy=True, totalEnergy=True,
temperature=True, volume=True, density=True))
print('Running Production...')
Re: Particle position is NAN error
Posted: Sat Jun 22, 2013 5:45 pm
by peastman
Hi Brian,
I wonder if your GPU is overheating? Does it always fail after exactly the same number of time steps? That would suggest it's something deterministic. Or does it vary, but always take roughly the same amount of time before failing? That would sound like overheating. Or is it just as likely to fail on the first step as on the 1 millionth step? That would suggest a completely non-deterministic error.
It might just be a coincidence that you began having problems around the start of summer, but then again it might not.
Re: Particle position is NAN error
Posted: Wed Jun 26, 2013 7:05 pm
by bgeiss
I installed a Nvidia GTX 780 and I am no longer having these issues. I ran a 50ns implicit simulation with no errors and am currently running a 10ns explicit simulation where everything looks to be going well. I think the GPU was either overheating or the memory was failing.
Thanks for your help.
Re: Particle position is NAN error
Posted: Thu Jun 27, 2013 10:15 am
by peastman
Ok, great. Glad to hear it's working now.