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OpenSense Capabilities with Other IMUs

Posted: Thu Jun 27, 2019 8:29 am
by goreham87
Hi everyone,

I am just wondering if anyone is using other types of IMUs in OpenSense yet, and if so, how has the process gone for you? I see that it is possible as it says this on the website: "You can create your own file converter to support any other IMU system and we plan to add support for additional sensor manufacturers in the future."

One of my big questions is how to approach the sensor fusion aspect of the data from another IMU source? For example, should I just run a Matlab sensor fusion code to do this, or is it more in-depth than that?

Finally, once sensor fusion is complete do you simply set the IMU output to match the file format as Xsens?

Thank you!

Re: OpenSense Capabilities with Other IMUs

Posted: Fri Jul 19, 2019 7:01 am
by aymanh
Hi Josh,

We assume sensor fusion was done by the imu manufacturer or by the user outside opensense (as of now), once done then you can write output files using format of one of our supported imu systems and you're good to go.

Please let us know how that goes and which Imus are you using so we can keep track.

Best regards,

Re: OpenSense Capabilities with Other IMUs

Posted: Mon Nov 04, 2019 5:52 pm
by jimmy
Hi Josh-

Do you have a brand of IMU that you are looking at using? Have you performed any sensor fusion to get quaternions yet?
